Coach Frank Sagasta

Education - Leadership - Philosophy - Positive Psychology - Life-Skills

Saturday, January 22, 2022

The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly Truth


THE GOOD, THE BAD, AND THE UGLY TRUTH — The Real Crisis and Issue in America 

What would happen if schools shut-down again in this country?  What would happen if teachers just didn’t comeback to school?  What would happen if Covid-19 didn’t go away?  What is the long-term effect of learnedhopelessness?  Breaking news — is this the new normal for teachers?  

    Work is bleed over to our time at home.  Work is starting to suffocate us and we cannot breathe.  All of these changes — everything seems more chaotic, from college requirements, the economy, the plandemic, racism, false information, liberty, and leaders that seem to be failing us completely.  Many educators in my community, state, and country are absolutely overwhelmed, overworked, and under-applicated.  In fact, some are wiped out.  Some are losing their grip and have refuse to return to the classroom or left the field of education all together.  It is absolutely heartbreaking to see the educational system fall apart right before our eye.  But yet you won’t here this topic on the mainstream media.  Unless you’re living inside the basement of a bunker.  You wouldn’t see the educational system falling apart.  If you aren’t in the field of education, you don’t have the slightest idea as to what many teachers are deal with.  But you don’t need a microscope to see what is happen and it cannot be fixed with a pair of plastic scissors either.

    Some schools in my community, state, and country have been dealing with staff shortages, illness, and student behavior which is more challenging than ever today.  And, I am not over-exaggerating by any means.  Of course. if you’re an educated person with the slightest common sense, than you know the reasons and why this has been one of the toughest teaching years ever of your career.  Many of us knew that there would be consequences.  However, we did not know to what extent these consequences would have on us or the impact on students.  Over the last several months I have witnessed and experienced the avalanche of videos, memes, and post of teachers quitting mid-year or venting their emotions.  Some stressed, having deep anxiety, illness, and being under-appreciated.  What we have witnessed going on in our country is truly unfortunate and there is no easy solution.  Teachers need more support than ever from: administration, parents, guardians, colleagues, and community members.  I know firsthand of the most difficult decision in leaving a school because there is no respect and no support.  By now, stories of educators in my community, and beyond are not unique.  In fact, in a recent EdWeek Research Center survey — more than half of teachers they surveyed said; they were somewhat or very likely to leave the profession.  All of this while there are regional and national teacher shortages.

    You don’t have to go far to see the prolonged emotional and physical toll that this plandemic has left on educators and our future generation of students.  Teachers and faculty members alike are stressed, overworked and are at the end of the rope.  Many are all too often feeling the pressure over the past two years, many of them just have nothing more to give.  You might even say some are depleted from already giving everything such as time, energy, education, compassion, and love.  I believe when we use faith, hope, love, and compassion as our guiding principles.  We are given the opportunities to grow, create, develop, and implement changes that are truly beneficial to the six dimensional areas of life and for the essential beings that occupy this earth.  It isn’t time to give-up, but time to collaborate critically and to communicate on those ideas that we were doing in 2017, 2018, and 2019.   

“If you are unwilling to unlearn in order to learn than nobody can help you. For you have everything you need, for everything you want within you.” - Coach Frank Sagasta 

    So, what do we do now that 2021-2022 academic year is unlike any other time in history?  Well… it is simple; Self-improvement and self-care.  Yes, I said it!  Self-improvement and self-care which is something that ought to be continuous for all teachers and their professional development (PD) needs.  Why?  because the results of professional learning benefits you the teacher, and those you are compassionate about, the students.  I have been carving out time each morning for the last five years for professional development and self-care.  Weather the self- care was going to the gym, hiking, church, or studying the field of leadership, positive psychology, sociology, business, emotional, and social intelligence.  It has been a huge asset or value in my purpose on this earth.  I personally and professionally refuse to allow kids who stay up till 12 A.M. to 3 A.M. watch dumb-videos undermine my education, experience, potential, and happiness.  

    If you are creating a warm welcoming environment that is engaging, loving, and empowering; they will start to change.  It is going to take some time — so be of patience.  The Emperor Marcus Aurelius once said; “God give me patience, to reconcile with what I am not able to change. Give me strength to change what I can. And give me wisdom to distinguish one from another.”  Will the upcoming season be challenging?  Of course!  But this is what makes us great or yet legendary.  And its what builds resiliency.  Stay the course, fight the good fight, and learn to take a genuine time out.  You are worth it and you matter.  Without teachers there won’t be a future of America

Ten Favorite Affirmations:

1) I am thankful for my life and family.
2) I love the person I am becoming. 
3) I am intelligent and beautiful.
4) I believe in myself and those that believe in me. 
5) I am worth it and I will give my best today. 
6) I will be open to constructive feedback.
7) I will never lower my own expectations. 
8) I will forgive those who criticize me. 
9) I shall stay positive and feed my mind with positivity. 
10) I must share my positive attitude with everyone in my environment no matter what happens. 

My Favorite Quotes:

I wanted to leave you with my favorite quotes — WHY?  Because sometime we need to see what the Ancient Stoics shared with us for better comprehension or clarity. 

“To educate a man in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society.” - Theodore Roosevelt 

“Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired, and success achieved” - Hellen Keller 

“The price of greatness is responsibility” 

- Winston Churchill 

“Our prayers should be for blessings in general, for God knows best what is good for us.” - Socrates

“He that has once done you a kindness will be more ready to do you another than he whom you yourself have obliged.” - Benjamin Franklin

“It is not just about learning new things, it is applying them and also constantly use them or you will lose them.” - Coach Sagasta 

“The undisciplined life, is an insane life.” - Socrates

“Our life is what our thoughts make it.” - Marcus Aurelius 

“A nail is driven out by another nail. Habit is overcome by habit.” - Desiderius Erasmus

“No man can become rich without himself enriching others.” - Andrew Carnegie 

“The last exam of a great leader is what he has left in others through convictions to persist beyond the limitations.” ~ Coach Frank Sagasta  

About the Author

Frank Sagasta, is distinguished for his role as the educational leader and social media influencer.  Today, he is more complimented for his role as a life coach, mentor, and leadership instructor at Desert Star Academy in Fort Mohave, Arizona.  Meet a former foster child, who’s inspired to make a difference in the world through real and practical principles and wisdom.  Frank Sagasta’s desire is to never to stop learning and share his wisdom.  
His purpose was introduced by the array of profound friends, teachers, coaches, and mentorship by none other than: Dr. Eric Thomas, John C. Maxwell, Grant Cardone, Jordan Thomas, Steven Hardison, Sarah Sagasta, and God O Mighty.  Coach Frank Sagasta is consider to be a passionate instructor, coach, and mentor. 

Follow the links & Hashtags:

 #3amclub #mindset #discipline #leaders-R-readers #coachingbeyond #speaker #inspire2grow #learngrowinspire #leadershipmindset #positivevibe   #knowledgeispower #coaches #successful #growthmindset #teachers #arizona #positivenergy #sagasta_beast99 #becontagious #bullheadcity #kaizen #psychology #uncommoncoach #uncommonleadership #uncommonleader 


Social & Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Coleman 

Frames of Mind by Howard Gardner 

Motivating Students WHO Don’t Care by Allen N. Mendler 

The Science Of The Mind by Ernest Holmes

© Coach Frank Sagasta

All rights reserved. No part of this blog or booklet may be reproduced in any form by any electronic or mechanical means without permission from the author or publisher

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