Coach Frank Sagasta

Education - Leadership - Philosophy - Positive Psychology - Life-Skills

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Positive Results Start...

Positive Results Start Today! 

At one point in my life, I had no idea which habits or attitudes would lead me to a proven long-term of happiness, success, or fulfillment.  Of course, I deeply wanted to improve but didn’t know how. Some of you are probably thinking...improve what? My life; my marriage; my career; my spiritual life; and so much more.  I spent thirty years killing myself with addictions, negativity, thoughts of suicide, fear, and internal depression. I wasn’t living a life with purpose, nor was I giving my best to my family. 

I have been on a quest for ten years, and over the last five years.  I’ve been studying leadership, positive psychology, sociology, emotional intelligence, and my Bible.  All to help myself and others on the journey. Over the last decade, I've been blessed and honored to have coached and trained these habits, strategies, and/or principles to adults as well as students in my community.  Some face to face and some through the internet. I have teamed up and met with some of the best teachers, mentors, doctors, and more high performers. I have read 200 books in five years and I have my 50 - 70 books ready for this year.  Of course, I’m not saying this to impress you, but to press upon you. This is the one habit outside of working out physically that they all have shared and it opened the door to my mind. Knowledge is the key antidote that most won’t share with you! 

A while back I was reading a National Geographic booklet on the history of Alexandria.  Apparently, Alexandria had a library that was a marvel of history. From what some say, it was a place for arts, literature, biblical history, philosophy, and science.  It had tablets, books, and scrolls filled with knowledge and secrets of ancient civilizations. Some scholars believe it was set on fire by accident from Caesar's conquest in 48 BC. because it was a magnificent center of learning in the heart of all powerful people.  I share that story for three simple reasons...knowledge, skills, secrets, and power they hold.  

“Human behavior flows from three main sources: desire, emotion, and knowledge.”
~ Plato

3 Tips To Train Your Heart - Mind - Souls For... 

Meditation -

Meditating is absolutely amazing if your consistent with it.  Meditating might just be the best way to clear negativity from your life.  I would suggest you find a time and location. For me. It is waking up at 3 A.M. when all are still sleeping and it is at the kitchen table.  I am able to bring about emotional and spiritual recovery. Meditation rejuvenates the mind and soul making us more resilient, and rids the body of harmful chemicals that can cause depression, stress, and anxiety.  Jesus, Socrates, Aristotle, Plato and more today, all practiced meditation. Remember, he/she who stumbles on the same stone twice deserves to break his/her neck. Learn how to use the resources and strategies left behind.  I would love for each of you to think of it this way. If your mind is wired to be miserable, meditation will be the reset button that allows you to unplug, switch off, and tune out. Once you start to master this area, you can easily learn, through meditation, to turn your brain back on and tune into positive thinking. 

2. Gratitude - 
A number of studies have been taken and proven that gratitude makes us happier.  In fact, here’s a link that I attached for you to enjoy - (  Happiness from gratitude floods our mind with dopamine. Dopamine is the one chemical that has the potential to drown out the negative thoughts and anxious feelings we too often carry in our day to day life.  Thus gratitude invokes the law of attraction which is the Law of Love. Remember, like attracts like and love attracts love, you make an effort to be grateful, you will find that you will be blessed with more things to be grateful for in life.  No matter the circumstances or trial. An amazing and fantastic way to consciously practice gratitude is to keep a journal and at the end of everyday or beginning. You jot down everything you were grateful for throughout the day. You can add one - five goals for the marrow as well. 

3. Kindness -
The Law of Kindness has been a genuine tool throughout the ages.  The paradox of the ages has proven that kindness can make us happier and less stressed when done with a sincere heart.  Studies have also proven, time and time again, that kindness is contagious. If someone is kind to you, you will be inspired to pay it forward and share kindness with someone else.  In fact, the act of kindness also inspires gratitude and makes us more inclined to be grateful, so if you are truly struggling with positive thinking and we want positive results. We must find the turning point of doing something nice for someone and immediately you’ll see how great it makes you feel.

I truly hope you were able to receive something for this short read. I want to thank you for taking the time to read and share with friends & family. Until we blessed!

(3 Tips To Train Your Heart - Mind - Souls For Positive Results)

Best Regards,

Coach Frank Sagasta
Coachingbeyond LLC,

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