Coach Frank Sagasta

Education - Leadership - Philosophy - Positive Psychology - Life-Skills

Sunday, March 19, 2023



So, I just heard that Donald J Trump, our former President of the once great America is soon to be arrested on Tuesday. Now, I don’t know the whole details, but the shenanigans going on in this country is unbelievable and interesting. Interesting because they are using the Justice Department for power. Just like; FBI, CIA, NSA, or NIH. Many of us observed how they scrutinized or manipulated us to believe that there was Russian collusion, January 6, and much more involving Trump. 

I am not a lawyer, and nor do I profess to be one but it’s quite obvious that Donald J Trump is hated by a select group of individuals in this country. These individuals have ties or are politically connected to a certain party. What blows my mind, is that the same individuals/parties cry for somatic racism, bias, spiritual hatred, or unethical practice. Just happen to be from the Democratic Party. These lawyers claim to use obstruction of justice against the former President of the United States of America. And yearslong investigation into a hush-money scheme involving adult film actress Stormy Daniels. What we have is a two-tier system of justice, plain and simple. 

I am convinced that civilization as we once remembered is gone at the hands of a politically polarized, and radical idealist. everything that I see going on, reminds me of a great book by George Orwell — if you haven’t read the book, I recommend you get a copy before it is banned from Amazon or any other book retail store. 

Why are there so many people, including those in the Democratic Party still going after the former President? Why is the Democratic Party up and arms against Donald Trump? Has the Democratic Party genuinely forgotten what it has stood for? 

Many past presidents have been strongly disliked by large portions of Americans. For instance, George Bush was strongly disliked by many Americans mostly for his Iraq war policy, his connection to the things at the World Trade Center, or family history of illegal transactions, and his hush money schemes. Barack Obama and his policies to give away our heart earn money to the corrupt banking system. That we can all attest too and see how some of those CEOs lived lavishly and thrive with parties from our tax paying money. And the list goes on with different former employees!! Yep many of them were able to pass go and collector 200, but WHY? Is it impossible to believe that maybe they were all actually connected? When I say connected, I am referring to or specifically talking about swimming, in the same swamp of corruption. Because during Donald J Trump’s presidency. He exposed the Deep State and the corruption. Many of us were blinded by manipulation, hence George Orwell, book 1984 and many others. 

The unexpected truth is that we, as a nation have fallen into a deep pit. I genuinely believe with all my heart, that even if ‘Donald J Trump’ was elected president of America for a second time. It would take more than two terms for him to eradicate the deep state. I believe that the hearts and minds of Americans, have grown cold and dark. That there is no return from its unethical practices or behavior. And we two will be remembered as a nation that fail like the great Republic of Rome. The unexpected truth is that all of these people hate Donald J. Trump. They hate what he values — and from reading, and learning more about Donald J Trump, he values individual responsibility over social responsibility. He favored low tax rates over higher tax rates. He has always been a huge favor of less government versus big government. He is valued leadership and ownership. The people at the core of their hatred toward Donald J Trump are those who hate him because of his values. What that they hated, is what he did in making America great. Despite what others think of Donald J Trump, he’s accomplished more in two years despite all the hatred, animosity, and shenanigans. Just imagine what our country would look like if people could give a positive chance or fair chance to someone. . . Think of how much more successes or accomplishment our country could achieve?  

So, what could fix America? What would make America great again? 

I genuinely believe after this next year‘s election. The person who leads the US must fix the five broken systems within the US; Our political system, our economic system, our justice system, our social system, and our educational system.

With gratitude, 

Coach Frank Sagasta

Leadership & Life-Skills Instructor 


                 (c) Coach Frank Sagasta 2023 

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