Coach Frank Sagasta

Education - Leadership - Philosophy - Positive Psychology - Life-Skills

Saturday, July 7, 2018



As I get ready to turn forty and think of my life so far and what's to come, I fully realize how much I've grown and been sharpen because of questions and decisions. I have always been captivated and insatiably curious about certain things in life. Every day before class, I'll examine the right discussion question fitting for the day and my age group. This is a wonderful tool to use in life and with extraordinary benefits behind it. During our life's span will exhibit the unique ability of curiosity at some point or another. I truly believe that curiosity is a magical or key ingredient which allows us all to explore alternatives for new possibilities by asking the "what if" question. What if we put our whole heart into something? What if we made the right choices every day? And so, on!

I asked a few businesses over the course of this last month about the missing link in today's culture of employees. I asked; "What are you looking for in great employee's?" Nine business out of ten came back with; "integrity, work ethics, motivation, and responsibility." All good answers to help me with my class this year. I was absolutely curious to see what was missing. Integrity and work ethic was a great answer, as well as motivation and responsibility. In theory, anyone that pours into their work with heart, passion, commitment along with those other areas such as integrity, motivation. and responsibility should be selected for a better position, more responsibility and ultimately promotion. You might say; "SHOW ME THE MONEY. . ." a great line from the movie, (Jerry Maguire). Why? It is crystal clear, that anyone that shows those characteristics herein is a great person and worthy of a position within a company. 

But after hearing from these companies assure me that there's a lack of integrity, motivation, and enthusiasm in our culture today when it comes to having great employees. I began researching and probing certain employees that would talk about their position and company. Of course, not many employees were willing to open up, because of fear of termination. Of course, I prepared five simple question you could probably answer yourself at the end of this writing. Either way, this behavior has affected the level of ethics and responsibility in the workforce. If individuals vowed to give more time toward being responsible we wouldn't see the effects of poor customer service or poor work ethics today. Of course, throughout my observation and my professional opinion. It starts with attitude and questions. I still recall John Maxwell, preaching or coach on the value of attitude my. . . my what a powerful weapon we all poses. But Ralph Waldo Emerson, summed it up many years ago, that "Ability without honor has no value," it truly made me pause and think hard on the subject of value. What do I offer in value and how is the attitude? Do you offer feelings or principles? Of course, he went on to say, that "If you would lift me up you must be on higher ground." This implied that if you are going to be in a position to help someone in life personally or professionally you must have strong values and integrity in your life. Becoming a great employee or business owner requires an excellent attitude of a worthy value, integrity among other things such as questions and motivation to get yourself out of bed because it's your responsibility. Mr. Emerson capped off his lecture by saying, "What lies behind you and what lies before you are tiny matters compared to what lies within you." I know this takes practice, and I know it takes commitment, but first, it is about making the right decisions.

Life is filled with choices, decisions, and questions. However, it is filled with answers and results too! Therefore, it truly doesn't matter whether it is for your personal or professional use or gain, we all make them! Some can be dangerous and some can take you from good to great or great to extraordinary, either way, it is how we embrace them that truly makes the difference. I know from experience that when I made the decision to rewire my mind and change my attitude. Life really began. I started to have more clarity. In doing, so, opportunities started to unravel. I know from experience and from an educational standpoint that when you ask the right questions. You get the right answers. And if you make the right choices. You get the right results. But if you don't like them, more then likely those are the ones that are good for you and help you grow. Confusious once stated; "The man who asks a question is a fool for a minute, the man who does not ask is a fool for life." And he was right! Way too, often we see people making mistakes or were in a circle of continual mistakes, all because we didn't ask the question or make the right choice. Is there value here and do I offer value to the group or company? We can and should expect the greatest return from every person we deal with or come in contact with "IF" we share our greatness with them. 

So, in closing... I need you to think hard about the questions and decisions life or company has given you. Then make time to answer them and follow your path. Francois M. Arouet once said; "Judge a man by his questions rather than by his answers." 

What are your values and do you bring them to the table of life every opportunity? is it your integrity, family, health, phone, or friends aligned with your values?

What do you know today that can affect your tomorrow? It is always the obstacles or circumstances we face that we do not see as lessons or blessings. 

What is getting in the way of your goals or dreams today? Sometimes our ego and pride get in the way for many and this cause conflict.

Do you have a clear understanding of your path? It is easy to buy a map, but knowing how to read it can be challenging. Real leaders are readers.  

How is the character of your circle displayed? is the environment of friends and family in the same path as your destiny. Can the conversations and actions help you to grow or do they bring you down?     

Do you regularly display your standards? is their time in your day or month that you're contributing toward your standards?

What type of books are you applying to your growth? As I said; real leaders are readers. . . and they all apply genuine information to their lives and others within their home or business.

"We make our world significant by the courage of our questions and by the depth of our answers." - Carl Sagan 

Best Coach Frank Sagasta

(c) Coachingbeyond, LLC

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