Coach Frank Sagasta

Education - Leadership - Philosophy - Positive Psychology - Life-Skills

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

The Unstuck Failure

I want you to imagine something from history for a moment.  Imagine what would have happened if the Titanic had not struck an iceberg that night.  Imagine that the ship did not sunk on her maiden voyage. Think of the reputation as an “unsinkable” ship and the biggest of its class.  Imagine further that she had returned to England and continued to cross the wide open ocean. The grand success would have been evident to everyone. Now open your eye and see reality!! Because, the great Creator did not stop man from reaching the stars.

In fact, he made us “ALL” born managers/leaders of life.  Of course, there are some of us that have never turned on the switch toward living up to it.  Some of us have been living in the past or within the stories in our head. You know very well, what I am talking about. . . And, if not. I am talking about those moments and events.  The ones we think about from our past that sink us into the rut. I have been there more than I can count. Moving forward from the past was the hardest part, but it can be done! And the results are magnificent.

I believe “All” of mankind was created to be the best managers/leaders, but have failed.  Most of us have fall into the misuse of our resources, power, and ability. Now, we are mismanaging or wrongfully leading ourselves and others with us into the pit.  I truly believe that God will bless us financially, physically, mentally, and emotionally. Once we confess our wrongs and we ask for our resources, power, and abilities back. Then and only then will he bless us like he did with Adam and Eve. I do not want to come off religious, but it is common for us to miss these principles if were not focusing on them daily.  

“If we did all the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves.”
Inventor, Philanthropist, and Engineer

Principles always work if you always work the principles.  All of these same results are possible for you as they are for me!  I know for a fact that you, too, can attain unimagined levels of success and happiness.  Why? Because the principles and techniques always work. Of course, all you have to do is put them into habit, practice, and work.  In addition, you’ll have to learn how to release the breaks, or you will always see life’s conditions, circumstance, situations, struggles, or trials and you’ll fall short from achieving your intended goals.

“You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself.” 
America’s foremost business philosopher

I fully believe one of the most ignorant myths in American culture today. And some might take offense to this, but many fill entitled to a great life.  I do not know why! But somehow, someway, and somewhere. Someone is responsible for giving them the desire of their heart, mind, and soul.

If you want to be happy, healthy, and successful.  We have to take 100% responsibility for everything that we face and experience in life.  At least, that's what the bible says to do! This includes the level of your achievements, the results you produce, the quality of your relationships, the state of your health and physical fitness, your income, your debts, your emotional feelings. . . everything.  Letting go of distractions, leads to genuine actions. STOP LIVING IN THE PAST!! Take full responsibility for filling ourselves with continual happiness, nurturing time with family or friends. Make adjustment for excitement and passions within your careers. And always make time for blissful reading which bring peace about life.  

Lastly, learn to replace complaining with making requests and taking action that will achieve your desired outcomes.  That is what successful people do in life and business. That is what works, when you work it! If you find yourself in a condition or situation you don’t like, either work to make it better or leave point blank.

“The man who complains about the way the ball bounces is likely the one who dropped it.” 
The only coach in NCAA history to lead six different college teams to postseason bowl games, and winner of a national championship and “coach of the year” honors; now an ESPN football analyst

Here are some tips and advantages that helped me and I hope they can help you too!
1) PCC = Perspective Can Change
The perspective can change when we change or release the grip of our past and we stop complaining. #noexcusemindset! Once you're able to really see your reality in a brand new way. You won't feel oppressed, but you'll have this feeling of freedom. If can afford it. . . travel and if you cannot. Then take a hike. . . I'm serious! If you haven't heard the expression "healthy body, healthy mind." Exercise helps keep our brain cells nourished and healthy. Plus it helps improve our memory and cognitive abilities.

2) MEC = Mental Environment Cleaned
It is time to take charge of the resources God gave you my friends. Cleaning out the environment stimulate different parts of the brain for better moods and improves creativity and clarity of mind. So, I challenge you to this tip! Remember, every choice matters for our lives. Making small mental changes will help you accomplish those goals you start and keep you from getting stuck.

3) EBB = Explore Beyond Boundaries
THIS IS MY LIFE! say it out loud. . . THIS IS MY LIFE!!! It is not impossible to live, love, and laugh in life. Self-discovery is at the heart of genuine leaders and people who are doing phenomenal things in life. So, why shouldn't you be there too? Remember, you. life has purpose and meaning. It is your responsibility to think outside the box. t is your responsibility to take action outside the comfort zone and to explore the ocean of life. 

Here are a few questions you may ask yourself: 

What makes me happy?
What is my favorite thing to do?
What is my favorite music? 
What am I really great at?
What makes me unique?
What brings me internal and external motivation?
Who keeps me inspired?

Here are three of my favorite books that inspired me to share this blog:
  • The Servant Leader by James A. Autry
  • The Spirit of Leadership by Dr. Myles Munroe
  • Chicken Soup for the Soul by Jack Canfield


Coach Frank Sagasta

(c) Coachingbeyond 2018


The Undeniable LEADERS

  THE UNDENIABLE LEADERS COACH FRANK SAGASTA I read a story several years ago about an eagle and a chicken. They happen to be very good frie...