Coach Frank Sagasta

Education - Leadership - Philosophy - Positive Psychology - Life-Skills

Saturday, September 9, 2023

Finding The Gate To Freedom



The key to unlock our freedom and our future. 

I will never forget the days of learning about the Great Depression. It was good because fortune had another turn in store for us as a nation. It was good, because I was able to cross examine the Great Recession of the 21st-century. 

During the Great Depression, we had a new president by the name of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who at the time was sworn in and gave his first inaugural address. He would be the last president to hold office before the 25th amendment was ratified, but president. Roosevelt wasn’t able to take office until late March. This was a time of silence in our nation. This was a time of sorrow, worry, panic, and fear. Our nation had never been without a strong leader for this many months.  

I am sure many of you probably have heard the captivating short quote by FDR: “That there is nothing to fear, but fear itself.” But there is a full line that is absolutely worth reading or listening to and that applies to our nation today.  Especially, in its most difficult time that we face today. As Paul Harvey one side, and this is the rest of the story; FDR: “Let me assert my firm believe that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself; nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror, which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.” An economic depression, recession, lockdown, or reset is bad — it only makes things harder and worse for people. 

All too often, I tend to think of comparisons to the damage we do to ourselves and others for self-interest, idea, or political agenda. 

I have come to learn on factors that create more panic, more fear, and more death. Becoming more observant of the approach we see in politics today. We must think of our minds as an army. Armies must learn or train how to adapt to the complexity of havoc and chaos in modern warfare. Those individuals must become more fluid and maneuver to the ultimate extension of unpredictability. President Roosevelt practiced this daily in his actions of being proactive. He also showed resilience in everything as it came, right down to the reticular details of a strong nation. He reminds me of Dr. Victor Frankel. 

Doctor Viktor Frankl was a neurologist, psychiatrist, and a Holocaust survivor. He spent three years in concentration camps and lost most of his family, including his wife and their unborn child, there. He suffered intolerable abuse, starvation, freezing cold, and exhausting physical labor. He lost everything, including a manuscript he was working on. At one point of time he almost lost his mind. But it was Dr. Frankel, who won said: “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way.”   After Frankl was released, he published several books, writing about his expression and experiences. I have learned and been more intrigued from them all. In one of my favorite quotes, Dr. Frankl states, “When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.” And that wasn’t so different from FDR had quoted. 

So, I want you to think or to prepare your mind as those before us. To insure your thoughts as the days approach — when the time of trials bring more pain, more fear, and more panic than times before. Regardless of the situation we find ourselves, we have the ability to choose how we respond. Even if we cannot change the situation  itself, we can choose to change, always look at it and how we respond to it. That’s what being proactive. Looks like when change happens. When we choose to rise above our circumstances, situation, and trails. We find the key to unlock our freedom and our future. 

I know… I know… A lot easier said than done right? But, we all have two choices when it comes to dealing with change. First and foremost it is how we embrace it — And this change can be either economically, spiritually, physically, mentally, or emotionally. We can allow it to drown us in self-pity as a society or elevators to new hopes of prosperity, liberty, and freedom for the future. The choice is always our to decide. 

Here are three keys toward unlocking the gate toward freedom and that start with being more proactive in times of change: 

1. Be proactive in preparing your mind & emotions for the challenges, struggles, and changes. 

2. Be proactive in taking responsibility for yourself daily especially when changes occur. 

3. Be proactive in helping to equip your attitude for tomorrow’s challenges and changes. 

With Gratitude,

Coach Frank Sagasta 

                            (c) Coach Frank Sagasta 2023


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