Coach Frank Sagasta

Education - Leadership - Philosophy - Positive Psychology - Life-Skills

Sunday, June 10, 2018

The Secret Mindset


Hello everyone. . . 

When you think of the most successful, intelligent, and talented individuals. Who comes to mind? I know for some it might be Elon Musk, Steve Jobs, or Thomas Edison. We can all agree the list goes on with witty inventors. Nonetheless, these inventors have all had wonderful success, but while you thought about their finish successes. Did you take a moment to think of their long desire or the failures? Did you put any energy toward their slow progress or perhaps their unwavering curiosity, dedication toward their developments and finishing the job no matter how hard it got? 

I have been studying the field of philosophy and psychology for ten years and the mindset for five years. Why you ask? Anyone of normal intelligence can figure out the best way to make something stick into a great habit is to practice and if you truly want to understand something you'll commit to the process. That's exactly what all inventors have done! During my years at the University of Phoenix, I overheard two names be mentioned, one was (Psychologist Carol Dweck and Martin E.P. Seligman). Of course, there're others but too many to mention at this moment.  


Dr. Dweck brought something to light when she said; "It is not intelligence, talent, skill, or education that sets successful people apart. It is the mindset. The way people approach life's challenge or circumstance. She used a phrase called "Fixed Mindset." I am not an expert, but I have years of experience in the field. The mental system is far beyond the full comprehension of mankind. We've only been able to examine 22% - 27% of the brain's ability. It is truly like the sea, which man has only examined 5% - 10% of the ocean in all. In fact, scientists pour a lot of brainpower to understanding how the mind works as far as the east is from the west. Neuroanatomists have mapped most of the broad structures within the mind and all with the fair degree of accuracy. However, because of limitations in current technology, the brain's full functional aspects are still undiscovered. As I said; we have much to learn and it never stops!  

So, how can we become like those inventors? How can we improve and remove depression, bipolar, stress, tension, or anxiety from our lives? And to leave this world better than when we found it? The answer is simple, growth mindset. Growth mindset is the Siamese twin to fixed mindset. Of course, they both serve a great purpose, but have different functions. Dr. Coral Dweck said; "In a fixed mindset students believe their basic abilities, their intelligence, their talents, are just fixed traits. They have a certain amount and that's that, and then their goal become to look smart all the time and never to look dumb. In a growth mindset students understand that their talents and abilities can be developed through effort, good teaching, and persistence. They don't necessarily think everyone's the same or anyone can be Einstein, but they believe everyone can get smarter if they work at it." This has been one the most interesting things that's happened in psychology in recent years. As an educator it is truly fascinating to see these changes and extraordinary steps to helping others prepare for the real world. However, there is a realization in the way we typically praise children in this country.  Everyone is a winner! In my professional opinion that is absolutely counterproductive. All that does is work the fixed mindset, but what about the capability which is the growth mindset? Think about the characteristics when you tell a child "You’re so smart or you're the best" what you’re unwittingly doing there is encouraging a fixed mindset. So, that goes hand in hand with rewording every kid, even though others didn't practice as long or didn't show up for certain games. These characteristics can downplay our position. We must focus on the practice and efforts in the growth mindset if we truly want to see a difference between ourselves and the world. We need to make this purposeful or habitual.   

If you truly desire to remove those unwanted diseases we've all faced than we need focus on a growth mindset. In fact, a Neuroscientist Gilbert Gottlieb asserted that any intelligence within a person is gathering through a combination of genes and environment. Yes. . . environment and not just external, but internal. Both environments are very essential and play a huge part in the activation of our actions in developing our skills. Of course, the mistake will happen, but we must see them as opportunities to improve and see the joy within the process. This will help in becoming more productive and more rewarding. 

In closing, as someone who suffers from mental diseases such as depression. It was my duty as a husband and father to find the answers and tools to help me remove them from my life. I can honestly tell that without growth mindset. It would've been much harder to face all those challenges from my past and today's situations without it. I know many of us fall victim or guilty of having that fixed mindset, and I can tell you, that it's truly dangerous. It prevents all those important skills needing to for our development, which could, in fact, sabotage our abilities to bettering our health, happiness, and balance. Here are some tips that have assisted me all these years. And I hope they can help someone else too.

1) Practice Learning 
No matter what happens in today's personal or work life, whether you’re an entrepreneur, employee, or business owner. Stress will arise, but when you slip into a great story or self-help book you'll find peace. The benefit of reading and learning. Everything you read fills your mind with bits of information. And you know what they say; "Knowledge is Power", but in my professional opinion it is much different. The more you apply of the knowledge, the better-equipped you are to  face difficulty.
2) Practice Optimism
Pessimist are more likely to feel anxious then optimist. Abraham Lincoln once said; "An optimist is one who sees an opportunity in every difficulty - a pessimist is one who sees a difficulty in every opportunity." We can become naturally optimistic 'IF' we take greater efforts in being more conscientious of our thoughts. Rather them waste that energy on negativity, replace them with more accepting thoughts that can grow or manifest into something genuine.

3) Practice Breathing
I have helped many kids including myself with breathe techniques. This tool helps to eliminate the level of anxiety all naturally. Haven't you notice when something has happened such as emergency. The paramedics show up and they say; "Sir or Mama" please remain calm and breathe slowly. Sow breathing has been shown to decrease the amygdala activity. (Jerath R. Edry JW. Barnes VA 2016).

Remember, living or being positive is not for the fake hearted individual, it takes practice and small positive steps. In doing so, we can make a huge impact on our health, happiness, and wellbeing. 


Coach Frank Sagasta

(c) Coachingbeyond, LLC 2018

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