Coach Frank Sagasta

Education - Leadership - Philosophy - Positive Psychology - Life-Skills

Friday, December 31, 2021

The Seed & The Tree



All the nonfiction books that I love to read and sometimes write about through blogs or reviews do not have official genre.  The books that I love to read are not all self-help books.  They don’t promise to make you rich.  They don’t promise you some ridiculous stay healthy method.  And, they don’t promise to make you happy, or successful.  

I was recently at Barnes & Noble in Las Vegas, Nevada.  Of course, I was looking for a different type of book to add to the library of book for next year.  As I was gazing across the top of titles or sections of books.  I began to think… if I owned a bookstore, I’d put the books I love to read in the leadership section.  Why?  Because they are fitting for that area.  It would be filled with books that introduce the ideas, principles, methods, strategies, and understanding through rigorous research with engaging advantages of real and practical takeaways that are applicable in the 21st-century. 

“In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule.” 

Friedrich Nietzsche

The books that I love to read.  Just so happen to be on; leadership, positive psychology, general psychology neuroscience, business, philosophy, spirituality, and they’re about life, not just work.

As a voracious reader and collector of magnificent books.  I want to share my favorite books this year and a short review.  I will also share my favorite quotes of 2021.  And, no…it isn’t all my books, just some that really gave a bit more than the others.   


Mel Robbins books: The Five Second Rule and High Five Habit — I love these books, all of it — the plot, the characters, the dialogue she has with people around the world. The strategies, and much more.  Mel does it best by describing way to overcome our negative thoughts.  Mrs. Robbins uses her signature science-backed wisdom, and life experience to teach us how to make the notion of believing in yourselves a habit and practice daily.  It is easy to blow-up but those who control their emotions are conquers. 

Jon Gordon books: Energy Bus, Coffee Bean, The One Word, and Positive Leadership — I loved these books and shared them with my classroom and colleagues.  I truly believe with all my heart and mind that we can create change from the inside out. Mr. Gordon shares some novels on how to do that through the life of those characters.  

We don’t always have to be a victim of our circumstances or situations.  And, no one creates success, happiness, or purpose alone.  I believe we need more books like this in schools and homes today. 

Dr. Ernest Holmes book: The Science of Mind — is a fabulous or splendid book on the subject of mind, spirit, consciousness and life.  Dr. Holmes does a beautiful and rigorous exploration into the connection between science, religion, philosophy and life.  Dr. Holmes uses a precise scientific approach to uncover the mystery of the mind.  

I truly hope each of you pick this book up and finish it.  I am sure I’ll reread it again next year because of the extraordinary content/material. 


Dr. Greg Lukianoff and Dr. Jonathan Haidt book:  The Coddling of the American Mind — This is a prolific book — something strange is happening within America’s colleges and universities.  Both gentlemen display why young people feel anxious, stressed, and college is making it worse.  In addition, they analyze the behavior in society which is not immune to the power of rational scientific analysis.  Please, prepare yourself for this book.  You won’t look at Americans next generation the same. 

Dr. Dave Ulrich, Professor, Kate Sweetman, and Professor, Norm Smallwood book: Leadership Code — is an absolutely extraordinary book.  That I must ask the question — What makes a great leader?  It's a question that has been tackled by thousands of researcher or scholars.  In fact, there are literally tens of thousands of leadership books, studies, theories, models, and recommendations on the shelves and online.  It is an avalanche of information that would fill ones whole life.  Nonetheless, this is a must read with interesting concepts that are applicable in the 21st-century.  This book was well-written, engaging, and pragmatic.  Our personal values and principles ought to align with the corporate strategy or mission to ensure long-term success in your career and organization.  I really hope you pick this book up next year. 

Jean Twenge books: iGeneration & Generation Z — We have to save the best for last.  I love these books because they opened the lens within my field of education and parenting.  Dr. Twenge explores the idea that modern technology has become the major problem in societies children and that much of their behavior stems from to much time wasted on devices.  She uses her signature findings to open up the paradigm shift and ideological takeover.  

I really hope each of you grab this book and see for yourselves the impacted it can make on your life’s journey.  

My favorite quotes 

“To educate a man in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society.” - Theodore Roosevelt 

“Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired, and success achieved” - Hellen Keller 

“The price of greatness is responsibility” 

- Winston Churchill 

“Our prayers should be for blessings in general, for God knows best what is good for us.” - Socrates

“He that has once done you a kindness will be more ready to do you another than he whom you yourself have obliged.”

  • Benjamin Franklin

“It is not just about learning new things, it is applying them and also constantly use them or you will lose them.” - Coach Sagasta 

“The undisciplined life, is an insane life.” Socrates

“Our life is what our thoughts make it.” 

- Marcus Aurelius 

“A nail is driven out by another nail. Habit is overcome by habit.” - Desiderius Erasmus

“No man can become rich without himself enriching others.” - Andrew Carnegie 

“The last exam of a great leader is what he has left in others through convictions to persist beyond the limitations.” ~ Coach Frank Sagasta  

About the Author

Frank Sagasta, is distinguished for his role as the educational leader and social media influencer.  Today, he is more complimented for his role as a life coach, mentor, and leadership instructor at Desert Star Academy in Fort Mohave, Arizona.  Meet a former foster child, who’s inspired to make a difference in the world through real and practical principles and wisdom.  Frank Sagasta’s desire is to never to stop learning and share his wisdom.  

His purpose was introduced by the array of profound friends, teachers, coaches, and mentorship by none other than: Dr. Eric Thomas, John C. Maxwell, Grant Cardone, Jordan Thomas, Steven Hardison, Sarah Sagasta, and God O Mighty.  Coach Frank Sagasta is consider to be a passionate teacher, instructor, coach, and mentor. 

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 #3amclub #mindset #discipline #leaders-R-readers #coachingbeyond #speaker #inspire2grow #learngrowinspire #leadershipmindset #positivevibe   #knowledgeispower #coaches #successful #growthmindset #teachers #arizona #positivenergy #sagasta_beast99 #becontagious #bullheadcity #kaizen #psychology #uncommoncoach #uncommonleadership #uncommonleader 

© Coach Frank Sagasta

All rights reserved. No part of this blog or booklet may be reproduced in any form by any electronic or mechanical means without permission from the author or publisher

Monday, December 13, 2021

Positive Culture

 Positive Culture 

Teaching, instructing, coaching os not for the faint of heart and mind.  Wether you teaching in a prosperous or property challenged environment.  The anxiety, stress, frustration of demands and expectations can take a mental, emotional, and physical toll on any person.  It doesn’t matter how many degrees a person possess.  It doesn’t matter on the level of age or the color of your skin. 

I have been in the field of education for twelve years.  And I have to say, this is the hardest year ever.  The challenges, demands, and expectations can be rather trying.  Of course, the experience of influencing, inspiring, and empowering our next generation of leaders, learners, and innovators is worth it.  

In my present position within a school in Fort Mohave, Arizona, we have recognized the need of change and culture.  I had a dream of a school that used the rules of the Energy Bus to help their students through the external environment (Covid-19).  I approached my principal with the awesome idea.  He went home and started reading the book and soon purchased books for the whole faculty.  I truly believe the principal saw how this book could make a difference in the lives of those on this campus.  We both agreed that we need to build a culture of positive learning that empowers students/teachers to overcome challenges, circumstances, or the pressures outside of our control.  We both knew how this book would support and encourage everyone. 

The Energy Bus has 10 Rules to Fuel Your Life, Work, Team, or Organization with Positive Energy!  The book was written by Jon Gordon.   

It was my goal for the 2020 - 2021 school year to fuel my classroom with positive attitudes, achievements, and education.  I believe it was the goal of our principal to assist with this fabulous experience.  We both agreed once the whole team sees the vision there’s no stoping us.


I came across this awesome book in 2015 and found it to be most helpful.  So, helpful in fact — it helped change my life, work, leadership, and education.  Of course, after finishing it.  I wanted to share it with my family, my friends, and the world.  You see, I was curious to know what would happen if other applied the teaching of this book.  If they applied the same ten principles they, too, would be on the bus going in the same direction.  

I soon found myself following Jon Gordon via (LinkedIn, and Twitter). 

Positivity and Culture… In the book — George, who happens to be the main character is faced with circumstances, or challenges personally and professionally.  From the morning moments, George, is faced with the unexpected results of not listening to his wife’s advice.  However, despite the circumstances and challenges throughout his journey, George still has to prepare and present a major project for his company.  And he still has to deal with negative people at the office and on his team.   

I know from my experience, that we all have our ups and downs during the school year and life in general.  In fact, some of us can read this story (The Energy Bus), and compare ourselves to the story.  The events that took place last year and some that spilled over into this year were lessons.  Lessons on how to love. Lessons on how to smile.  Lessons on how to be kind.  Lessons on how to improve yourself.  Lessons on how to improve our team.  No matter what is going on at home, community, or within the world, we are all expected to give our best.  I know it can be rather challenging, but that is the cost of greatness.  

George goes on to build a positive relationship both personally (family), and professionally (NRG).  That is right — He made the right choice to improve.  However, one thing is for sure… he didn’t do it alone.  In fact, the other character Joy the bus driver happens to assist him on the journey.  Of course, she gets help from Danny, Marty, and Jack whim are all passengers on The Energy Bus as well.  All these individuals help to promote positive energy and happiness. 

The simple key here — the more positivity you are around, the happier you’ll feel.  Of course, like George, you do this by associating yourself with positive people (Joy, Marty, Danny, Jack, and more). 

Have you ever noticed how happier positive people are and how much more energy they tend to have?  It all makes sense.  Having these type of people in your home or organization does make a difference.  In fact, having these kind of people around you can give you a better outlook on life and the circumstances or challenges life can throw at us.  Enjoy these tips – please feel free to comment, like, or share.


  1. Routine: Get a routine or get back into the routine to help your mood.   That’s right folks… your body, mind, and spirit work well.   If you read, eat, sleep, and exercise regularly.

  1. Mindfulness: Mindfulness is the art of taking every moment and appreciating it. You look at every past, present, and future as a picture – rather than a small pieces.  You are able to focus more and you become less distracted.

  1. Read: Books on strength, personal power, self-development, enlightenment, and self-help can be rather delicious and a great resource to assist you or the team at changing.

  1. Consistency: It is unlikely you will ever achieve great things if you or the team isn’t consistent.  One thing unsuccessful people have in common is they lack consistency.

  1. Love: Love happens to be a very powerful emotion, and it can be healing.  Of course, love cannot fix everything.  It does support good overall spiritual, physical, and mental health. 

 In the past five years, I have amassed thousands of new followers online because of the nature of positive mental attitudes and my unique leadership strategies.  I have had the wonderful opportunity of being invited on podcast around the world.  I am not trying to impress you by any means, but to press upon you.  The opportunity of reading this excellent book.  If you or someone you know is looking for a great read on self-development or team success.  The Energy Bus is a great fit for all.  It is a short read with impactful principles that are real and practical for the 21st century. 

Thank you, 

Love and many blessing Coach Frank Sagasta


The Undeniable LEADERS

  THE UNDENIABLE LEADERS COACH FRANK SAGASTA I read a story several years ago about an eagle and a chicken. They happen to be very good frie...