Coach Frank Sagasta

Education - Leadership - Philosophy - Positive Psychology - Life-Skills

Friday, July 7, 2023


 The Hidden Pain

KiLLinG AmEriCA 

“My alma mater was books, a good library… I could spend the rest of my life reading, just satisfying my curiosity.” ~ Malcolm X 

What would happen if schools shut-down again in this country?  What would happen if teachers just didn’t comeback to school?  What would happen if Covid-19 didn’t go away?  What is the long-term effect of absent learnedhopelessness?  Breaking news — is this the new normal for teachers?  

Work is bleed over to our time at homes.  Work is starting to suffocate us and we cannot breathe.  All of these changes — everything seems more chaotic, from college requirements, the economy; the plandemic, racism, sexism.  False information, liberty, and leaders that seem to be failing our future generations completely.  Many educators in our community, state, and country are absolutely overwhelmed, overworked, and under-applicate’d.  In fact, some are wiped out.  Some are losing their grip and have refuse to return to the classroom or left the field of education all together.  It is absolutely heartbreaking to see the educational system fall apart right before our eye. 

We have a hidden pain and crisis at the front door and 90% of the world’s richest media outlets aren’t reporting on issues or who’s responsible. This hidden pain is a global disruption to education which some say, was caused by the COVID-19 plandemic. In my observation, experience, and knowledge. I believe the shut-down played a huge role in this parallel and the effects on learning. In fact, I have read countless articles and books in the issue.  And the new math and reading performances of 11 through 17-year-olds in the United States has hit the lowest level in decades.  So, what the heck is really happening in our schools?  Do parents, guardians, and community members really care?  Who’s really responsible for the gap of learning or building a smart future for America?  Was the United States of America ever number one in world rankings in education? If so, when did the ranking begin to change?

I love asking questions! 

In fact, I’ve always wondered why people do not ask enough questions.  Not to toot my own horn, but I’m always expressing or pressing upon children (students) to ask questions.  Why? Answer — To think deeply.  To have better understanding of the subject, situation, or concept. 

With more information, we are able to understand and change the situations.  But wait Coach…I was taught to never ask questions during class and my parents get mad when I ask questions. Some of you might think that I am exaggerating on those expressions but I’m not by the slightest.  In fact, here’s an example: during covid lockdowns — certain doctors; certain politicians; and other individuals of the science community were silenced for asking too many questions.  I am sure many of you remember the particular generation. When you were never allowed to ask questions or touch anything in the store or else.  For those that don’t remember, “OR ELSE”, meant you might catch a pinch, death stare, or even a backhand for asking questions.  I’ve given the death stare to children (Students/athletes) that ask a stupid or ignorant question.  Don’t play the part folks or act all high and mighty.  I know for certain many of you have experienced those moments in history. 

This why I asked those questions above.  To make our fellow Americans think more about the livelihood of American youth.  And because I am absolutely concerned for the future of our children.  With more discoveries of the missing submarine and the massive amount of distractions going on around us.  Unless you’re actual researching or connected to the subject of matter.  Americans do not participate in paying attention on average. As I said yesterday; “Attention is dangerous.” I can only speak from professional perspective as a middle and elementary school teacher/coach and above all else a father.  I believe it is my responsibility and duty to advocate more on behalf of my family and those that can’t afford to share the truth. 

I know some of you are probably thinking…so what’s the point or what’s your opinion on fixing the key issues?  First we must come to terms with the problem.  And it starts with Government funding for education.  We have sent BILLIONS to Ukraine all while our country is dying.  Another current problem in education is disciplinary policies, schools don’t get paid to expel students.  3rd, issue is technology in education, parents/guardians demanding their children have their phones.  4th, is standardized testing which means high demands or rigor during those test weeks.  5th is participation awards EVERYONE gets one. 6th, I’ll leave that to you. 

“If you are unwilling to unlearn in order to learn than nobody can help you. For you have everything you need, for everything you want within you.” 

- Coach Frank Sagasta 

So, what do we do now that 2021-2023 academic year is unlike any other time in history?  Well… it is simple; Self-improvement.  Yes, I said it!  School need to make time for a elf-improvement which is something that ought to be continuous for all teachers and their professional development (PD) needs.  Why, because the results of professional learning benefit you the teacher and those you are compassionate over the students.  

I have been carving out time each morning for the last ten years for  professional/personal development.  Weather the self-care was going to the gym, hiking, church, or studying the field of leadership, positive psychology, individual psychology, or social emotional intelligence.  It has been a huge asset and value in my purpose on this earth.  I personally and professionally refuse to allow kids who stay up till 12 A.M. to 3 A.M. watching dumb-videos undermine my education, experience, potential, and happiness.  

If you are creating a warm welcoming environment that is engaging, loving, and empowering.   They will start to change.  It is going to take some time.  How much time? That depends on the consistency, discipline, and patience.  The Emperor Marcus Aurelius once said; “God give me patience, to reconcile with what I am not able to change. Give me strength to change what I can.  And give me wisdom to distinguish one from another.”  Will the upcoming season be challenging?  Of course!  But this is what makes us great and legendary.  Never forget that!  It is what resiliency is all about. No hidden agenda.  Just actions toward results. 

                     (c) coachfranksagasta 2023 

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