Coach Frank Sagasta

Education - Leadership - Philosophy - Positive Psychology - Life-Skills

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Turning Boys into Great Men of America



It has been a long time since I made time to write a blog. So, what’s on my mind today…8 habits or devices that can turn stupid boys into great men if practiced daily. 

“A foolish and ignorant boy is the calamity of a father an embarrassment to his mother.” 

~ Coach Frank Sagasta 

Marcus Aurelius wrote: “You could leave life right now. Let that determine what you do and say and think.” This individual has been a huge influence on my path throughout this life. Those words are still a personal reminder to continue living a life of virtue, principles, and values NOW, and not wait. Over the past 10 years, I have learned more from individuals like Emperor Marcus Aurelius about liberty, values, virtue, and living with potential than any person alive today. 

Of course, with the great help of individuals, throughout history, and those over 10 years in the book. I have read accounts of individuals that transform their personal or professional lives with habits. I wanted to do something special today for all the readers of this blog. That is to share eight habits of turning boys into great men. These habits are still practiced today. I have pressed them upon my children and those students that walk through my classroom. There’s an added bonus of two more essential habits at the end of this short read. 

And without further ado, let me share them with you. One, two, and three follow me!   

  1. Taking Responsibility. Only real adult men understand the importance of taking responsibility for their actions and decisions. They don't make excuses, or blame others for their circumstances. Instead, they own up to their mistakes, learn from them, and strive to do better daily.
  2. Developing Self-Discipline: Real adult men will make habits of cultivating self-discipline in all areas of life. They set goals, create effective routines, and stick to them because it is hard work. If one conquers and masters self-discipline, they resist instant gratification and make choices that align with their long-term values, version, and virtues. 
  3. Seeking Continuous Growth: An actual adult man is willing to commit to personal growth and lifelong learning. They actively seek new opportunities to learn from instruction, knowledge, wisdom, skills, and experiences. They embrace trials, challenges, step out of their comfort zones, and constantly push themselves to improve in all aspects of life. And it is bloody hard!! 
  4. Cultivating Emotional Intelligence: Real adult men have a greater understanding and insight of the importance of emotional intelligence. They develop self-awareness, self-management, and empathy, and regulate their emotions with others. They listen and communicate effectively. They handle conflicts maturely and build strong meaningful relationships with others. They listen to teachers, coaches, or mentors. 
  5. Showing Respect: Real men treat others with respect, regardless of their background, color of skin, or status in life. They are willing to listen attentively. They show up early because the value someone else time. They enjoy listening to someone else’s different perspectives. They treat everyone with dignity. They understand that respect is earned through actions, not demanded, entitled, or owed.
  6. Practicing Integrity: Only great adult men uphold this principle of high moral, ethical, and rational standards. They act with honesty. They act with honor. They act with character. They act with love. They act with Integrity. It is something that mustn’t be wavered in their personal or professional life. Those that value the trust and are true to their word and integrity consistently aligning their actions with the values and principles of others before their time on this earth. 
  7. Exercise Daily: Only great adult men with learn from the benefits of physical activity. They understand the importance and connection to mental and emotional well-being. When real men participate in physical activity; it boosts their neurological endorphins. It boosts their confidence. It boosts their sex drive, and it boots their productivity in life. 
  8. Embracing Leadership: Only great men have authentically embraced leadership in their lives. And their names are recorded throughout history. Some are used for negative purposes, but more for the purpose of goodwill. Great men take initiative, make decisions, inspire, or empower others to reach their full potential. They lead by example, empower those around them, and contribute positively to their: families, churches, careers, and communities. 

“You’ll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.” 

~ John C. Maxwell

I genuinely believed that the direction of our lives as men are decided more by those daily choices we make than anything else. That these choices are more influential to the person we are becoming than we often realize. In fact, they influence those we care about and love too! 

I know some will appreciate this list and others might take offense. And that is perfectly okay too! I know how easy it is to get overwhelmed with too many to-do’s each day. I have been there too!! I would have to say, my favorite part of the day though is practicing/training on the list herein.

Along with practicing gratitude and meditation which have helped with getting the greatest quality of life. These to should definitely be on the items listed above and practiced every day. I hope you enjoy it and you share them with those you care for and love. And be careful they might just change the location of where you want your life to be!! 

I have been teaching/coaching for thirteen years in my community. I have read more than 500 books since 2013. Some were from different accounts of men that acted like boys and never became real adult men. And now more than ever we live in a civilization that cannot understand the biological nature of boys and girls. And because of the massive mental confusion, we must strive harder than ever to raise boys to be exceptional men. This only comes in the format of habits, and decision-making skills. I really pray for the best for our future children in America. I pray this short blog resonates with somebody and that they might use what is necessary for their current life.


With gratitude, 

Love Coach Frank Sagasta 

Truman • Leadership Instructor • Teacher 

                                                           (c) coachfranksagasta 2023 

*Disclaimers; These writings of habits, tips, strategies, methods, or resources can only help those willing to practice them. I am not a licensed therapist. I'm a father, husband, teacher; contractor, and trucoach willing to share my learned experiences with others willing to listen and practice.   


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