Coach Frank Sagasta

Education - Leadership - Philosophy - Positive Psychology - Life-Skills

Wednesday, December 6, 2023


Key To Success or Potential

Why Self-Education Is Essential For Success 

By Coach Frank Sagasta 2023 

“Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one learned in school.”

– Albert Einstein

Self-education refers to learning in its purest form. It is taking on the task of gaining wisdom, knowledge, understanding, and insight for the sake of one’s own benefit. Of course, real leaders want to pass on this insight to others. However, in adulthood there’s no curriculum holding us accountable to learning and advancing ourselves in life or our careers. 

Whether we put in the time to become experts in our field is left up to us. Whether we ask ourselves the questions; what’s important in life, what’s the greatest value or how to go about learning to develop ourselves in a way that will be truly satisfying is left up to us alone.

What does “Success” truly mean? Earl Nightingale describes success as a worth idea — Jim Rohn describes success as the steady progress toward your personal goals. Goals designed by you, not someone else. There is no uniform definition of “success.” We each have an absolutely unique understanding of what it would mean to have lived a successful life. We may want financial success, relationship success, spiritual success, success in making self-developments in the field we work in, all of the above, or anything else we think is important to living happily in a way that makes us content.

The only way to define “success” objectively is the following:

  1. Wake up with a WHY.
  2. Setting a goal.
  3. Pursuit of that goal. 
  4. Achievement of that goal.
  5. Purpose of meaning within the goal.

If I succeed at something, it is because I had an idea of what I wanted to accomplish, I worked to make it happen, and ultimately, the goal I had in heart and mind when I started. 

“Self-education is, I firmly believe, the only kind of education there is.” ― Isaac Asimov

Why Self-Education Is The Key To Success? 

In 1959, Augustine "Og" Mandino was a teetering alcoholic. He soon found himself a library to get out of the rain. There, he discovered self-help books and was especially impressed by "Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude" by Napoleon Hill and W. Clement Stone. This book changed his life for ever. He is a successful businessman and writer. 

If I haven’t been clear enough, when I say “success,” I’m not only referring to financial gain of material assets or bullshit like that — Financial success is one aspect of living the lives we want or dream about, but is it really the pinnacle success? Nevertheless, successful living is about continuing to develop our capacity for creating the lives we desire within our heart. When we get out of school, whether we drop out of high school, finish college or drop of college thinking that our education is complete is a major concern or mistake. 

Jim Rohn once said: “Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune.” Formal education gives us the tools we need to become life-long learners, but continued learning gives us the tools to become life-long doers and achievers. 

One of the key benefits of self-education is the freedom it provides. Unlike formal education, which often follows a predetermined standard time, curriculum, and state standardized testing. Self-education allows individuals to choose what they want to learn and when they want to learn it. This flexibility enables individuals to explore their interests, passions, creativity, and to delve deeper into subjects that truly captivate them. 

Self-education also fosters a sense of independence and self-reliance. Whereas certain educational institutions train individuals what to think versus how to think. When the motivation for self-learning occurs. The individual(s) taking responsibility for their own learning, individuals develop important skills such as critical thinking, communication, creativity, problem-solving, and self-discipline. They learn how to set goals, manage their time effectively, and seek out resources and information on their own. These skills are not only valuable in the pursuit of knowledge, wisdom, understanding, but also in all aspects of life.

Furthermore, self-education encourages a love of learning for its own sake. When individuals have the freedom to choose what they want to learn, they are more likely to be motivated, inspired, enthusiastic, and engaged in the process. They can explore topics that truly interest them, and pursue knowledge, wisdom, and understanding at their own pace. This intrinsic motivation leads to a deeper understanding and appreciation of the subject matter, and a lifelong love of learning. In fact, it also provides those interested to explore new questions too!! 

In today's modern digital age, self-education has become more accessible than ever before. Jane Teague wrote a wonderful books about this phenomenon. The internet provides a wealth of resources, from online courses and tutorials to e-books and educational videos. There are also online communities and forums where individuals can connect with like-minded learners and share their knowledge and experiences. With the right tools and resources, anyone can embark on a journey of self-education and expand their knowledge, wisdom, understanding, and skill-set. We all have the abundance of resources available today. Self-education has become more accessible and achievable for everyone because of our digital transformation. However, not everyone believes in this concept but by embracing self-education, individuals can unlock their full potential and continue to learn and grow throughout their lives.

Of course, the real question we have to ask ourselves is whether we’re doing the learning that is required of us to achieve the successful lives we want?, why does my phone distract me from achieving any worth goal? Or what’s standing in between us and the achievement of any life-goals we have are:

  1. Knowledge
  2. Patience 
  3. The understanding we need to use the knowledge we have to adequately pursue our goal.

How you gain the necessary knowledge and understanding starts with asking yourself the right questions. Self-education means to stop accepting who you already are and start living in a way that embodies who you want to become.  Take a moment to truly reflect on that thought provoking statement above — then look at your life and evaluate yourself. Are you happy? Are you healthy? Do you have as much time as you want? Do you have fulfilling relationships? Are there aspects of yourself you would like to develop and work on? Are you satisfied with the quality of your life? Could you be more than you’ve been lately? If the answer to any of these questions is no, are you doing anything to push towards any of these goals? If the answer to THAT as no, then you need to accept that nothing is ever going to change. 

If the answer to that is yes, awesome. Is your strategy working? If your strategy is working, keep pushing. If your strategy isn’t working, why not? How can you alter your strategy to be more “successful?” These types of questions are ultimately the only ones that let us see the gap in between who we are and who we want to be. And they’re the same questions that allow us to question how to fill that space. Now once you’ve narrowed down what’s missing in your life, pursuit of filling those gaps is the next step.

Three important considerations here:

  1. Circumstances are a part of life, learn from them and move forward. 
  2. Books or audiobooks are your best-friends. 
  3. Free courses in person or via zoom are available. 
  4. Developing willpower is a huge part of self-education.
  5. Sharing what you learn helps to lock in the learning experience. 

Every single question you have has been in answered in a book or voice somewhere. Self-education is a two-step process that includes learning and action on the knowledge, wisdom, and understanding. Learning requires you to open up your heart & mind through the help of those who came before you. Here’s a list of 25 of my favorite books related to different self-help topics: 

  1. The Bible (Proverbs) 
  2. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
  3. Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude" by Napoleon Hill and W. Clement Stone. 
  4. As A Man Think by James Allen 
  5. Man’s Search For Meaning by Victor Frankl 
  6. How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie
  7. Atomic Habits by James Clear
  8. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey
  9. Make Your Bed by Admiral William H. McRaven
  10. Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman
  11. The Secret by Rhonda Byrne
  12. 12 Rules for Life by Jordan B. Peterson
  13. The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene
  14. Declutter Your Mind by S.J. Scott
  15. The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy
  16. The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg
  17. The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale
  18. Mindset by Carol Dweck
  19. The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
  20. Think Great by Adam Grant 
  21. The Magic of Thinking Big by David J. Schwartz
  22. The Power of Self-Discipline By Brian Tracy
  23. Generation Me by Jean M. Twenge 
  24. The Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday
  25. Limitless by Jim Kwik 

With gratitude,

Coach Frank Sagasta 

                                                       (c) coachingbeyond 2023 

Sunday, December 3, 2023



Preserving the values care in Foster Care 

By Coach Frank Sagasta 

Once upon a time, in a small called — Grand Terrace, California; there lived a young boy named Frankie. Frankie was a foster child who had been through numerous homes and faced countless challenges from homelessness, to sexual and emotional abuse in his short life. Despite the hardships he endured, Frankie had an unwavering determination to achieve. 

From a young age, Frankie had a passion for football, learning, and children. During the summer, he would spend hours at the local child care developing skills, along with his drive toward learning from the local library devouring books on various subjects. His thirst for knowledge was insatiable, and he dreamed of one day attending college and having a family. However, as a foster child, the odds seemed stacked against him. In fact, in the years within the system of California. Frankie watched kids come and go from the placements. Some never learned how to follow the rules and were sent away. Others never learned how to control their emotions and their actions put them into hospital for behavioral (5150) institutions. 

But with much of this going on. Frankie refused to let his circumstances define him. He worked tirelessly, excelling in school and participating in extracurricular activities. Only a few of his teachers know his circumstances. Of course, those teachers recognized his potential and encouraged him to pursue his dreams. They became his mentors, guiding him through the challenges he faced. However, the biggest impact on Frankie’s life was his group home counseler Michael Smalls. As he grew older, Frankie was ready to graduate high school and the home. His resilience and hard-work paid off. Unfortunately, he didn’t have any family or idea of what he was going to do when the time came to graduate both programs. After graduating, Frankie lived with a childhood friend for a short bit. Than found himself moving to Bullhead City, Arizona. Where he lived with his stepfather and brother. He worked various jobs, but he really enjoyed construction. 

Frankie, becoming the first person in his family to attend college. College was a whole new world for Frankie along with being married at a young age. But he embraced every opportunity, immersing himself in his new surroundings with his new family. And immersing himself in his studies and engagements in volunteering in the community. After having children of his own. He dropped out of college after three years and worked harder than ever to support his family. However, Frankie never stopped learning from his every experience. He has continued, a tradition or legacy for learning. Frankie believes he can make a difference, to show others that success is possible, regardless of their background. 

Frankie has became a passionate advocate for foster care reform, working tirelessly to improve the system and provide better support for children in needs in foster care and within education. He started a nonprofit organization that offered mentorship programs, educational resources, and counseling services to children. But after Covid-19, he had to shut down. Frankie hasn’t stopped talking or advocating about the two factors that are affecting our country’s children. Today, he has worked within the educational system for more than ten years. Frankie has spent the years teaching but also learning how to improve the lives of others under him. He believes this passion, purpose, and love comes from his experience of being a foster child. Frankie’s journey from a foster child to a successful advocate, teacher, and mentor serves as a reminder that no matter where we come from, we all have the potential to achieve. His story continues to inspire others, reminding them that success is not limited by public opinion or one's past but rather shaped by one's faith, love, motivation, determination and belief in oneself. I am confident that Frankie’s story became an inspiration to many, proving that with determination, resilience, faith, and support, foster children could overcome their circumstances and achieve greatness.

Before we end this short story; Frankie has also said; He considered this experience (foster care child) being lucky, and when I say this, I am not using this term loosely. The system has evolved into a constant plagued and destroyed children spiritually, physically, emotionally, and psychologically. It truly is a tragedy when you spend time looking into the foster care system. To think that one kid like Frankie, can be taken out of the care of a single mother struggling mentally that looked aftet him for years and then be placed into a hostile and volatile environment with individuals who are not fit is saddening. There are ongoing issues within the system, problems that nobody is really aware of or talking about. This concern scratches way further down than just the tip of the surface. 

According to the Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) in 2010 there were around 60,000 children in the California foster care system on any given day. This accounts for 15% of the national total of 402,378 children. Of the 60,000 children in the California foster care system. 13,167 of those children are awaiting adoption. In fact, 39% of foster children in California are 5 years old or younger, 23% are six years old to ten years old, 22% are 11 to 15 years old, and 16% are 16 to 20. 46% of foster care children live in a foster home with a non-relative. 29% live in a relative’s home approved for foster care, 11% live in other types of housing, 6% live in group homes, and 8% live in institutional care.


I am confident that each of you have found something useful within this shorty blog. And I hope you spend a few minutes reading more about the tragedy within the foster care system in America. 

With gratitude,

Coach Frank Sagasta 

(c) coachingbeyond 2023 

Saturday, December 2, 2023




The Great Fall of America

By Coach Frank Sagasta  

For decades, we had indeed led the rest of the world into democracy, but unfortunately this has changed toward leading them into: the conspiracy theory of history, climate change/fossil-fuel, political polarization, economic inequality, and more. One of the greatest though was fraudulent election which is now being eternally denounced. Some people agree that America is becoming the opposition from hell, a planet on which companies and world powers knew decades ago just what was happening with the climate, education, economy, and invested their extra funds in making sure that other Americans didn't, and… but why go on? If you don't sense the depth and truth of this tale of the Great Fall of American, just ask a few Senators or research the countless authors and experts scholars on the subject. 

The United States of America, was once considered a beacon of hope, freedom, and progress, is continuing to face numerous challenges that have led some to question its own future. While it is essential to acknowledge the issues that plague the nation, it is equally important to explore potential solutions to prevent the hypothetical fall of America in the near future. 

Let’s start with this word and new term "wokism" which is often used to refer to the ideology of social justice and progressive activism. It is important to note that perspectives on this topic can vary widely, and opinions on its impact on America can differ from person to person depending on their knowledge. Nonetheless, critics of wokism argue that it can have negative effects on society. Which many of American citizens are concerned about today. Some concerns raised include: Cancel culture or ostracizing individuals or groups who hold differing opinions or masking beliefs. This can stifle free speech and discourage open dialogue. This cancel culture idea has become the basis of today’s society and it is hurting America from being united. 

Another example of Americas hypocrisy and great fall also includes: Economic inequality which refers to the unequal distribution of wealth, income, and resources within a society. It is a pressing issue that can have far-reaching consequences for individuals and societies as a whole. High levels of economic inequality can lead to social unrest, hinder social mobility, and perpetuate intergenerational disparities. It can also contribute to a lack of access to basic necessities such as education, healthcare, and housing for those at the lower end of the income spectrum. Of course, addressing economic inequality requires a multi-faceted approach that includes policies aimed at promoting equal opportunities, progressive taxation, robust social safety nets, and investments in education and skills development. By striving for greater economic equality, societies can work towards creating a more just and inclusive future for all of our communities and citizens. By addressing economic disparities, America can restore faith in its promise of equal opportunity for all. 

Let us continue with another area of concern and challenges America is facing — Political polarization which refers to the increasing divide between political ideologies and the growing animosity between different political groups. 

This dysfunctional environment or shadow of polarization has contributed toward emotional distress in the American public. In the context of the United States, political polarization has had several significant effects on the country. Which has increased divisiveness and hostility between different political groups. This can be seen in the growing animosity between Democrats, Republicans, and Independence with each side viewing the other as a threat to their values, principles, and beliefs. This divisiveness can hinder constructive dialogue and compromise, making it difficult to address pressing issues.

This political polarization gridlocks certain elements of law from operating and opens legislative dysfunction in the United States. With deep ideological divisions, it becomes challenging to pass meaningful legislation or find common ground on important policy including: the border crisis, immigration, healthcare, education, infrastructure, and much more. 

This two tears system or political polarization has been exacerbated by the rise of social media and online platforms. These platforms often create echo chambers and filter bubbles, where individuals are exposed primarily to information, perspectives, and opinions that align with their existing beliefs. This can reinforce and amplify existing biases, making it difficult for people to engage with differing perspectives and find common ground. This can undermine the functioning of democratic institutions and hinder effective governance.

It is important to note that political polarization is a complex issue with multiple factors contributing to its rise. But it is important to consider the major factors contributing to its rise in the public consciousness. While it is not the sole cause of America's challenges, it has played a significant role in shaping the current political climate and impacting the country's ability to address pressing issues. Addressing political polarization requires efforts to foster dialogue, promote empathy and understanding, and find common ground across ideological divides.

The last crippling part of the great fall of America includes: Environmental Change. Climate change, pollution, and resource depletion pose significant threats to the nation's well-being. To mitigate these risks, America must prioritize sustainable practices, invest in renewable energy, and adopt environmentally friendly policies. By taking a proactive stance on environmental issues, America can secure a sustainable future for its citizens. But at what cost? I mean… what is the long term effect of spending huge amounts of taxpayer money on climate change? In fact, our vice president promised just recently at the meeting in Dubai $3 billion toward climate change.

This proposal by global elites changes everything. It proves that climate change is solely about money, and it has economic implications. Climate change isn’t a complex issue. It just requires a following of the money approach, considering environmental, social, and economic dimensions. Like political polarization; there are two sides to the scientific evidences behind climate change. I have come to realize and believe that climate change is a new religion today. 

While the challenges facing America are undeniably daunting, it is crucial to approach them with a sense of optimism, enthusiasm, and determination. A determination of finding the right leaders to lead our nation, America can reverse its decline and regain its position as a global leader. But it will take more than one term of presidency. It will take more than the senate or congressional chambers. It is essential for citizens, policymakers, and institutions to work together to build a more equitable, inclusive, and sustainable society. The fall of America is not inevitable, but very likely in the near future. Answer: WE NEED YOUNG PATRIOTS WITH REAL AMERICAN VALUES TO STEP-UP!! I am confident many you reading this short blog know some of those genuine people. 

With gratitude, 

Coach Frank Sagasta 

                        (c) coachfranksagasta 2023


ISBN: 9781546090793

ISBN: 978-0-374-533355-7

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The Undeniable LEADERS

  THE UNDENIABLE LEADERS COACH FRANK SAGASTA I read a story several years ago about an eagle and a chicken. They happen to be very good frie...