Coach Frank Sagasta

Education - Leadership - Philosophy - Positive Psychology - Life-Skills

Tuesday, November 10, 2020



By Coach Frank Sagasta 

"If you hear a voice within you say 'you cannot paint,' 
then by all means paint and that voice will be silenced.  - Vincent Van Gogh 

The things I learned from Jim Rohn. The greatest choices must start with self-examination today for treasure tomorrow.  

Most people will drift through this life unaware of the possibilities or potential they possess. All to many will live in the comfort of familiarity which can be so alluring; even if it is not the best. I have have countless conversations or visitations with people droning through their mundane lives, hanging on to their misfortune, circumstances, situations, or rather living with their comfortable misery and blocking the thrill of living.  

Jim Rohn has been one of America’s foremost business philosophers and teacher of the subject of personal growth and professional development. Mr. Rohn is widely recognized as a legend, Jim Rohn possessed the unique ability to bring extraordinary insights to ordinary principles, lessons, experiences, and events. Though he passed away many years ago, his success philosophies, principles, and influence continue to have worldwide impact especially within the Sagasta home and vehicles. As someone who dedicates a significant portion of their time to personal development and professional development. It is no surprise that Jim Rohn’s philosophies and principles are something which have shaped and influenced my heartset, mindset, and behaviour toward achieving success. In this short blog or article, I am going to share with you some of Jim Rohn’s principles which I have emulated, imitated, adopted, and still practice six years in order to achieve what I want and to help others in the process.

Before I really begin...let me share this wonderful story of a old dog lying on the front porch of a farm home. The neighbor stopped by for visit and noticed the dog whimpering. The neighbor told the farm owner and the owner said: "He's lying on a nail!", the neighbor relied: "Why doesn't he move?".  Of course, the owner of the dog said: "The dog doesn't move because he's become tolerant or conditioned."  The neighbor was puzzled, but it made perfect sense.  Sometimes we aren't that different than the dog in the story. 


In order to achieve what you want in life, you need to have purpose, vision of the heart and mind. Without purpose, we become drifters, unmotivated and depressed. Studies have shown that when people are contributing to a higher purpose, they are likely to have a healthier outlook on life and increase resilience to stress, pressure, tension, anxiety, and depression.

Purpose has to be something that does something to us, it gets us out of bed. It pulls us through the challenges, obstacles, circumstances, or situations. It drives us towards the tomorrows and gives us something that is beyond hour, day, week, month or year.


Mr. Rohn has always pointed out. If we want to be the best... we must demand the best from ourselves. Than and only than will you see the excellent results. If your willing to greduate to the next level. You'll need to demand more from yourself - If you want to be a great cook; you'll spend more time investing in cooking lessons and cook books. If you want to be a great boss, you'll attended classes on the subject and seminars. If you want to live healthy, you'll demand yourself not to pull into the fast-food joints.  


Rohn taught that daily disciplines are the cornerstone of success.

What you do, every single day, determines who you are, and what you are able to achieve. If you are constantly looking for new ways to push the envelope, to challenge yourself to become a better person, a better businessman, or a better partner, then you will inevitably achieve that result


Self-confidence comes from not neglecting the small, daily disciplines. It comes from feeling good about yourself and knowing at the end of the day that you did your best. At the end of those days, you feel good about yourself. And when you feel good about yourself, self-confidence begins to rise.

Self-confidence also develops from the willingness to do whatever it takes to achieve. It allows you to rise above your circumstances and encourages you to keep going. Discouraging things may cause others to quit however when you have purpose and self-confidence, you become empowered to persist.


Self-reliance means is a term many coached, teachers, parents, and bosses use. It means that an individual is of "Personally responsible", and others can rely on these type of people. These key individuals carry with them the opportunity to step in when others miss the opportunity. Jim Rohn has expressed over and over again - with self-reliance comes self-discipline. The person takes full ownership and accountability for daily objectives.

Now let me leave you with this thought...

Coach John Wooden was in my eye - an exceptional man. He once said: "A leader must truly enjoy what he's doing and maintain an enthusiastic, positive, optimistic attitude. As Coach Wooden loved saying; "More often than we e're suspect , the lives of others we affect." 

Nor all the book
On all the shelves.
It is what the teachers
Are themselves.

Be blessed,

Coach Frank Sagasta

The Undeniable LEADERS

  THE UNDENIABLE LEADERS COACH FRANK SAGASTA I read a story several years ago about an eagle and a chicken. They happen to be very good frie...