Coach Frank Sagasta

Education - Leadership - Philosophy - Positive Psychology - Life-Skills

Friday, September 13, 2024

The Undeniable LEADERS




I read a story several years ago about an eagle and a chicken. They happen to be very good friends. One day they were flying over the beautiful mountains, lakes, and rivers. They came across a farm. The chicken said, to his friend the eagle. Let’s fly down and get a bite to eat. My stomach is hurting and growling. I need food. “This sounds like a good idea and plan to me,” replied the eagle. So, the two birds glided down to earth and saw animals eating. They both decided to join them. The cow was too busy eating to even notice the two birds, but when he did, he said, “Join us and help yourself.” 

The two birds sat next to the cow and began to eat.  The cow stopped for a moment and said: welcome!  Of course, this took the two birds by surprise.  Because they were accustomed to fending for themselves.  Finding shelter or building shelter together.  Scavenging and looking for food.  The Eagle stopped eating and asked the cow. Why are you willing to share your food with us?” Asked the eagle.  The cow replied because we have plenty to eat here.  The farmer gives us all we want.”  When they finished, the chicken asked more about the farmer the cow was referring to.  The cow began by telling the two birds, “The farmer gives us food. The farmer gives us a place to live.”  The two birds were shocked!!  They always had to search and work hard for their food and to work hard for shelter.  

When it came time to leave, the chicken bag, the eagle to stay.  Maybe we should stay here since we have food and an awesome shelter over there next to the barn.  The Eagle replied, “ I don’t know about all this free stuff.”  The chicken replied, “This is the golden opportunity we have been looking for, and that farmer wants to give it to us.” The Eagle replied, “It sounds too good to be true, my dear friend.  I find it hard to believe that you can get something for nothing.  The eagle continued by saying, I truly enjoy flying high.  I truly enjoy being free in the air and through the trees.  I truly enjoy providing and working hard for my food and shelter.  It isn’t so bad.  I find it quite challenging.  It happens to be one of my favorite life lessons, and I believe I was created for it.” So, the eagle departed and went about his natural way.  The chicken decided to stay and became dinner the next week.  Why?  The Eagle could fly and sore high, but when the chicken attempted to fly, he found that he had grown too fat and lazy.  Instead of being able to fly, he could only flutter.  This made it easy for the farmer to catch him and to enjoy him. 

When you give up on the challenge of life and its pursuit of “security,” you may give up your freedom.  And if you think you know it all, you are rotten, unteachable, un-coachable, and doomed to continuous failure.  Of course, if you’re willing to face challenges and continue training, educating yourself, and studying specific skills, you are rich and of value.  Think about it. Imagine an athlete who stops training and starts making mistakes and excuses.  They won’t make a legacy for themselves.  Now, I apologize for not remembering the author of the story above, but I do remember the author behind this story below. 

This story of the frog and the scorpion is one that I have shared with my students for the past ten years.  I first heard this story told by the late, great Jim Rohn way back in 2010.  This was my first run-in with professional development.  My kids have listened to Mr. Rohn for years.  I have had the opportunity of listening to Mr. Rohn for fifteen years now and I’m still learning.  

For those unfamiliar with Jim Rohn, he has been and still is the mentor to tens of thousands of business people.  One of his most famous students is Anthony Robbins, who also worked for Jim Rohn. 75% of what Robbins teaches is what he picked up from Jim Rohn. I would recommend you write it down to share with those you care about or for those you love.  Anyway here is the story of the frog and the scorpion as Jim Rohn told it: One morning a frog was about to cross over a pond to the other side of the lake. Standing several feet away is a scorpion. The scorpion seeing that the frog is about to swim across the lake shouts; “Hey, Mr. Frog. Can I ask you for a favor?”

The frog looks over, nervously and knows full well that scorpions are the enemy of frogs and responds; “What could you possibly want with me?”

The Scorpion responds; “I see you are about to cross over the lake.  I too would like to get over to the other side but as you probably know, scorpions can’t swim.  Would you be so kind as to allow me to hop on your back and I could cross over with you?”

The frog just laughs and says; “Are you crazy? Everybody knows that scorpions sting frogs.  If I let you on my back, you will sting me and I’ll die?”

The scorpion responds; “No Mr. Frog. You are not thinking with your little frog brain.  If I sting you, yes you will die but then so will I. Why would I do that?”

The frog thinks and says,

“Yeah, that makes sense.  Scorpions are ruthless but that would be stupid.  Ok. Come on over and hop on my back.  I’ll carry you with me.”

So, the scorpion jumps on the frog's back while the frog swims across the lake.  The scorpion is making conversation with the frog and the frog is impressed at what a nice guy this scorpion is.  He then apologizes to the scorpion for being so rude to him.  But then as soon as they get halfway across the pond, the scorpion stings the frog!  The frog is amazed.  He can’t believe it.

“Why did you do that to me.  I’m going to die but so are you.”  “Because Mr. Frog, I am a scorpion, and scorpions sting frogs.  That will never change.”


So, the lessons and stories both apply to leadership.  It is the ability to bring out someone’s potential, but you cannot change their inner personalities unless, of course, they want to change.  So, beware of the scorpions and learn not to be the chicken or people like that.

Coach Frank Sagasta
Leadership Trainer and Life-Skills Coach 

Monday, September 2, 2024

How To Plant Seeds


How To Plant Seeds 

by Coach Frank Sagasta 2024

How to plant the seeds by listening, learning, and taking action in growing.  A good definition or word is TRAINING!! 

Why training?

Because it is an experience that changes our whole chemistry, biology, and psychology.  In any given situation, if one training remains unchanged, you can say that one has never listened, learned, or taken action.  When we cease to train.  We have become accustomed or conformed to the stagnation of that life.  Thus we’ve allowed ourselves to become old and we wither away like the obnoxious weeds, or sand that blow during the summer winds. 

All too often we cross the paths of people that are 25 and old and others that are still young at 80.  Why is this?  It is all a matter of attitude.  It is all a matter of training.  The successful person is always listening, learning, and taking action.  They are always looking for new opportunities to train.  To grow.  To develop.  And to become a better and more effective person.  

However, all training requires a price and a risk.  The price is time, energy, and effort.  The risk requires that we get out of our comfort zone.  Our tolerance for discomfort is too low or training and development is greatly limited.  Until one is willing to get out of this comfort zone, they will not become a better person.  And never worry over the timing of when you should start just start.  Don’t worry about not having enough opportunities in life.  I once read; When fear closes one door, Faith opens another one.  Golden opportunities will never become exhausted, because every time we seize one, at least one more appears.  

This is why, I’ve always thought of opportunities like sowing and reaping; A farmer would never plant corn and expect to harvest wheat.  Likewise, we can never plant negativity and harvest positivity.  I know it might come as a great astonishment to some people that they cannot plant hate and harvest love.  If anyone wants to plant pictures in the mind of being poor, you will always reap poverty.  If you think of yourself as a living and breathing mechanism that can be productive and overcome limitations.  You will harvest greatness and success at every opportunity.  

The farmer has been trained.  The farmer has listened.  The farmer has learned.  The farmer has taken action towards sewing so that he or she may reap.  The old book (Bible) says: “Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he reap.”  There is no greater truth known to mankind.  Therefore, whatever we want out of life, we must take the responsibility and actions of first planting the seeds.  We must listen to the season's instructions.  We must learn when to plant; what to plant and where to plant.  The seeds we plant will always determine what you are going to harvest.  You can’t get back what you have planted.  James Allen wrote in As a Man Thinketh, “As the plant springs from, and could not be without the seed, so every man springs from the hidden seeds of thoughts, and could not have appeared without them.”  James Allen continues, “Good thoughts bear good fruit, bad thoughts bad fruit.  A man will find that as he alters his thoughts towards things and other people, things and other people will alter towards him.  The vision that you glorify your mind, the ideal that you treat in your heart. This you will build your life by.  This you will become.” 

“What happens to us is less significant than what happens within us.” 

~ Lewis L. Mann 

With regards and gratitude, 

Coach Frank Sagasta

Leadership & Life-Skills Expert   


Friday, August 30, 2024

The Wizard of Leadership

The Wizard of Leadership 

by Coach Frank Sagasta August 29th, 2024 

Have you ever watched a film that reflected back to a concept you wish you knew more of today? 

I am truly confident that most of you, grew up watching one of America’s favorite films; “The Wizard of Oz.”  I know for certain that we still watch this film during the holidays.  In fact, I have incredible memories of being glued to the television, acting like it was the first time we had ever watched a movie as a kid and as a parent.  All my kid grow up watching this film and own their own copy.  Why?  Because it is a classic with deeper meaning and a concept (Leadership) that I am truly passionate about today.    

In fact, this film was so meaningful that Hollywood has made four or five different styles of the film.  As an adult, parent, and professional.  I see that the film (The Wizard of Oz) sends a vivid message of what it takes to be an effective, authentic, and quality leader in all areas of the marketplace.  


Well, let's ALL observe two of the first characters within the film.  Dorothy and The Scarecrow.


Thursday, August 22, 2024

Direction For Today


By Coach Frank Sagasta, 2024

It’s a necessity and priority for us to have balance and restoration.  Why...

In the busyness of our modern life today, I fear we have lost all rhythm of understanding.  I fear we have lost the rhythm between activity and harmony.  I fear we have lost our vision because of distraction and the lack of action.  

All too often we hear people say I am busy or they pretend to be busy.  It is almost comical when people express or share this universal expression. “I am so busy.”  They are expressing that they want a badge of honor, as if sweat deserves a trophy for exhaustion or bodies.  Our ability to withstand 80, and 90 hours is a mark of real character.  So, as long as it is in the passion, purpose, or plan that God Almighty wrote down for you.  Otherwise, our busyness can be a waste of life.  

Be a “Busy bee.”  Whatever that means!  I am convinced that we have deceived ourselves that the busier we are, the more we are accomplishing, and the more important we must be in the eyes of those around us.  But is it really so?  Does more activity really mean more accomplishment?  Does more activity really mean that you are successful?  To not be available for family or friends, to miss the sunset and the illustrious array of stars in the twilight of the morning.  Does more activity really mean that we are missing out on our obligations of life — to take deep breaths, to take in from hearing, and to use our other senses?  I’m afraid that this has become the model of a successful life.  I’m afraid there is no turning back.  

Instead of becoming more, we are just doing more — instead of becoming more, we are consuming more — instead of becoming more, we are distracted more.  We have lost values.  We have lost our vision and mission for purpose.  Based on our busyness with fillings rather than values, morals, principles, purpose, and planned priorities.  I guess it’s best to ask the question.  Are you making time for your health?  Are you making time for peace and tranquility?  Are you making time for wisdom, creativity, and contentment?  Are you making time for learning and shared wisdom?  Are you making time for memories with family and all of life's treasures?  

I challenge you to take a walk, give, thanks for the simple things, and realize how blessed you truly are in this moment.  I challenge you to take a bath with music and candles.  I challenge you to spend 10 to 15 minutes in absolute silence, turn off the cell phone, television, and computer — carve out time for restoration.  In the hustle and bustle of today's world, taking care of our mental well-being has become increasingly important.  Just as we care for our physical health or spiritual health, it's essential to prioritize our mental health through self-restoration and self-care practices.  The idea of self-restoration, self-care, and self-analization can differ from person to person, but the concept of self-restoration involves intentionally engaging in activities and practices that replenish and rejuvenate your mental, emotional, and physical energy.  It is a proactive approach to mental well-being, focusing on prevention rather than reaction.  Self-restoration allows you to better handle challenges, reduce burnout, and enhance your overall quality of life.

I have had the wonderful opportunity, luxury, and blessing of spending my summers with students here in Arizona.  Recently, we were up in the mountains and we had a slightly violent storm come through.  I am a traditional camper, which means that I use tents with sleeping bags.  So, we spent a few hours in our separate tents.  We talked through the forest and some played games in their tents.  When the storm passed, we hiked.  When the storm passed, we found a convenient time to play hide and seek in the dark using flashlights.  There is no such thing as busyness when you’re taking a pause to enjoy the environment and company of those around you.  Never allow yourself to get so busy that you miss out on the opportunity of all life has to offer.  

The last two questions: Have you been able to find the work that provides a balance of “being your authentic self” or “are you too busy doing?"  

With Gratitude, 

Coach Frank Sagasta

Leadership & Professional Skills Instructor 

H.O.P.E. LLC,  

Monday, August 19, 2024



More Successful 

By Coach Frank Sagasta 


Have you ever decided to be more successful than you were yesterday?  Are you going through this life journey aimlessly without a clear and laser focus of purpose or direction? 

Helen Keller once said, “The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision.”

Thomas Edison was a distinctive child at an early age.  He attended school for only three months with the teachers (professionals) labeling him as “Too stupid to learn anything,” this was possible because of his early hearing impairment.  His mother removed him from the school and decided to homeschool him.  She encouraged him to read and think outside the box.  He would soon develop a greater interest in science, especially chemistry.  By the age of 10, he created a small lab in the basement of their home.  At the age of 20, Thomas Edison would set up and make a laboratory in Menlo Park, New Jersey where he would spend most of his time as an inventor.  

Within two years, he had 40 different projects going on and was applying for over 400 patents a year.  Thomas said, he was often ridiculed and other labels were placed on him, but they never stopped him from creating and demonstrating the first working lightbulb.  During an interview a reporter asked, “How did you feel to fail 1000 times?’  Thomas Edison replied, “ I didn’t fail 1000 times.  The lightbulb was an invention with 10,000 steps.”  Just because someone else can’t see your vision doesn’t mean that your vision doesn’t exist.  

We all too often, have someone come through life that makes change seem almost impossible.  But as life learners, we understand the challenges.  Many times the years go by and I hear people regret that they did not start something earlier.  I think to myself that there are so many books published that have so many secrets, strategies, and stories to share that can transform our world.  In fact, there is a recently published book titled “Five Frogs on the Log.”  The essential of this book is five frogs were sitting on a log.  Four decided to jump off.  How many were left and it goes on to suggest that there were still five frogs on the log.  There is a difference between deciding and doing.  

“How wonderful it is that nobody needs weight a single moment before starting to improve the world.”   Anne Frank 

There is no greater time than to set a goal for the rest of the year.  No matter when you are reading us now is a great time.  There is something majestic or magical that happens when you clearly decide to begin to just do.  Just clarifying where you want to be in 3 to 5 years.  Then start the process start fulfilling that reality.  What an exciting way to start tomorrow the rest of this month and the rest of this year.  There is so much considerable at events to indicate that expectations of your future do, in fact, tend to create a future.  

What are three things you want to accomplish this week?  

Remember the story of the five frogs on the log and the story of Thomas Edison.  To be more successful there may be 10,000 steps that you’ll have to take action towards.  Just step up by faith and do it daily.  Never let the labels or options of other people become your reality.  

By Coach Frank Sagasta

Leadership and Professional Skills Instructor  

H.O.P.E Solutions LLC, 

The Undeniable LEADERS

  THE UNDENIABLE LEADERS COACH FRANK SAGASTA I read a story several years ago about an eagle and a chicken. They happen to be very good frie...