Coach Frank Sagasta

Education - Leadership - Philosophy - Positive Psychology - Life-Skills

Thursday, August 31, 2023

Art of Leadership

Is leadership an art or skill? Is leadership a purpose or a position of life… Why is leadership confusing or complicated as many have made it today? Whether you are a leader of a business, government, organization, team, or program.
  Leadership is genuinely important for effective development. Some of those areas above have money, position, title, or other. Some people have all of these things and aren't leaders, while others have none of them and still lead beautifully. 

My perspective, a man’s wealth and happiness isn’t guaranteed from his earthly riches, but certainly determined by the relationship one has with God Almighty, family, country, and ones own desires, aspirations and strategies for life. If one desires to be wealthy study wealth. One will need to understand the strategies, skills, and methods. If one desires: peace, calmness, harmony, serenity, and tranquility. He is equally capable of being rich, but one must possess the knowledge and strategies. If one desires to be learnt he will indulge himself with those books that have applications to life. If face, one will use the strategies, methods, and practices to condition is on expectation for life. If one wishes or desires to be a great businessman, he will study business and the strategies therein. 

In my 44 years on this planet. I have witnessed the decay of man’s heart, mind, and soul in the last 20 of these years. I’ve come to the realization that leadership is an art and not just a set of skills. For it requires not only a different way of thinking, but an entirely different approach to life itself. It often lies on the hands of knowledge, wisdom, understanding, and application. It is absorbed, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically. It is used in the process of life in which it elevates us, and prepares us for the battlefield of life and they accompanies us toward our destination. 

We often read books that divert us, and have a little relevance to our daily lives. We have lofty ideas, traditional values, or meaningful methods that we do not put into practice. We also have many rich experiences or educational lessons from great teachers, that we do not analyze enough, or do not inspire us, those lessons we ignore. The methods and strategies of old require a constant contact between the two realms. It is practical knowledge to the highest form. It is deep understanding to the highest form. This game of life that whispers or echoes throughout our lives is absolutely exciting — but the endeavors require deep and serious attention. This attention translates from the actions of knowledge, wisdom, understanding, and tactical conditioning. We shouldn’t ever allow someone to rob us of this serious attention that we desperately need on this journey of life. 

I believe many made leadership complicated. It's become a checklist of traits that, in the long run, have little effect on your influence, strategies, or art of genuine leadership. These ten things may point to the possibility of leadership, but they make no promises. Some people have all of these things and aren't leaders, while others have none of them and still lead beautifully. 

  1. Leadership Isn’t about charismatic actions. Your magnetism, dash, and style don't make you a leader. 

  1. Leadership isn't about eloquence. Being able to express yourself is important, but it’s not everything. 

  1. Leadership isn't about power. The title Chief Executive Officer isn’t what makes a person a leader. 

  1. Leadership isn’t about seniority. Just because you’ve outlived everyone else doesn’t make or mean you’re a leader. 

  1. Leadership isn't about popularity. You're not a leader just because everyone likes you or your social media posts. 

  1. Leadership isn't about winning. If you think you have to beat your opponent to lead, think again. 

  1. Leadership isn't about wealth. No one ever said a leader had to have money. 

  1. Leadership isn't about education. You're not a leader just because you’re degreed-up, credentialed-up or certified-up. 

  1. Leadership isn’t about being self-interest. No one ever enjoys following someone who doesn’t care for others first. 

  1. Leadership isn’t making deals with the devil. You're not a leader just because you sell yourself short or prefer the short cuts.

There’s no short cuts to the top of leadership. There are only strategies, methods, practices, and long terms of conducting through discipline. 

  1. Leadership is about: Build confidence and personal leadership competence in every aspect. 

  1. Leadership is about: Strengthen skills, strategies and relating to others and build inclusivity in your organization, team, program, or community. 

  1. Leadership is about: Enhance strategic skills to communicate logically, ethically, and concisely.

  1. Leadership is about: Developing the art of leaders through the process of strategies and a kills to take charge, to inspire, to empower others, and motivate others toward application. 

  1. Leadership is about: Powering yourself to control attitudes and reduce stress, anxiety, or feelings of guilt so you can be at your optimum best. 

We cannot control time. We cannot control change, but we can control what goes into our lives daily. Those methods, strategies, skills, or art must start by creating the high performers in all aspects of our society and at every level of age. The methodology of the extraordinary leaders have provide each of us with the mindset, skillset, and art to achieve better and different results — If we so desire!! 

With gratitude,

Coach Frank Sagasta 

(c) Coach Frank Sagasta 2023 

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