Coach Frank Sagasta

Education - Leadership - Philosophy - Positive Psychology - Life-Skills

Monday, March 13, 2023

America United

 America United


By Coach Frank Sagasta 


Has America fallen into the same trap of the Roman Empire?  Many Americans believe that the country’s predominance will last forever. Former President Ronald Reagan proclaimed ‘morning in America’ and celebrated its uniqueness and exemption from the laws of history.  However, there is no exemption from progress, only results. 

Where is America. . . 




AMERICA πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ needs help!!! 

America πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ needs more accountability — we have lost our moral and ethical values.  We have become blinded by our own ego, pride, greed, and ignorance.  Could the world’s greatest power fall like that of the Roman Empire? 

I asked my beautiful wife this morning about the peril of our border and the crisis we’ve all endured for the past three years?  Her response was rather blunt; “It’s the way the elites want it!!”  I know this isn’t the same old blog or writing that you’ve seen from me, but something about today got me wondering.  How much longer will genuine Americans put-up with the shenanigans?  Where did America go wrong?  And is there a point of return?  Can the House of Representatives or even Donald J. Trump really help to save the fallen nation of America?  With all due respect. . . I’ll give you time to deeply think about those questions.

I wholeheartedly believe that America has fallen apart.  The monstrosity of big government and open agendas that overshadowed our nation's greatest achievements.  It is now a machine of propaganda that includes; agendas, political, ideological, and psychological manipulations.  Americans have become so drugged up by discrimination and distractions.  Not only those drugs which are consuming our citizens too!!  But I am referring to the drug of attention.  Because of this attention drug, we as a society have lost all values of respect and responsibility.  The respect and responsibility of our citizens and future generations.  The respect and responsibility to deep thinking or even speaking with eloquence on key issues.  We have lost the vision of life in general — all because of this attention drug that has hijacked our God given ability to pay attention to the things that matter most.  If you ask a few kids ages 10 - 22 today about dreams, goals, or vision of the future in America — many fall prey to the reality that they don’t know.  

I was born August 29th, 1979 in Riverside, California. — America was still divided, but not as divided as it is presently.  These days it feels as if the United States has never been less united and cannot seem to get back on track.  The nation, it seems, has become irrevocably fractured along political and ideological lines — Republican/Democrat, liberal/conservative, red/blue, black/white, gay/straight, right/wrong, rich/poor, or intelligent/ignorance, etc.  I know for certain that we have changed as a nation and not for the sake of betterment, but worse!!  Even sitting down for Christmas, Thanksgiving, or dinner with friends has never been more uncomfortable and the admonition to avoid discussing religion, politics, education, economics, or even raising children.  

Did the plandemic really change the cognitive structure or function of society?  

Over the past three years, I have had the greatest opportunity of speaking with individuals much older and wiser than I and they also feel that the nation has never been so split.  Many agree that we’ve been more politically conscious for more than a few decades and therefore have a narrow timeline from which to compare.  Still, there is good evidence that proves American political parties have become increasingly polarized over the past 20-30 years.  The question — what happens when nations of democracies become polarized?  And what are the long-term effects of polarized politics in our ‘United States’ democracy?  

There are two wonderful articles to help any individual to understand the point of which I am consciously trying to make.  Of course, I will add them at the end of my blog for your own observation, instruction, and understanding.  Finishing up a book by Dr. Albert Schweitzer titled; “The Philosophy of Civilization,” really opened up my mind.  Especially, on the rise of an “us versus them” mindset.  Dr. Schweitzer wrote: "Ethics is nothing other than Reverence for Life.  Reverence for Life affords me my fundamental principle of morality, namely, that good consists in maintaining, assisting and enhancing life, and to destroy, to harm or to hinder life is evil." Another great book by a brilliant psychiatrist, Dr. Jean M. Twenge, a Professor of Psychology at San Diego State University.  The title of her book; “Generation, Me.”  In my experience, education, and research.  America's sociopolitical life is evident for instance look at partisan media machine.  Look at educational institutions in America.  Look at big government institutions.  Look at social media platforms.  Look at businesses.  In fact, look at Americans' willingness to marry someone from the opposing political party or race.  Oh, America is in peril  — if you don’t want to believe me, that is okay!  I certainly, know that there are individuals who do believe as I do, and they too, believe we are in a crisis.  And that ignorance and distraction has become so entrenched into our lives, that we have forgotten the American way.  We have forgotten what respect and responsibility genuinely mean.  We have forgotten what compassion and empathy really mean.  We have forgotten what moral and ethical standards really mean.  We have forgotten what service to our country really means.  We have forgotten what unity really means.  We have allowed propaganda machine and political elites to re-fabricate our democracy.  

Let me remind each, and every single reader.  We must be willing to tighten the belts.  We must be willingly, to sacrifice, in order to redefine the greatness of our nation.  In the great book of one of the great teachers and stoicism — Plato’s “Republic" aimed to teach us all that justice, in itself, is worthwhile, and that it is better to be just than unjust.  It is better to be just than unjust for the just person avoids a life of misery, and the just person lives a happy and fulfilled life.  It also goes so far as to teach the value of moderation and self-control to citizens of democracy and democracy itself.  As we can see presently, there is no self-control or moderation only out of control behaviors and addictions. 

Look. . I am not sorry for sharing this blog!  I am not sorry for being famous.  I am not sorry for being rich and powerful.  I am not sorry for following the status  quo of graduating from one of the top elite universities.  I am not sorry for becoming the world's greatest writer, or New York’s best seller.  That is not my business or purpose on this earth.  However, it is my purpose to serve, protect, love, and to share with others that there are methods of removing from ourselves the demonic sociopolitical polarization of thinking from our society.  And it starts with removing members of these communities mentioned above.  No!! an elected official, who claims to be a leader, ought to demand from the people an unjust way of thinking and behaving. 

Articles for clarification:

                            (c) CoachFrankSagasta 2023 

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