Coach Frank Sagasta

Education - Leadership - Philosophy - Positive Psychology - Life-Skills

Friday, September 3, 2021

No Stink’n THINKIN

If I could find a time-machine, I’d go back in time to the spring of 2018-19 and give the best FREAKIN’ advice and/or recommendation to my sixth, seventh, and eighth-grade classes.  I would say: “If you want to be of value; “READ, REMEMBER, RETAIN, RECALL, & REFLECT”.  Oh…and I’d tell them never to forget that time and information are the greatest commodity of value.  So, don’t waste it, because doing those things in 2020 was about to get more complicated mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. 

Welcome… to the class of tomorrow.  





I highly recommend teaching yourself and your children about this beautiful soul — Dr. Albert  Schweitzer a Nobel Prize recipient. 


Not long ago, Dr. Albert Schweitzer, the great Doctor and Nobel Prize winner was being interviewed in London and a reporter (Sir Joshua Reynolds) asked him, “Doctor, whats wrong with men today?”Dr. Albert Schweitzer echos Sir Reynolds sentiments with an answer to a question posed to him within that hall in 1952.  He simply replied: “Men simply dont think.”  That question was rather good, but the answer was absolutely extraordinary and so impactful even in the 21st Century. 


Over the course of six years I have read well over 350 books.  Some say; that’s dumb or why do you waste your time? and was it worth it?  Simple minded as my grandmother would say from time to time.  As I continue on the journey of self-education or professional development.  I have never seen nor heard words pierce the heart and brand the mind so deep like those of Doctor Albert Schweitzer.  And yet, those words still resonate within my mind today.

In fact, a student soon to be scholar asked me a question just this week.  And, it was similar to Sir Reynolds.  


Student: Coach Sagasta…what deplete you?”


I thought for a moment…Wow!  Now that is a great question indeed.  In the short brevity, I wondered why she’d ask me that question.  Then I quickly answered my own question, well who else would she ask!  The answer flashed into my mind.  

Coach: “I am depleted, when I see the amount of individuals who dont take time to think or read.” 


All twenty seven students were silent.  I can hear their breathing and the cool air blowing past my ear from the air condition.  I can only prematurely think that many didnt quite understand.  So, I restated the answer or my thought.  I said: It breaks my heart to see the effects of too much screen time today.  It breaks my heart that many students today arent passionate about their future.  And worse some teachers, parents and/or guardians arent either. 


I have been in this field of education for twelve years.  And yet, I have watched the culture change as well as the habits of learning change.  Empathy has been replaced for empty and courage has been replaced for cowardly.  Over the last thirty days of instructing and coaching there is no expedient to which aperson no matter the level of age or education will not resort, to avoid the real labour of thinking.  It is absolutely obvious even to the uneducated person that refuses to think for themselves and buries their head in the sand like the ostrich.  That today, in the 21st-century many adolescents and adults are cognitively absent.  As Dr. Schweitzer simply replied: Men simply dont think.” 


The aim of this short blog is in 2021 to regularly take time to reflect and think on the important matters in your personal and business life.  That’s right… to schedule time in your calendar — shit send an invitation to yourself to reflect and think on a specific matter.  With all the distractions in life today, we need this as adolescents and adults.  Even just 20 minutes of concentrated thinking or reflecting can be truly beneficial and of value to you NOW and for the FUTURE. 



Coach Frank Sagasta 

Husband, Father, and Educational Leader



                                                   Uncommon Leadership LLC,  ©️ 2021 








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