Coach Frank Sagasta

Education - Leadership - Philosophy - Positive Psychology - Life-Skills

Friday, January 14, 2022




What is right is now up for debate?   But Stoics of ancient times didn’t view that as a possibility.  Have you ever stopped to wonder or even think for a moment about the mess our country or the world is in today?  Over the course of my experience and educational expedition.  I have found real hero’s within; (Marcus Aurelius, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Ernest Holmes, Homer, Solomon, and Epictetus). 


I want to share the short nonfiction tell of how life is seen from the eyes of those with vision.  And from those we were never told to believe.  Did they have it right? Or do we have it wrong today? 

Chapter 1

THE woe

Woe… not the same woe that you’d see on TikTok, Snapchat, or some other social media outlet.  I am specifically referring to the Ancient Prophet Isaiah.  There are numerous challenges from scholars around the world that speculate on the idea of what is right and what is wrong in our society today and if it can be fixed or not. 

“What is the fruit of these teaching? Only the most beautiful and proper harvest of the truly educated - tranquillity, fearlessness, and freedom. We should not trust the masses who say only the free can be educated, but rather the lovers of wisdom who say that only the educated are free.” - Epictetus 

Most scholars agree today there is something missing in humanity today.  It isn’t fame, fortune, greed, pride, or lust.  As Dr. Thomas Sowell said: “Intelligently Ignorant” or as Dr. Thomas Smith said: “Biblical Ignorance.”  Are we heading down the slipper slope of uneducated thinkers today?  Or are we as a people there?  Did the Ancient Prophets or Stoics have it wrong?  

One of my favorite teachers Epictetus once said: “We control our reasoned choice and all acts that depend on that moral will.  What’s not under our control are the body and any of its parts, our possessions, parents, siblings, children, or country anything with which we might associate”, those are words that bring meaning to life.  Especially, when you look at society today.  So, many are trapped living outside themselves.  So, many people living with major distractions. 

According to the Ancient Prophets and Stoics we all have the opportunity to choose what is truly right morally, spiritually, logically, ethically, and rationally.  According to the science community — we have mad scientist creating engineered food that is addictive and harmful.  We have psychos creating social media or applications that are dangerous and mentally catastrophic spiritually.  I’am certain and I am sure many scholars would agree that the Ancient Prophets or Stoics didn’t have these extreme circumstances to deal with like we do today. 

“Woe unto the that called evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter.” — Isaiah  



THE woe

It is with better understanding that the Ancient Prophets and Stoics pronounced a stern and strong warning against those who were confessing the distinction between those things that are right and those things that are wrong.  I truly believe The Prophet Isaiah, Emperor Marcus Aurelius, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Ernest Holmes, Epictetus, and more.  All had it timely in their direction of true hope.  And in their words of wisdom which would be equally appropriate in our daytime.  Those words are clear today as they were back then when they were first introduced.  They describe the results of generations of humanism, and intellectual ignorance and biblical ignorance.  

The lines of morality have been changed.  Changed for the worse not the better of humanity today.  I am not saying this to be disrespectful, but during the Obama administration — there were 300 apprehensions of sex traffickers.  Opposed to those during the Trump administration where there were 6300+ apprehension of sex traffickers.  Have standards or expectations changed?  Do we as a whole people see evil as good and good as evil? The lines of morality have been blurred for what is obvious in today society.  Blurred through entertainment (music, movies, games, and more).  Blurred through education, politics, government, churches, and community.  

Standards and expectations have been replaced by circumstances, situational ethics.  As unbelievable as it might seem, men and woman who claim to be God’s servants are sometimes guilty of promoting or eliciting the erosion of values.  What the Ancient Prophets and Stoics thought of evil was evil even today.  More importantly, what God O Mighty sees as evil, people call good today.  

What happened?How did we allow this to happen to our future generations? 

You don’t need a PH.D to see that immorality is glamorized or that lazy inevitably is rewarded with benefits or dishonesty is respected more.  At the same time, what was once accepted as good is now considered evil.  Just look at what some scholars say about The Bible, The Prophets, The Stoics, The Teachers, and the genuine thinkers of the past and presently.  We are scoffed at or we are ignored or silenced.  The Ancient Stoic Plato said, it best: “No one is more hated than he who speaks the truth.” 

“Reality is created by the mind, we can change our reality by changing our mind.” — Plato 


THE woe

Calling evil good  — this has revolutionized our minds, hearts, cultures, communities, and overall lives.  The lines of morality must be put back in its proper position.  We mustn’t allow society or politicians to set the standards or expectations of truth and morality.  We are not to allow popular trends to determine our course.  We are not to allow the voices of mainstream media or social media to influence our convictions or definition of thinking.  

I know this article may seem old-fashion.  But over the course of three years.  It has become more evident that we ought never minimize the words of the Ancient Prophets and Stoics.  We mustn’t ever condemn those stepping stones that paved our way of life.  I know that landscape of life can seem like a stupid struggle, but we have the opportunity to make it right ‘IF’ we are willing to do what is right and put alway what is wrong.  We must be cautious or careful to what we see as right and wrong in life.  We must think like the Ancient Prophets and Stoics.  It is easy to compromise for the sake of convenience.  It is easy to compare, to criticize, to complain, and to make excuses that allow for disobedience.  

“Wrong is wrong, even if everyone is doing it. Right is right even if no one is doing it.” William Penn

Will 2022 be a year of lies (Convenience) or truth (Conviction)?  Will you be more inclined to follow the trend or create your or own path?  Ralph Waldo Emerson said: “Do not go where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”  I couldn’t agree more with the Ancient Prophets and Stoics.  I am truly thankful to all the people that have influenced my life and especially those who left behind essential keys toward — tranquility, serenity, harmony, calmness, and peace.


About the Author 

Frank Sagasta, is distinguished for his role as the educational leader and social media influencer.  Today, he is more complimented for his role as a life coach, mentor, and leadership instructor at Desert Star Academy in Fort Mohave, Arizona.  Meet a former foster child, who’s inspired to make a difference in the world through real and practical principles and wisdom.  Frank Sagasta’s desire is to never to stop learning and share his wisdom.  Special thanks to my friend and editor Mary Slater. 

© Coach Frank Sagasta

All rights reserved. No part of this blog or booklet may be reproduced in any form by any electronic or mechanical means without permission from the author or publisher

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