Coach Frank Sagasta

Education - Leadership - Philosophy - Positive Psychology - Life-Skills

Saturday, August 19, 2023

Powerful Life Lessons

Throughout history, every single civilization have debated about why some achieve much greater success than others. And these arguments can be widely believed theories: Hard work, perseverance, discipline, risk taking, and superior individual habits are the essentials for great success. Everyone is capable of great success. Everyone is capable of happiness. Everyone is capable of freedom. You just have to find a way to get beyond your fears to discover and liberate the creativity within you. 

Lessons and experiences have been taught to people to assist them in maximizing themselves through this journey of life. 


I read a lot of books about general psychology, positive psychology, individual psychology, communication, leadership, philosophy, and anything else in this intriguing web of subjects. I read, reflect, and write about them on blogs, notebooks, or express them via social media platforms. It is always nice to see other’s perspectives and experiences. Now… why am I telling you this? Here’s why: because there is such an extreme consensus that people refuse to believe they can continue to learn or change their circumstances. This is a cognitive distortion or disturbance. And it bought to us from external factors, but mostly by distractions. I am absolutely sure each of us have a great idea of what those are today. 

With all that being said; what I would like to do, is share my 44 most powerful lessons from my experience that you can all learn. I know that would take too long to read, so, I won’t do that to you. For sake of time. I will however — share my top three favorites with each of you today. BUT… I have to ask you a question: what building-blocks are you missing today? Or what ingredients are you missing today to make your life a success? 

One of the most important parts of learning, growing, and progress is taking the time to reflect. Even though I am going to be 44 years old, I want to share three of my favorite lessons in the 44 years. 

I am excited to celebrate my first and last birthday with each of you! I am thrilled because I was going through some old photos and old journals. As I looked back on those moments and the learning process. I began thinking of a way to share some lessons with people in my community. All the lessons have impacted my life, and thousands of other students that sat through my classes. I have promised the creators to maximum their value and to help individuals reach their full-potential.

In fact, one of my favorite teachers, Marcus Aurelius once said: “ most will go through life with zero control, lives like a feather in the mind going, wherever the wind blows. I’m happy to sad from motivated to unmotivated. One must

regain control over their mind and make things different. Tell your mind what do you think how to feel and see if things change.”


  1. This was the first lesson: Life is exceptionally hard for people that lose their values and aspirations. Amidst the chaos or havoc of today’s civilization — true power comes from waking up and conquering yourself daily.

  1. The second lesson: Life is filled with lessons, experiences, and challenges. Stop listening to the cliché surrounding education because education is never complete. If you want to live beyond the academic average. Then determine to live fully and continually learning. Prepare for what life has to teach by being open minded to the lessons in everything you go through and those experience. Listen to those people that have value not excuses or opinions. 

  1. The third lesson: Life is about principles, values, and expectations. Always remember that reputation is more valuable than money. Your reputation is built on the foundation of your character; which something we learn at home (honesty, loyalty, integrity, and more). It entails the words you speak and the actions you take. Take care of your character above all other things in life and your reputation will take care of itself. My teachers Dr. Eric Thomas once said: “Don’t let your character take you where your character cannot keep you.”  

How each of us approach life says a lot about who we are on this planet. Maybe not the next, but on this one. In my experience and observations. It is clear that there are some who are content to passively coast through this life, hoping they land where they need to be — shooting aimlessly in the darkness of life and there are others that know what to do when the time comes early. 

I genuinely hope this short blog connects or resonates with someone today. And until the next time… have a more productive and positive rest of your day and make everyday a wonderful masterpiece. 

With gratitude,

Coach Frank Sagasta 

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