Coach Frank Sagasta

Education - Leadership - Philosophy - Positive Psychology - Life-Skills

Friday, September 27, 2019

Stop, Start, & Give

It has been such a long time since my last blog or post.  For that I am deeply sorry to all the readers, family, friends, and criticizers.  I have been busy Reflecting, learning, researching, and experimenting. Jim Rohn once said; “If you want to change, you have to change”.  If you are willing change, everything will change for the better.” 

Unfortunately, it takes time, which is something we cannot buy with money.  We cannot retrieve or substitute time in life. This area of concern is starting to take over the lives and minds of our next generation of children.  What am I talking about? Mental health. The driving question is: Are kids more “Stressed”, more “Depressed” today - and if so, why? And how can parents, guardians, teachers, or coach’s help? 

I know what is like to live in pain.  Facing those mental, spiritual, emotional, and physical pains.  I remember my own personal battles with suicide, depression, addition, and sexual abuse.  I remember being 10 - years - old and being placed into foster care. And literally asking myself, why am I still here?  All while looking into the dark sky. And then asking myself, how did it come to this for me? I totally remember going to school and being bullied because I wasn't from the area or because I didn't sport the latest fashion.  I remember dumpster diving for food in the trash cans of Dunkin' Donuts or Burger King. People used to make fun of me, and laughs at me because my mother wasn't really there and I had no father in my life. I know what it is like to grow-up without self-control, self-confidence, self-worth, self-love, or self-esteem. 

Saying all that leads me into our topic of the day.  Every Sunday across the nation kids arrive to the thought and action of going back to school.  Of course, then Monday arrives and, along with the weekday ahead, students across the nation will storm their school and fill in their classrooms.  A majority of students are ready to go home because they have come to hate school. Along with the short percent which are prepared to learn and achieve.  We are seeing more students report "anxiousness", “stressed-out”, and ”depression.” In fact, every authentic parent and genuine guardian wants their kids or grandchildren to succeed in life as they are today.  Today, they want them to feel good about themselves and for a great reason. I have researched and found studies that show kids experience of low self-esteem, anxiety, stress, depression, and suicide. A great psychotherapist and author of ‘13 Things Mentally Stronger Parents Don’t Do’.  This was an exceptional book that I recommend. I've learned from experience and lesson from books and others alike. In fact, another came to mind. It is called 'Children Learn What They Live' by Dorthy Law Nolte and Rachel Harris and foreworded by Jack Canfield. It is books like this that have helped me to become a better parent, coach, and leader.  Why? Because anyone can find strategies, tips, and principles that I believe will help build children's confidence, self-worth, and most importantly their self-love. I have added some tips or strategies of my own. Of course, some I have read, and some I have heard in the passing of life. But all are still being practiced or rehearsed today. 

1. Responsibility 

Help kids take ownership.  Letting them escape responsibility is letting them commit a crime.  Have them take genuine classes seriously. I am talking about those classes that they'll use in life.  And have them pitch in around the house: laundry, dishes, dinner, or taking out the trash. This will help them become more responsible citizens and leaders of the community. 

Let the fail, yes!  Let the get the rejection or fail at things in life.  Life is tough. When they go through these areas. We consider them learning curves or life lessons.  Letting the prevent these areas is a massive mistake. You're "ROBBING" them of an opportunity to learn, grow, develop, and bounce back.  So, whether its not remembering cleats for softball, soccer or gym bag for volleyball. Perhaps, it's a math or science quiz. Let them face adversity because those are the greatest teachers.  Each one is an opportunity for them to build the mental strength they need for a tough world. 

2, Emotions 
Learn to protecting their emotions or help them with emotional control.  Watch how we react to our kids' emotions has a big impact on the development of their emotional intelligence and self-esteem. Help your kids identify what triggers their emotions and teach them how to self-regulate. Provide them with a framework that helps explain how they feel so they'll have an easier time dealing with those emotions in a socially appropriate way in the future. Teach them to understand self-awareness because it is the foundation of growth and development.

3, Courage

Excellent parents give courage and love daily. Aristotle once said: "courage is the first virtue that makes all others virtues possible." Kids will be forced with difficult decisions and challenges in life. It is our duty to give them the best advice and recommendation. I believe courage is like the idea of a blacksmith. Courage is the fire and the kids are molded by the red-hot iron. Adversity embodies courage and leaves them more committed at finishing strong. 

4, Communication

"The more elaborate our means of communication, the less we community." - Joseph Priestley 

Master of communication is a life-skill all children should learn in my eye and the eyes of the world. Communication is a real world skill that many lack today. Help kids effectively communicate takes patients and practice. They cannot become a great leader without becoming a great communicator.

Start by having logical discussions in the car. Create a connection in the car that makes the environment claim. Listen without distractions and carelessness. Focus on the topics and try not to over respond. I have learned that respond and react mean two different things.  

5, Generosity

Help our children learn this life-skill of generosity. John Maxwell once said: " A good leader is a person who takes a little more than his share of the blame and a little less than his share of the credit." Learning and teaching it are different. 40 years on this earth and I had to re-learn this skill. I know it is impactful and desperately need today. 

If we won't our kids to grow and develop into successful leaders. We will fight in every way to help them get there. Despite our past experiences or failures. 

6, Humility 

Live, love, and learn how to teach humility to our kids. C.S. Lewis once quoted; "Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it's thinking of yourself less." We call omit that kids today think about themselves. I was recently at a soccer game and saw. A group of older kids or possibly middle schoolers that were on the same team fighting for the ball.

7, Passion

Help your kids or grandchildren learn passion, attitude, and enthusiasm because they are contagious. So, many kids across American have boredom but no apathy. Games and no desire. Procrastination paralysis is contagious as well. Kids have no passion to strive for achieving something life lasting that can benefit mankind. This digram might help you and the kids on the journey. I know it helped me understand myself. It also helped me know my kids and people we work with.

MeaningAn introvert is a person who remains isolated, or enjoys the company of few closed ones.An extrovert is an outgoing and outspoken person who enjoys being around and talking to people.
SpeakingThey think before speaking.They reason things out by speaking them.
EnergyRecharges with solitudeRecharges with social interactions
TimeSpends more time with themselvesSpends more time with family and friends
FocusInward focusedOutward focused
ChangeDo not accept change easily.Accept change easily.
CommunicationOpenly communicate about themselves with people they know and trust.Openly communicate about themselves with anyone.
ConcentrationDeeply concentrate for long period.Get distracted easily.
Thank you for taking the time to read. I truly hope you were able to take something away.

Best Regards,

Coach Frank Sagasta

Saturday, August 3, 2019

The Prophet

- The Prophet -

Who will wake up and greet this day with love through grace, humility, and gratitude? 
I have come to believe that we ‘ALL’ have the same amount of time on this earth or on this journey called life.  I believe the greatest secret of success in all ventures of life, starts with “LOVE.”  This emotion or action happens to be the muscle that can overcome the idea of fear.  For it is the muscle that can shield a man from harm or destroy the life of one without.  The unseen power of love can open the door of mans own heart and mind.  

Who will wake up and greet this day with love in heart, mind, and action? 
I will render this day with strong conviction till I have mastered the art of love or I shall remain in this world a peddler in the eye of others.  For today there is no mercy or care for those who remain in the life of their past.  Genuine love is the unseen power that continue to overshadow those lonely moments of despair.  Love is the greatest weapon that all men face and when called upon who can defend against it? 

Who will wake up and greet this day with love through grace, humility, and gratitude?
Some will disapprove of my speech or writings. Some will disapprove of my responses to circumstances or conditions of life.  Some will hate or reject my apparel.  Some will even disapprove or hate my face.  But yet my love shall remain like the rays of the sun, to warm the coldest of hearts with a smile or gesture of happiness and care.  For I will not bargain with my love.  For I am a slave unto it. 

Who will wake up and greet this day with love in heart, mind, and action?
You have will these things be done?  I will rise with the vow to love all things and I will be born again.  I will awake in love to thank the author of life and creation.  I will love the sun even in summer for it brings light, life, happiness, and warms my bones.  I shall love the light for it directs my path.  Of course, I will love the rain for it brings the wonderful smell from off the earth.  I will love even the deep darkness for it bring forth the light of the stars.  I will always welcome the moon for it bring happiness as well as life on earth and in the hearts of man.

Who will wake up and greet this day with love through grace, humility, and gratitude?
I will encourage others to overcome challenges or obstacles.  For I too, will endure the same on this journey and look to others for assistance or advice.  I will welcome both rewards and achievements for they are due, to those who overcome fear and failure through principles of discipline and determination.

Who will wake up and greet this day with love in heart, mind, and action?
I will love my friends that they may be born into my brothers or sisters.  And how will I speak of them?  With love strong cord.  I will encourage and inspire.  Never will I stretch forth to find excuses or gossip.  And when I am tempted to criticize I will either walk away or bite my tongue.  For I have come to believe it will bring me no reward.  But when their is praise unto others...I will shout with aloud sound. 

Who will wake up and greet this day with love through grace, humility, and gratitude?
I shall always remain in love until the creator has returned and finds me working in love.  I will act in the best manner of man with the highest quality of care.  In addition, I shall love all manner of men/women for each has qualities to be admired even though they might be hidden from the seeing eye or hearing ear.  I will always allow love to strength me each day.  I may call for help to tear down the walls of fear, hate, and dishonesty which many have built around them.  I shall try over and over again to build a bridge so that my love may enter in.  I am just a tool with a gift and purpose. 

Who will wake up and greet this day with love in heart, mind, and action? 
Can we not wake with love so ambitions and divine?  Can we not come to focus on our own growth or relationship with one-self?  I will wake and love the most ambitious lives of others for they can inspire me to reach further within.  I will wake and love the Kings, Princes, and Prophets before me.  That they may teach me to learn, grow, and evolve from their failures.  I will love the meek for the have shown me the divine comfort of grace, gratitude, humility, and happiness.  I shall wake and love the young for the faith they hold deep within.  And I shall always help and love the elders for the wisdom to share. 

I will awake and greet this day forever with love in my heart and happiness in my actions.  I truly hope you enjoy this short read and share it with friends and family. 

Best regard, 

Coach Frank Sagasta 

                                                               (c) Coachingbeyond, LLC

Friday, January 4, 2019

Seven on Seven

If you haven’t promised yourself great things for 2019, what are you doing? Self-talk is “REAL TALK!” It is time to making a creed or vow for yourself. A creed is a system of Christian or other religion beliefs; a faith. This is the definition from Webster Dictionary. 
What should grab you is "Belief & Faith." Yep, faith in God and within yourself. To be honest. To be faithful. To be loving. To be disciplined. To be strong.  To be enthusiastic. And to be consistent that nothing can disturb your hearts desire or peace of mind from attaining what you really want in life in 2019.

"Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision clearer, ambition inspired, and success achieved." - Hellen Keller

One of the greatest creeds ever passed down to me. Was in fact by Christian D. Larson who wrote it rather well. When he said; "Promise yourself. . . To be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind. To talk health, happiness and prosperity to every person you meet. To make all of your friends feel that there is something worthwhile in them. To look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true. To think only of the best, to work only for the best and to expect only the best. To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your own. To forget the mistakes of the past and to press on to greater achievements of the future. To wear a cheerful expression at all times and give a smile to every living creature you meet. To give so much time to improving yourself that you have no time to criticize others. To be too large for worry, to noble for anger, to strong for fear, and too happy to permit the presence of trouble. To think well of yourself and to proclaim this fact to the world, not in loud words but in great deeds. To live in the faith that the whole world is on your side, so long as you are true to the best that is in you." For this is still my creed three years later and hope it would be yours too!

"To educate a man in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society." 
- Theodore Roosevelt

You see, we ought to remember that "ALL" humankind must be measured by the actions we make alone. Not the intentions. Intentions have little worth or importance when judging our character or gauging our love and happiness. Only actions allow us to create, develop, grow, connect, contribute, love, and serve to our highest selves that we might soar to the level of greatness and beyond. In 2016. I made a mission statement or creed that still sits next to my bed. That I might face it each day. The beginning sentence starts with "I believe in myself." This is a sincere sentence. The second part within my statement is "I believe that God will lend me everything I need to succeed, "IF" I give my best to earn it through faithful and honest service." These are the strongest sentences within my creed. I am sure you have noticed that we must affirm our self-confidence through our expression. And I'm sure these word within this blog would be a splendid example for any person to adopt. Of course, let us all remember when we take those actions of adopting them we must use them daily. No excuses and no compromising. For when we do, there comes an invisible force that gathers around us, pulling in opportunities that align with our purpose and giving us the momentum to live free without oppression.

What are you committed to this year? Do you see yourself achieving those goals? Are you going to allow bad behavior or habits to determine your success of happiness? How can you make your goals attainable and differently than what you did last year?

"The undisciplined life, is an insane life."
- Socrates

Unsuccessful people always allow disappointment to stop them from reaching their goals or from tracking their achievements. They sometime lose their focus which causes them to break their commitments, values, dreams, and goals. Having a creed is something that can help you on your path. Of course, if you let it assist you on your journey. I believe personally and professionally that adopting the faith and value. Are the compasses by which we need to navigate throughout this life and into the next. And they will bring with them a sense of happiness and gratitude. I am going to leave you with seven questions and seven habits. All to use while you bring in the New Year of 2019. I hope they help you as they have helped me on my journey.

Seven Questions:

1. What would you do if you knew you could not fail?

2. Who loves you and thinks you're beautiful when you wake up in the morning?

3. If you'd die today, would you have any regrets?

4. How many promises or goals have your made and how many of them have you fulfilled?

5. What or who enlightens you?

6. Is there anything you can't let go of today, but you know you should?

7. Are you in your purpose or are you still looking?


1. Unlock your hidden ambitions today!

Look, we all have a desire or desires. That's what makes us unique, but often it gets buried under our lack to take action. Never work for money, work for your passion in life. 

2. Educate yourself today for tomorrow!

You have to find what you're truly looking for in life to see your purpose. For some people that take a boost in applied knowledge. When you acquire expertise you become more confident and optimistic, which gives you the momentum and motivation to pursue the purpose.

3. Learning is earning!

If you learn one thing a month, you would have learned 12 new things this year. If you choose to learn one thing a week, you would have learned 52 new things. And if you learn one thing a day, you would have learned 365 new things. I know this is very easy, yet so many people leave this earth not realizing this fact. Applied knowledge is power...I know you are saying; "'s knowledge is power." But a car cannot travel without an engine. Knowledge is power sounds so clichΓ©. Make it a habit to learn something new each day.

4. Reflection time!

Give yourself time during the day and at the end of the day to reflect. Set a regular time to check in with yourself and make sure you're staying the course of where you want to be today for tomorrow.

5. Believe!

Nobody is born with built-in confidence. This is something we acquire throughout life. Remember, a confident mind is a powerful mind. Of course, the first step is believing in yourself. 

6. My purpose!

For some that purpose is to land their dream job. For some that purpose is to be rich and richer. Of course, for some it is about finding self-satisfaction at the end of the day. That you gave your best. A wonderful book says; "Ask and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:" Find that ultimate purpose that you crave for and streamline your efforts and abilities toward achieving it.

7. Empower your innersole!

Begin your journey each morning with empowering messages, books, sounds or videos that will give you the fuel to make your goals or dreams come true.

I hope this reaches 100 people this year. And I hope that the readers use this to stay the course and out of helms way. They helped point me in the right direction, when I was lost and still do today. They have become a major part of my growth and I hope they'll become apart of yours. Love Coach Frank Sagasta. Remember, to make every day a Masterpiece!!

"No man can become rich without himself enriching others." 
- Andrew Carnegie


Coach Frank Sagasta.

(c) Coachingbeyond 2019

The Undeniable LEADERS

  THE UNDENIABLE LEADERS COACH FRANK SAGASTA I read a story several years ago about an eagle and a chicken. They happen to be very good frie...