Coach Frank Sagasta

Education - Leadership - Philosophy - Positive Psychology - Life-Skills

Thursday, July 12, 2018


Don't ever get in the habit of measuring life's journey. Life is about the process and that process may bring pain or suffering. That is part of the process. Of course, life can bring joy and happiness. Human beings struggle with circumstances or some type of psychological pain: difficult emotions and thoughts, their unpleasant memories, or unwanted environments. We sometimes spend more time thinking about them, worry about them, resenting them, anticipating and dread them. At the same time, we all can demonstrate enormous courage, love, faith, compassion, and a remarkable ability to move ahead even with difficulties facing us in life. Of course, when your fully alive, present, and committed. This short blog is about how to move from suffering to engagement with life and to see your gift of determination and always resting with full satisfaction. Rather than waiting to win the internal struggle with your own self, this blog is about living now and living fully. 

Some of you have heard and some of you have never heard of the famous story of Noah from the Bible. What we can all learn from this story and many like it is the example of obedience, determination, passion, persistence, productivity and internal drive. As I reflected on this story the other morning. It had me thinking hard on the subject passion and persistence along with the rest. I thought about my passion and my purpose in life. You see, Noah wasn't a shipbuilder and in those days, it didn't rain much. Yet God commanded Noah to build a ship. I know it seems far-fetched to a non-believer, but the accounts are true. This was a test and a mighty test for one person and his family. 

"That which does not kill us makes us stronger." 
- Friedrich Nietzsche 

How many of us have been through a test? and no, not those man-made test in schools or some business. I am talking about a test in life, maybe personally or professionally but you've had to undergo something that brought the pain of some sort. For many, these struggles or conditions have helped setup values, standards, and principles which are all beliefs that influence people’s behavior and decision-making. Just like Noah who had to go through some pain to see the principles and value. We too, need to bring that light into this dark world. Way too often we measure ourselves throughout this journey and not take into account the applications. Noah had to submit to God. Noah had to submit to his wife and children throughout the process. Although God has never asked me to build an ark, He has asked me to do something that is just as challenging and despite the failures or setbacks, I have faced in life. He has asked me to be faithful day by day in every way. . . living the Kaizen life! 

I truly believe God has given each person on this earth a purpose in life. Of course, some work harder than others for their purpose and on the path of their purpose. For me, it has been to persevere over the challenges of being a child abused statistic, an orphan, a college dropout, etc. God has asked me to trust him to wake up with the lungs of inspiration and to set my feet on Gods green earth with enthusiasm. He said to shower down with determination and to brush my teeth with optimism. It truly is satisfying to know that these same tools were passed down to other important people of history. The nurture and admonition of the Lord have brought me to the mountain of being a faithful husband, father, friend, educator, mentor, and coach. However, there were many times where I wanted to throw in the towel and take my own life. There was a time in life where I wanted to walk away to escape my responsibilities of being a husband, and father. I didn't want to obey what God set up for me and because of that, I missed many opportunities. The greatest opportunity that was lost, was time! All because I didn't want to commit. 

"Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. - Albery Schweitzer

Let me tell you of a story of another man that faced challenges, but was able to overcome because God told him too! Dr. George Washington Carver was known as an agriculturalist, botanist, chemist, and developer of three to four hundred by-products from peanuts. George Washington Carver didn't count his journey because it wasn't over as he might have thought for a short moment. George Washington Carver was a son of a slave mother. One night George and his mother were stolen from the Carvers farm by some bushwhackers. The Carvers put up an award for the boy and his mother, but only the boy was returned to the Carvers. The mother was never heard from again. The Carvers took Geroge in and gave him love along with a strong foundation of education. George Washington Carver had to overcome his color. He had to overcome his health, George developed a horrible caught and his voice was never the same. Despite his circumstances or conditions, he was led to pray. So, he prayed, prayed, and prayed. Yes, George prayed for the secret of Gods universe. Of course, God was listening because God did bless and inspired him with a universe of knowledge through a peanut. This same boy who survived his childhood as a slave. This same boy that was parentless and lost his ability to speak with clarity. Yet, George stayed committed to what God gave him to discover. The simple and small peanut that would change his world and the world around him all because of his obedience. 

The primary purpose of this blog is for you to see or find your purpose and to go all in with obedience and commitment. For you to see your purpose despite those circumstances, struggles, challenges, conditions or failures. It is your responsibility, do not waste time living in someone else shoes when the Creator gave you the opportunity to live with genuine power. Measure the process. Measure the applications and apply them to your path. I promise they'll open up new opportunities for you to see more of your drive and purpose. These are things the average person would walk right over. . . if your reading this, you're not average! The average has waved their rights to create happiness and success. 

Here's some question to help. . . 1 meaning not so much and 5 meaning completely. 

1) I am usually, boarded in life 1 2 3 4 5 Enthusiastic.

2) Life today seems 1 2 3 4 5 completely routine.

3) In life, I have 1 2 3 4 5 no aim or clear goals.

4) My personal existence on this 1 2 3 4 5 earth is utterly meaningless. 

5) I have too many 1 2 3 4 5 distractions going on in my life. 

6) I wish to find my 1 2 3 4 5 purposes in this life and I want it to be meaningful. 

7) Every day seems harder 1 2 3 4 5 and harder to commit to something. 

8) If I could go back 1 2 3 4 5 I would change my life.

9) I promise 1 2 3 4 5 to follow those with great advice to move my life from point (A - Z).

10) I have to create a life 1 2 3 4 5 of great habits, hobbies, interests, obligations, and responsibility. 

Here are some habits to help you along the journey

1) Self-Talk
The greatest benefit to man is the ability to control his/her self. A self-talking person is a powerful tool that has tremendous quantities.   

2) Remove unimportant/distractions from your life
It truly is amazing what happens when you have total focus. The benefit is that you'll find yourself focusing on the important things more, which is key. 

3) Setup limits or boundaries 
We set limits and boundaries in our lives to keep us from going off track. A man has never traveled beyond the thought of the unknown in space. Why? because we have set up boundaries that keep us alive. Don't waste time going beyond a boundary to only find yourself coming back to the beginning. Yes, make your own path in life, but make your own boundaries too!

4) Timeline
Set up a timeline or goal board that holds you accountable. This a great tool to keep you on track and within the boundaries. The benefit behind a timeline is the focus you put behind it that really takes flight.

5) Environment
It is time to create an environment internally and externally. The space that aligns with your timeline and goals. And don't forget to add the 80/20 rule to your space, 20% is focused on the tasks that mean the most and have a great impact. Everything else is the effort to get there. Be inspired my friend and achieve on!!! 

"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did but people will never forget how you made them feel." 
- Maya Angelou 


Coach Frank Sagasta

(c) Coachingbeyond, LLC 2018 

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