Coach Frank Sagasta

Education - Leadership - Philosophy - Positive Psychology - Life-Skills

Friday, June 8, 2018

The Doors Of Greatness


I have a simple question to ask you. When life knocks you down, what do you do? Perhaps, you dust yourself off and keep moving in your purpose, or do you curl up in a ball and quit? I have learned and experienced adversity on many levels. I have experience and understand that it takes many forms and effects each person absolutely differently. Of course, what matters most is what we choose to do after we fall or fail in life moments. 

One of the things that took me a long time to understand and learn was adversity and how to overcome. All because it would send me into depression or cause me to stress. I dare you to tell me you've never felt like that at some point in life. Especially, when your facing adversity internally. Yes, I said it, internally. People seem to think adversity only faces you externally or physically, but the reality is you can find them internally in the form of emotional circumstances. 

When I was 10 years old, I used to cry myself to sleep some nights because I was in a new home with new people. It was rather hard to face them the next morning for breakfast. So, I would run away or hurry out the door for school. Either way, I would soon taste the warm feeling of adversity throughout a series of events as an orphan. I created on my own adversity through all from wrong choices. Of course, today it is a much different story. You may not understand or see it now, but all those time you and I went through adversity. It was actually a blessing in disguise. Today, I call it the "Trying times" or "Times of trials." I believe trials or struggles help to define our strengths. It is an opportunity for God to show us certain things and to prove our abilities of inner strength and peace. 

"We don't develop courage by being happy every day. We develop it by surviving difficult times and challenging adversity." - Barbara De Angelis  


I guess the question would have to raise after sharing these small principals. Do happen to see your glass as half empty or half full? People tend to concentrate more on the problem rather than the solutions. In the past five years, it truly has become normal to understand and focus my energy toward my purpose. Awe, what positive thinking can do for me when my heart and mind are right. It can do the same for you. I have spent more years learning on my own, than when I was in college. All of the principals of God and the power of psychology. Mahatma Gandhi once said; "As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world - that is the myth of the atomic age - as in being able to remake ourselves." We must consider a different approach, maybe, learned optimism? It is more promising! You see the sunny outlook on things and you feed your body, mind, and soul with the right nutrients. 

I know it is a new pattern or trend to follow, but what do you have to lose? This change can be hard or it can be easy and worthwhile, but it is how we embrace it. The problem with changing the outer world and not changing the inner world. Is that you'll still be the same when you've reached the point of accomplishment in changing the outer world. Meaning you'll still have those flaws, anger, negativity, self-sabotaging tendencies or adversity to face. Remember, distractions destroy actions. 

"The difference between what we do and what we are capable of doing would suffice to solve the world's problems. " - Mahatma Gandhi 


I am going to give you a gift because you share your time with me and my words. I wish someone would have shared these principals or lessons with me during my entire childhood. Think of the person you would have been had you learned them early on. Well today, you have the opportunity to embark on some tools to help you step into a life of new change. That's right these are tips that have helped me during my five years of transformation both spiritually, emotionally, and physically. My answers or advantages came from a series of different people, here are some; Dr. A. Duckworth, Dr. W. James, Dr. V.N. Peale, Dr. M. Seligman, Dr. C. Dweck, and the Bible, etc.  

1) Remember, your thoughts are absolutely essential. In ever from work of life, both triumph or tragedy we face all require a change in the way we see them. It is not what happens, but how you respond that is truly important. Once again, you must realize that difficulty is not designed to derail you but to develop you into the person God wants you to be! 

2) Remember, it is easier and takes more energy to live in fear than to live in faith. The amygdala of your mind is two cherry or almond shape areas that control fear. It is where most people will start the foundation of building walls around themselves. Having faith is absolutely essential for convincing yourself of the change you must make because faith and fear cannot coexist. When your desire and conviction to overcome becomes bigger than your fear, you'll overcome adversity naturally.   

3) Remember, winners win, and loser lose. I would love to see you win every day, but how does that begin? With every seed of adversity, there's a seed of opportunity in succeeding toward something worthwhile. Once we make the right choice to change our inner world. Will have the ability and be strengthened and empowered for great victories. He or she that chooses to change can not become enslaved from disappointment, circumstances, or struggles. For we share a common bond of power and new everlasting energy that sends our neuron system to new heights all toward our destiny.  

4) Remember, no negative thinking. You have the power to choose your own thoughts, reactions, and emotions. You don't have to freak out, overreact over everything you face. And believe me. . . you will from time to time as you grow, but remember those are old habits. Once you realize that no one outside can control your thinking process, you'll take flight. 

5) Remember, to forgive. . . I know this can be a hard one to incorporate, but it shows your strength. No one is immune to adversity, but how we face it and those who might have brought it upon us must be forgiven. We all must realize that there is genuine power from letting go. Spending time and energy on something that happens negatively won't help you if you stay there in petty or agony. Learn the lesson and blessing than move on!

I truly hope these tips might help someone in today's life battling adversity. These are things I wish I would've been taught in school. God bless you and yours remember to make every day a masterpiece. 


Coach Frank Sagasta
Educator, Mentor, and Coach 
Coachingbeyond & Desert Star Academy 

(c) Coachingbeyond, LLC 2018

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