Coach Frank Sagasta

Education - Leadership - Philosophy - Positive Psychology - Life-Skills

Friday, November 16, 2018

The Epic Mountain


"It is far. But there is no journey upon this earth that a man may not make if he sets his heart to it. There is nothing, Umbopa, that he cannot do. There are no mountains he may not climb, there are no deserts he cannot cross; save a mountain and a desert of which you are spared the knowledge, if love leads him and he holds his life in his hand counting it as nothing, ready to keep it or lose it as Providence may order." - H. Rider Haggard  

We are "ALL" on a quest, that's right. . . a quest!! We all wake up and apply some of the same habits.  Of course, it depends on how we see the quality of life.  Some people wake up looking for money.  Some people are looking for a better marriage.  Some people are looking for ways to become a better parent.  Some people are looking for a better career.  Some people are looking for balance.  And some people are looking for freedom today. 

You know, I love to spend time hiking.  In fact, I am getting ready to enjoy a wonderful hike in Utah.  It opens the mind and it gives me time to see life in a different preceptive, but more than that. . . I have clarity.  Listen, I know the quest can be rather tiring and exhausting.  And if you are reading this, just know that the quest is not over! Stay focused.  The universe requires more than what you think you are putting out. 

I can total remember one particular hike up Spirit Mountain in the Nevada Mountains.  The elevation is only 5,643 ft. but it had rained the day before and it was still overcast with chances of more rain.  As some might see it, as a way to stay back.  I seen it as the best opportunity.  Life is a challenge and sometime it forces us to take days off but this wasn't that time.  I was desperate in soul and mind to see what was up there because I had tried two other time and failed.  Yeah. . . some mountains paths or roads in life are never marked. And nor are that easy! 

"If you have a positive attitude and constantly strive to give your best effort, eventually you will overcome your immediate problem and find you are ready for greater challenges." - Pat Riley

Nonetheless, while I was hiking the mountain.  I reached a spot that was a dead end.  And when I say; "DEAD END. . . I mean dead end!"  I slipped on a rock and began to fall backwards.  I desperate started swinging and reaching for tree branches. However, there wasn't any trees only shrubs.  What was only a few seconds of a fall, totally felt like hours.  All I could think of was my family and the fall.  I was in totally in frantic mood because two feet from where I was falling backwards.  Was a sheer drop of thousand feet.  At the last second before my back hit the massive bolder.  I was able to grab some twigs from those shrubs hoping they could support me.  But they didn't!! It was my gun holster that kept me from falling to my death.  Along with the great help of our Creator.  This is why I say; we are "ALL" on a quest and design with a purpose.  We all can agree that this event could've end up much worse. 

The moral or principle here is quite simple.  It is important to not judge where the safety or genuine advice is coming from, but to accept it and to apply it.  It truly is inevitable, that any time you are going up a mountain you'll face resistance, obstacles, challenges, circumstances, situations and downpours.  Just like life! How you handle them is what matters the most.  As insignificant as the twig from the shrub.  It was my holster from my gun that kept me from falling to my death. And it was all because, I wasn't able to see ahead and because I lost my balance. 

Life demands balance and focus. . . powerful right?  Well, it is true! I truly hope that you found something useful in what I shared with you.  That is might encourage you to seek help, to reach out to people who care for you and support you in your climb.  Because you have something special within you called "GREATNESS" and you are design with a purpose.  Please, do not squander away the time looking for the answer for success, create it with the tools that have been giving you from birth.  You and I have the tools to create our own definition of success.  Never get to a point where you allow the world to fashion or design that for you. 

Do not fear the faith, for if we lack faith. We welcome fear of challenges in life. I believe in myself and the faith." - Coach Frank Sagasta

A) Starting your day with prayers or meditation.
I personally believe achieving balance starts with personal choice.  Choice is a powerful gift given to man and the dangerous gift given to man.  It requires the right attitude and discipline to make anything work.  More importantly it requires a strong core. 
BAlways make the habit of being present with God, yourself, family, friends and finally your job, or company.  Being present requires knowing the arena you are in each moment of the day.  Having a great time with family should be more exiting than having a time with co-workers or friends.  Of course, if you do not have family, than rock on! with friends that are genuine in support and in love.  It starts with making a difference in the world you call environment. 

AThe first thing in staying focus is finding what you "MOST" certainly want in live.  Then start the planning because it make the developing part much easier.  Every time you are faced with a challenge or downpour. . . look at the problem.  Rather than reacting to it, respond to it! Responding is a positive word and so, you should spend energy and time thinking about what you want the outcome to look like.  And lastly, take the actions to make it happen.  
I would love to see you imaging the overwhelming joy of accomplishment the challenge.  The gratitude.  The sense of power and worth.  The confidence and strength you feel.

B) If you are happy and you know it and your face will truly show it. . . if you're happy and you know it, clap your hands!!  Now that you feel and know from thinking about what you want.  As I said the second step require the plan. 
It might sound strange or far fetch but gratitude helps to develop the trait of focus behaviors.  So, when you train the mind and heart to look for great and promising things.  The situations or obstacles do not seem as impossible, but more "I AM POSSIBLE."  So, rise up and get into the habit of being thankful.  Be thankful for those hard times because there are some lesson to learn.  Be thankful for the process and the journey. 


Coach Frank Sagasta
Navy Father, Husband, Educator, Coach, and Mentor

(c) Coachingbeyond 2018 

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