Coach Frank Sagasta

Education - Leadership - Philosophy - Positive Psychology - Life-Skills

Friday, March 13, 2020


“Men are anxious to improve their circumstances, but are unwilling to improve themselves; they therefore remain bound. The man who does not shrink from self-crucifixion can never fail to accomplish the object upon which his heart is set. This is true of earthly as of heavenly things. Even the man whose object is to acquire wealth must be prepared to make great personal sacrifices before he can accomplish his object; and how much more so he who would realize a strong and well-poised life.” 
 - James Allen 

The secret to knowing that you have the power to transform your life.  I believe everything you need, for everything you want lies within us. If you can change your mind, you can change your day, and if permitted, your tomorrow’s.  You don’t need a huge amount of money, education, or connections. You just need to control your thinking. My creed this year is a sure promise, “No Room For Sticky Thinking”.  Programming the mind and heart to believe in yourself can be rather challenging, but possible and definitely rewarding. Knowing you have the power within to do whatever it takes to achieve your full potential is marvelous and yet a gift.  I am a believer that “Love” is the ultimate law of life, especially when you think of the law of attraction, you’re really going to program your mind and heart toward loving. This is the best kept secret that so many people overlook in life today.  The key to happiness or success is overcoming your limiting beliefs and aligning yourself with the right environment which brings happiness and a great amount of positive energy. 

For over two decades, my mother and step-father have been absent.  My step-father Pete died traumatically by lung cancer and suffered with other health conditions.  Unfortunately, my mother Frances, was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer, Dementia, and Severe Depression.  These diagnosis and events left me feeling angry, depressed, cheated, and despairing. I can still smell the room of my daily visits to my mother's assisted living facility.  I still can recall the walks to the bowling alley to grab a soda with my mom. I can still smell the smoky house of my step-father's home and the beans that were always cooking.  You might say, I was forced to witness the gradual disappearance of both parents at a young age. Of course, layered on top of these moments or events. I was unable to really focus on pursuing my own dreams or goals.  In the face of these losses it was difficult to keep in mind that I had to be a good husband, loving parent, devoted coach, and a valued employee. My mental and physical health took the back seat and so did the potential of fulfill my dreams or goals.  Instead, I was fixated on the limitations of my mind, talents, skills, and knowledge.

A little more than two decades ago, Dr. Martin Seligman and colleagues launched the field of "Positive Psychology.”  This was a major breakthrough because I was attending the University of Phoenix and psychology was the field that I was most interested in because of past events.  After stumbling in a book on perseverance. I found myself attending clinics, reading, and studying more on emotions such as; love, gratitude, optimism, forgiveness, happiness, compassion, empathy, kindness, enthusiasm, altruism.  I am not here to give all praise to Dr. Martin Seligman, but Dr. Seligman and his colleagues did reveal or revolutionize the arena of psychology. Psychology at one time used to focus on human emotion, but the negative part such as mental illness, trauma, addiction and stress.  Of course, not to say those aren’t still important, but if I had to choose one side… it would be the positive side of psychology. I am more dedicated today because of making the right choice of course toward ensuring that my life and those around me live happier, healthier, and more fulfilled through positive purpose.  It is about transforming our mind, body, spirit, environment, and performance toward achieving our full potential in life. 

Life is a continuous succession of both small and large problems.  Sometimes these small and large problems never end because we refuse to clear ourselves from the environment.  And no sooner do you get control of one situation when you are hit by another. Life is a process. Never mistake movement for progress.  Life can feel like you're taking two steps forward and one step back. No matter how smart and clever and careful you are, you’ll face life circumstances, struggles, challenges, difficulties, and sometimes heartbreaking adversities every day, week, month or year of your life.  When these events happen try to thank God or Heaven above! I know that can be rather challenging, but you or I couldn’t possibly have become the person we are today without small and large adversity. Getting fired from a job you poured into can be adversity.  

Perhaps, our chief aim or path in life is to develop a state of mind and to transform into a noble character with high quality of values and integrity, to display our high potential.  I truly believe we must practice certain exercises in order to achieve. We must have a turning point in our life. Clear our mind to become more focused. We ought to get yourselves into a state where were calm and cool and in full control of your emotions.  There is perhaps no area of our life in which peace of mind is just as important as breathing. Often people wish for (World Peace), but more than often we don’t even have inner peace? I challenge you today to make peace with yourself.  

“Men are anxious to improve their circumstances, but are unwilling to improve themselves; they therefore remain bound. The man who does not shrink from self-crucifixion can never fail to accomplish the object upon which his heart is set. This is true of earthly as of heavenly things. Even the man whose object is to acquire wealth must be prepared to make great personal sacrifices before he can accomplish his object; and how much more so he who would realize a strong and well-poised life.” 
 - James Allen 

Gratitude Exercises

  • Keep your journal by your bedside and each night list 3-5 positive experiences from the day.  Elaborate on one of these ideas.
  • Make a ritual or route of 2-5 minute "gratitude meditations." 
  • Talk to people with love each moment you get. 
  • Take a few deep breaths before your gratitude exercises to be grounded, present, mindful.
  • Say thank you often — particularly to those who serve you.
  • Smile often — particularly to those you face each day.
  • Linger on thoughts of positive moments from the day.
  • Write down a letter of thanks to someone who has made a difference in your life — give it to them in person if possible.
  • Express gratitude at meals alone or with loved ones.
  • Practice not gossiping, complaining or judging for a day etc.
  • Write down what you appreciate about yourself.
  • Express or show gratitude to your partner.
  • Think about what you are grateful for each morning.

7 Powerful Tips to helping you stay committed

  • Make daily meditation a practice or routine. 
  • Make prayer and journaling a habit.  It helps you notice the thoughts and beliefs that limit you without succumbing to the fear of them.
  • Practice Mirror Work.  Love on you in front of the mirror.
  • Seal the power of your goals and intentions by writing them in ink.  Then break them down into smaller, obtainable steps that you can achieve daily.
  • Use powerful affirmations instead of negative self-talk.  Celebrate when good things happen and tell yourself - “I Shall, I Can, I Will, I Must, Succeed Today!” 
  • Keep a gratitude journal and give thanks for everything that comes your way.

Make yourself accountable or get a mentor to hold your butt accountable.  That's what friends, coaches, and mentors are for! There's nothing like having a cheerleader to support, encourage, and inspire you to dig further in life

Best Regards,

Coach Frank Sagasta
Coachingbeyond LLC,

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