Coach Frank Sagasta

Education - Leadership - Philosophy - Positive Psychology - Life-Skills

Saturday, October 15, 2022

Resolve 2 Reading

 Looking for an effective resolution?

Resolve to Reading! 

One of the greatest gifts this year was a book from one of my students.  In the twelve years of working in the field of education, I hadn’t received many books from students.  I have received gifts, but not books.  This school season was different.  This year brought on new faces, new smiles, new experiences, new places, new lesson, and special people.  

After receiving the gift. I drew upon my mind the five basic conclusions — 1) People still care about reading.  2) Some young people care about learning.  3) The level of reading has changed.  4) The content of material has changed.  5) The format of reading has changed the playing field. I say this for a reason, I just ended along time relationship.  A relationship that held meaning and extraordinary experiences and lessons that fashioned who I am today.  It was the end of my relationship with Amazons Audible, I wanted to save money and use that for my class books and family activities.  Of course, this isn’t a review for Kindle e-reader or Amazon Audible, though it could very well be, but its not.    

After my mentor and teacher (Dr. Eric Thomas) shared the value of reading in 2012.  I began reading array of books from great authors — approximately 40 to 70 books a year.  Some might say; he’s crazy! There’s something wrong with him!  Or my favorite... he’s addicted to books. NO!! I am just a bibliophile.  When Dr. Thomas said: "Information changes situations," I was just mesmerized, intrigued, empowered, emerged, and immensely transformed overtime.  I utilized platforms like; Amazon Audible, Kindle, and Apple Books to create the automobile university.  The term or idea of automobile university is from one of my favorite authors and teachers Zig Ziglar, business guru.  It’s been the antidote that assisted  in transforming my position and purpose as a husband, father, coach, and ambassador of leadership on this earth.  

I still use my Kindle, I still use my Audible book and my still use my Apple books from time to time.  Of course, the format of re-learning has change this year.  I have spent this year returning to the original style of learning.  I have come to title it “Armchair thinking and Armchair reading.”  The platforms that I have shared with you have revolutionized readers around the world.  I remember in 2010 when Apple announced, that it had sold 10 million iPads since the tablet/device debuted.  Of course, I’m still old-fashion.  I prefer the love and feel and smell of books.  I know that sounds gross to some of you readers, but walking into stores like; Savors, Goodwill, Salvation Army, Barnes and Noble, or The Boys and Girls Club Thrift Store is still exciting to me. 


Hundreds, if not thousands of books take up space in my house, and more come in the door all the time.  Just the other day, I opened up the mailbox only to receive a book from Amazon.  One that was ordered a month ago, but because of the delay in shipping, it didn’t come on time.  I was moved that it came and I didn’t have to reorder it or worse… having to ask for your money back.  Nothing floors me more than having to deal with that area in life.  Of course, I’m not fearful of doing so, I just hate the transition and long periods on the phone. 

Nonetheless, I just love the thrill and excitement when you come across a real gem — a beautiful printed hardcover book and one you don’t have, but you’ve heard about the author.  I was recently in Donna’s bookstore which is in Fort Mohave, Arizona.  And just so happen to came across one of those gems called “How To Read A Book,” by Dr. Mortimer Adler and Charles Van Doren.  Prior to this event.  I was in Savers which is in Henderson, Nevada.  Where I found another gem, but this one was much different because it was autographed by Og Mandino and the book was called: “Og Mandino’s Great Trilogy.”  Although some might categorize or criticize me as being a collector of books, I am not!!  I have fallen in love with living to learn and to share the experience with others.  I’ve come to the horizon or spectrum of understanding how information changes the situation in life. 

It’s amazing because I never liked reading growing-up as a child in America, much of this was brought on because of my dyslexia and hate for school.  Fast forward twenty five years, it is much different today.  The books shared herein are essential toward learning how to read a book and how to sale yourself from a valuable perspective.  Every book that has been read in my perspective are advises or recommendations; why we should read, what we should read, how we should read, when we should read, and the value from what we read.

Over the last ten years, I’ve been a stronger believer that reading is good for the heart, mind, and soul.  That reading exquisite books can make you a better, smarter, and more intriguing person overall.  It was Mark Twain who once said; “A person who won’t read has no advantage on the person how can’t read,” and it was J.K. Rowlings that said; “I do believe something magical can happen when you read a book.”  As I survey the landscape of students today, that don’t read or haven’t read expect in school shocks me to some degree.  Why?  Because we are all allotted the same amount of minute in a day — 86,400 to be exact and more people are robbed daily from those preciouses minutes.  As my mentor and teacher used put it; distraction kill actions! 

Reading has the potential to open the door of your imagination and possibilities.  Reading is absolutely and positively admirable within its own traits such as harmony, humility, patience, tolerance, skepticism, and wisdom.  In “How To Read A Book,” Dr. Adler expresses the four stages of learning and he reinforces the understanding of what we read with a different approach.  Dr. Mortimer Adler is the same author that wrote another great read called; “How To Listen,” which is a luxury to get your hands on especially as a young person in America.  Books like those add value and to people, for people.  To learn how to read, to learn how to listen which is to gain the power.  Reading great books opens our mind to a universe that lies hidden until we acquire the fine art of it.  So, when should we read?  Daily!! 20 - 30 minutes a day or during spare-time which ever is first.  And, always with books that climb the mountain of interest.  Furthermore, try to keep books of great interest within easy reach, and you’ll always see purpose of the read.  A book within reach will always have the reader captivated in history, non-fiction, fiction, poetry, or politics. 

I don’t always recommend this, but it does help — write out how many book you’ve read because it help keep track of where you are with your reading goal.  


The world is moving so rapidly that Charles Darwin would be moved by its reactions.  Charles Darwin who once took the challenge to abroad a voyage to the unknown worlds.  Only to embark upon the possibility of learning about new specimens to send back to England.  When George Orwell create a novel “1984.”  It open the door to imagination or the possibility — the facing of unpleasant facts of propaganda and governmental control.  I still believe the classical book “1984” happens to best of the 20th century.  The clarity of his armchair thinking on so many topics are so genuine.  We're in a war and information is the primary weapon.  Big tech leaders have developed ways to keep the mind distracted. 

The more we read the more we realize what all of us across the world have in common.  So, here’s my resolution to reading more.  Make up your mind that you will devote at least 20 - 30 minutes each day to reading a portion of some great book, but if you really want to challenge yourself.  Read a book that sharpens your skills within your field or career.  And lastly, something I’ve shared with my kids and my students in remembering everything — read to listen, read to learn, and read to practice.  Those are essential keys but let’s not forget the five R’s (Recall, Reflect, Retain, Repeat, and Recite).  While observing or reviewing make sure you are recalling and not just reading passively.  Always, use metaphors or stories to lock-in the information because that helps too!  If you will challenge yourself to do this, you will be surprised to see how many worthwhile books you can read and digest in a full year, and your influence will inspire others to grow more. 

I leave you all with my favorite quote of the last ten years: 

“If you are not willing to learn, no one can help you. If you are determined to learn, no one can stop you.” 

— Zig Ziglar

With gratitude, 

Coach Frank Sagasta 

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