Coach Frank Sagasta

Education - Leadership - Philosophy - Positive Psychology - Life-Skills

Sunday, July 29, 2018



We can never achieve our full potential or ability to climb the mountains of success if we are more concerned and focused on competing with one another. Competition is a reaction to today's culture and society. We have all been trained to compete to some degree, but never trained on the consequences. Yes, it fosters innovation, productivity, and growth, all of which create wealth and a brand, but competition breeds fear within. Competition eventually destroys us by degrading us to imitations. Competition breeds conformity, infantilism, and mediocrity. I am going to share some value with you, that has changed my view and lifestyle along with my professional stands as a coach. My point is not to excuse or condemn any of these practices, but merely to pinpoint the crucial role of competition, as opposed to greed, in their spread. I focus here on ethics, not efficiency. The relationship between the two is complex. In many cases, ethical norms evolve to sustain proper behavior and attitude when it comes to competition. 

I used to think that yelling at my kids and players was a great way to motivate them, but I woke up and read between the line of truth. It tears down self-esteem rather than building it up. I was creating monsters not leaders. In fact, I was young and dumb in both positions as a husband, father, and coach. I created an extremely unsafe environment for my kids and athletes. I used humiliation and fear to get my views across. They all need to understand my view of competition but was it the correct view of competition? I was wrong on many levels. In many cases, competition will arise if the opportunity is there or the environment encourage it, whether or not it is intended. David Bergin once said; "There is an example of a school administration that posted an honor roll based on the grade point average, thereby encouraging grade competition amongst students, i.e. grade is more important than understanding, and this was most likely done without thought on how it will affect students’ way of learning." 

It does not matter whether it is a child or adult learning concepts, principles, standards, or values is best known by taking action, observation, smelling, listening, touching, or tasting as well as thinking, either creatively or logically. Competition can set-up a pathetic craving for words and action of praise i.e. "Everyone is a winner - Everyone gets a trophy." Thus the mind and heart are enslaved by the craving for the good opinion of others. And so, we can see it is a craving for personal recognition or affirmation which is merely childish in the eyes of great professionals and legends long before us. Being ambitious and humble are far in difference but both have a purpose in displaying the initiative in greatness. He/she will not stand outside the door of your opinion begging with their bowl pleading for approval. He/she will not run, jump, steal, murder, lie or do anything necessary to win the praise of others. 

"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." 
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Ralph Waldo Emerson has advocated in some way or another that all readers avoid following the path of others and instead to trust and follow their own path. Not to compete against one another but to make our own path and to go a blazing. Competition breeds conformity and according to the great professor Emerson, is death. Competition kills personal initiative, responsibility, believism, desire, and optimism which is essential in the time of self-reliance. We live in a time of self-reliance. For it is the foundation of productivity, efficiency, and self-sustaining societies and cultures. Never let someone miss lead you, as to where competition can take you! It can be rather costly. We as humans have adequately developed skills over time throughout conditioning, practice, and reinforcement. Remember, self-reliance and self-dependence accomplish that which competition cannot never touch. 

My mission as a husband, father, a coach is to teach all people both young and aged. To help them grow as individuals, teams so that they too, can become better people in their homes, communities, and the world. I have learned much from great men and women that entered my life. I have made the best investment of applying genuine information that has changed my situation and position on life. If you have always believed or been trained to be very competitive for success, you might be surprised by what you uncover. 

Employers and business leaders need people who can think for themselves - who can take initiative and be solutions to problems." 
- Stephen Covey 

*Speical Thanks...
Willard & Marguerite Beecher 
David Bergin (1995) Academic Competition 
Ralph Waldo Emerson (1841) Essay 
Damon Burton & Thomas Raedeke (2008) Sports Psychology 
Jeff Janssen

Best, Coach Frank Sagasta 

(c) Coachingbeyond, LLC 


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