Coach Frank Sagasta

Education - Leadership - Philosophy - Positive Psychology - Life-Skills

Sunday, April 30, 2023

Run Away Mind, Far Behind The World


Parents, guardians, educators, and officials need a PLAN 

As parents, guardians, educators, and leaders.  We all have a really important job to do, whether you like it or not!  That job is to inspire, encourage, challenge, and most importantly guide the next generation in learning what is essential to live a healthy life.  It is our children; It is our community of children; And it is our planet's children.  It's to guide them with standards outside the average school theology.  It is to help the next generation after them -- to better and if we aren't doing this, then we need to take full responsibility for the disease that will plague our civilization.   

It is April, 29th, 2023 and there is a crisis that few people are talking about today.  The crisis of learning loss; there have been enormous rumors about learning loss among students around the country.  


Let us start by looking into the spring of 2020, school boards, administrators, or superintendents across the country faced a terrible decision-making position: Keeping classrooms open could pose possible threats of COVID-19 deaths, or close schools and sacrifice children’s learning. All under the name of safety. So, what choice do many of us remember…Yes, they all decide to shut down schools across America, but for how long? Well… Longer periods than others, and now we are faced with the biggest educational crisis in American history. Was it truly for safety or for political entertainment? 

I’ll let you, the readers, answer those questions for yourselves. 

Of course, researchers and politicians are now learning the hard truth – that when you close schools or the economy – it comes with a stiff price! Unfortunately, that price comes to our nation's children who are paying the ultimate price. America is seeing a great decline in children’s achievement overall and historical gaps in listening, learning, understanding, and memorization – and it gets worse by race and economic status. I haven’t added the behavioral/mental concerns that were caused by the lockdown crisis, but they do exist today and at alarming rates. 

The learning loss is far greater than most parents, guardians, administrators, and politicians seem to realize. Of course, many educators across the nation realize it – some have been vocal about their concerns. Many of those teachers have been using platforms such as TikTok, YouTube, Twitter, etc. The only question now is whether our states and local governments will recognize the magnitude of the educational damage and make better plans to assist our future leaders toward becoming whole again. Because at this rate our country will cease to exist as a superpower nation. And we’re almost there without a question — you all are free to disagree about whether school closures were justified, bad decisions, or a mistake. But either way, children should not be stuck with the whole responsibility of not learning! What’s the saying; it takes a village. It would be in vain to shift the whole responsibility to the parents or guardians. It would be criminal to cast the first stone at the teachers too! So, whose fault is it… Only time will tell and history will judge those that didn’t do enough to save the planet's children from dying without a fighting chance to learn. For in life, it makes little difference who is right and who is wrong, since the only thing which counts is the accomplishments of one’s soul purpose and the contributions to the lives of others. For the secret of living is giving. And unfortunately, our students American don't know much about giving either.  

I have spent five years learning about human nature, civilization, and the influence society plays on our children to understand. If schools aren’t teaching or promoting the value of learning, building reliance, and a positive mindset toward learning — then we have a fundamental crisis on our hands. If schools are just providing students with standardized tests and memorization of events rather than learning — how to be skillful in using their brains for reading, mathematics, communication, understanding, and critical thinking. Then we are more disconnected than many will imagine. Of course, this disconnection doesn’t just come from those areas of learning in school but also at home. During this time teachers are dealing with a complex generation of children that are growing up in an isolated bubble — the bubble: (Self-entitlement, selfishness, technology, and grade achievements). We have children growing up and being taught from preschool about technology. I have witnessed this firsthand and have seen the impact like many of you reading this right now! Again this is happening at home and within the school system in America and it damages their cognitive function and personal development. I have been in the charter school system for twelve years. And these last four years have been the worst in my professional experience. 

As Americans, we must recognize the sore point of our civilization, a factor that is responsible for the permanent unhappiness and unhealthiness of many children. That factor of responsibility was and will forever be under those that birthed the name of public safety and those that permit the name to exist with the hobgoblin today. 

When people ask the question; How do we fix the situation of education in America... The answer isn't that complex -- it is a universe of tools that are practical in logic, ethics, rationale, and permissible. We must be willing to adapt to the same nature as other beautiful nations before us, whose sapphire of learning is essential toward happiness and longevity. I double dare the readers or scholars of today to research the findings of extraordinary learners in other parts of our planet. And to observe them more closely for you'll see a background of conquers. It will be evident in every attitude of learning and understanding. One will see ambitious individuals making the right choices in the instruments that lead them to superiority and humility. One mustn't see continuous learning as an unimportant or insignificant area of life. Those that do see them as such; shall surely see the disease of ignorance deeply rooted in our next generation.  

As I bring this famously short blog to a close -- I want to express something as a stakeholder in our educational system.  I write from personal and professional experience.  If it comes off offensive and too abrupt -- I am not sorry, for many of our founding leaders didn't learn from public schools. They learned from an appreciation of life experiences and were homeschooled. I know many of us can't afford to homeschool, but there is no excuse to not force our children to learn more at home too!! 


Thank you — I want to thank Dr. Jean M. Twenge, a psychology professor at San Diego State University. She has added much to my knowledge and understanding of American generations and education.

Thank you — I want to thank Dr. Alfred Adler, a world-renowned psychiatrist and founder of Adlerian Psychology at The People’s Institute in Vienna. He shared his research, experience, and knowledge of human nature. 


With gratitude, 

Coach Frank Sagasta 
Leadership Instructor and Life-Skills Coach 

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