Coach Frank Sagasta

Education - Leadership - Philosophy - Positive Psychology - Life-Skills

Monday, March 27, 2023


In this short article, I want to share my experience and observations along with insights from three of my favorite teachers of history. I challenge you to take refuge from book-learning in nature, the men and women of that time discovered the world.  

I have come to believe it is equally important to ask questions more today than ever before. Otherwise, what is the potential of learning or the purpose of having a mind, a heart, or even a conscience? What is the purpose of having curiosity? I genuinely believe a mind goes dark — when it doesn’t critically think or ask enough questions. The mind is distinguished by the good to great questions it can ask and can think upon. It is appreciated by the significance of even the simplest answer to the profound question. 

I’ve come to believe that adults and children can lose their curiosity. Ever since Covid, it has been more noticeable that human curiosity is deteriorating in quality. Along with other foundational tools that helped civilization develop into its greatness. Why? Because humanity is so distracted and mentally distorted that it reverts to a nursery-type mind. One that craves (dopamine and serotonin) for attention rather than paying attention. 

One of my favorite teachers is Aristotle who truly believed: “Out of the mouths of babies comes, if not wisdom, at least the search for it.” All too often, I catch myself expressing to my very own kids as well as my students: “Ask questions, for when you ask questions you learn and nobody can take that from you.” Even though we might be physically vulnerable or emotionally vulnerable. We have in many ways, our inner domain that is impenetrable, if the mind is sharp and always prepared for battle. Which battles am I referring to? The daily battles; are family, career, bills, health, economy, and expectation. And we can’t forget about the other battles; public opinion, self-perception, demonization, etc, 

I have taken the liberty of asking you a few questions. For instance; What is the difference between existing and not existing? What is common to all things that do exist, and what are the properties of things that do not exist? Are there different ways in which things can exist? Do some things exist only in the mind or for the mind, whereas others exist outside the mind, and whether or not they are known to us at all? Is the realm of possibility even existable? These are questions to explore, not to overthink. Even though they may seem a bit overwhelming. They are good for the person that thinks. They are good for the person who has no understanding of meaning, purpose, or potential. 

The great teacher Epictetus once said: “No, it is events that give rise to fear, when another has power over them or can prevent them, that person becomes able to inspire fear. How was the fortress destroyed? Not by iron or fire, but by judgment. Here is where we must begin, it is from this front that we must see the fortress and throw out the tyrants.” Many of these ancient teachers gave us a marvelous concept of questions that would help us to understand the meaning of questions and to think for ourselves. And how to answer them with logic, ethics, integrity, and character. All this is done for a reason. That humanity would learn how to avoid the dangerous mind. And how to safeguard and protect our liberty and soul from the tyrants that betray us from the outside. Emperor Marcus Aurelius repeated this throughout his teachings as well, saying: “Stuff cannot touch the soul,” and he was right. All the circumstances, situations, and events will always confront our minds with curiosity and questions. We will always be liable for answering. When we don’t answer we become ignorant and even enslaved by the questions and events. This is called the open gate — when one leaves the gate open all may come in and destroy the fortress of your mind. This is exactly what has taken place today — we see an array of politicians who have destroyed the integrity, character, and credibility of leadership.  And here’s a few teachers that left us all wondering where we went wrong!! 

Moral Saying of Seneca: 

No man, there’s no glare nobler than his fellow, even if it happened that his spiritual nature is better constituted, and he has more capable of higher learning. The world is the one mother of a soul, and the ultimate origin of each one of us can be traced back to her, whether the steps in the latter of dissent, be noble or humble. To no one is virtue forbidden; she is acceptable to all; she admits to everyone, she invites everyone in free men and freedmen, slaves, kings, and exiles. She regards neither birth nor fortune; the man alone is all she wants. 

It is a mistake to think that the status of a slave affects the whole of a persons nature; the nobler part of it is not touched thereby. Every single person, even if there is nothing else to recommend him, I must hold in regard, because he bears the name of man. 

In the treatment of a slave, we have to consider not how much we can do to him without being liable to punishment, but how much the nature of right and of justice allows us to do, seeing that these bid us treat gently even prisoners and purchased slaves. Although, in the treatment of a slave, everything is allowed, there is, nevertheless something which, through the common right of every living being is stigmatized as not permissible in the treatment of a man, because he is of the same nature as thyself. This, in fact, is the man which is laid upon each man, namely, that he works, when possible, for the welfare of many; if that is impracticable, that he works for the welfare of a few; feeling that, for the welfare of his neighbors, and if that is impossible, but his own. 

It is true on train, benevolence, that the bag or one over, and there is no disposition so hard and so hostile, loving, treating us to refuse love to the good people, it will be in the end I have to thank again for something more. “ another word for thanks did I get! What am I now to begin to do?” With the gods do, who began to shower benefits on us, before we are aware of it, and continue them, even though we do not thank them. 

Moral Sayings of


Nature is wonderful, and full of love for all creatures. Wait upon God, ye men. When He calls you, and releases you from service, then go to Him; but for the present remain quietly, and the position in which He has placed you. 

You carry a God about with you, and do not know it, unhappy one! You have him within yourself and do not notice it when you defile him with unclean thoughts or foul deeds. Cultivate the will to satisfy yourself, and to stand for what is right before God. Strive to be pure, one with yourself and one with God Almighty. Think silence best; say only what is necessary, and say it shortly. Above all, do not talk about my fellow man, either to praise them, or to blame them, or to compare them with others. Do not swear; never, if possible, or at any rate as seldom as possible. Your bodily wants — food, drink, clothing, housing, service, satisfying in the simplest way. Avoid unseemly joking, for there is always a danger of becoming vulgar, and joking away the respect of your fellow man. 

As you are careful when you walk in not to tread on a nail or to sprain your ankle, so take care not to let your soul get hurt. 

Moral Saying of Emperor Marcus Aurelius: 

Everything that happens, happens right, and if you can observe things carefully, you will recognize that it is so. I do not mean only in accordance with the course of nature, but much more that they happen in the accordance of the law of righteousness, and as if controlled by a been, who orders all things, according to the merits. If I am active, I am so with due regard to the general welfare. If anything happens to me, I accept it, and considerate and relation to the Almighty God, and the universal sauce from which, enclosed connection, come all our happenings. He who commits unrighteousness is godless, for universal nature, created, rational beans for one another; to help each other, where there is need, but never to enjoy one another. 

Love mankind; obey the Godhead. If thou art unwilling to get up in the morning, reflect thus: I am awaking in or to go and work as a man. Seek all die, joy and contentment, in advancing, mindful always of God, from one generally useful deed to another. The best way to avenge oneself on anyone is to avoid returning evil for evil. It is a privilege of man to love even those who do you wrong. One can reach this level by reflecting that all men are of one family with one: that their shortcomings are due to ignorance, and against their will; that, in a short time, both of you will be dead. 

What is good is necessarily useful, and that is why the good is noble man must be concerned about it. Nobody gets tired of seeking his own advantage. But doing so procures us in activity, which is natural. Never get tired, then, of seeking thine own advantage, provided thou procurest thus the advantage of others also. Treat as benefits, a man endowed with reason, that is magnanimously and noble, the animals, which are not so endowed, and indeed, all creatures whatever that can feel, but have no reason. But other men, since they are endowed with reason, treat with friendly affection. Thou has existed till now as a fragment of the universe, and wilt someday be absorbent, and my creator, or rather, thou wilt suffer a transformation and reappear as a new germ of life. Many grains of incense are destined for the same altar. Some fall soon into the flame, others later, but that makes no difference. 

I genuinely appreciate the teachers of ancient times and the few of today. Those of the academia or the intellectual minds paved the way for positive psychology or for us to think outside the box. It truly is amazing to see what is possible when you put passion, purpose, discipline, and training into your mind. Stanford psychologist Dr. Carol Dweck, once said: “This isn’t some hypothetical situation, dependent on any manner of factors from genes to environment. It’s a mindset. And it’s one you can cultivate at any point in life.” In her beautiful book “Mindset” she explains why many grow or develop into a “fixed mindset” before middle school. And how a “growth mindset,” is pretty much the exact opposite — it’s a tendency to believe that one can grow or develop into a strong mindset of intelligence. Which is an area that is stretching to exist in our future. Especially, if we don’t use our innate or God-given potential and abilities. The foundation of America will cease to exist. 

With gratitude, 

Coach Frank Sagasta 

Leadership & Life-Skills Instructor 


The Philosophy of Civilization by Dr. Albert Schweitzer 

Studies in Reading by Season & Martain 

Daily Stoicism by Ryan Holiday 

                   (c) Coach Frank Sagasta 2023 

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