Coach Frank Sagasta

Education - Leadership - Philosophy - Positive Psychology - Life-Skills

Saturday, March 31, 2018

Catapult of Success

The catapult toward success has been seen throughout history’s greatest achievers and legends. Individuals and groups who’ve excelled only slightly over the masses of others and their respective fields. Of course, we're all reminded of this when you look at CEO’s, athletes, and actors/actresses. Most have significant levels of talent, skill, or ability. But more than those, they’ve learned how to embrace change.

I read a short story three years ago on LinkedIn, which said; “Embracing change is one of the hardest things a person can do," by Kerpen 2014 LinkedIn post. In my professional opinion, change can be good and change can be bad, but it is how we embrace it. The world as we know is moving faster than we see it. People cannot keep up with the accelerating levels of change, but it’s imperative that we embrace these changes and with a positive mental attitude. We must learn to adapt, rather than fear or deny them from happening. Shit...successful people are able to do just that, why can’t you and I do the same?

Some people believe or assume that achieving greater success or accumulating material wealth automatically leads to happiness. Of course, that’s nothing further from the truth. While smashing a deal,  buying an expensive house, buying an expensive car, graduating from college, accepting a promotion, having a child or getting married can provide satisfaction, these achievements often deliver only temporary happiness. And each one those delivers some type of change. Believe me, striving for material abundance won’t create lasting happiness like some on social media believe or have seen the filters of bullshit. I’m talking about those people that go to an open house, just to take pictures to make seem like it’s theirs. And the list goes on with type crap. Happiness is embracing those everyday moments...the ups’ and downs’ of life.

The truth is, we allow others to place this artificial demand or expression that undermines our happiness. Those positional individuals that I spoke about earlier. Have seen themselves as successful-seekers or happiness-hunters in this process of genuine change.  

How Do You View the Difference Between Success and Happiness?

  • Surround yourself with positive people or stay in the rut of a pessimist  
  • Listen to your conscience or fall victim to temptation
  • Leave your comfort zone or become paralyzed by fear
  • Treat every moment as a priority
  • Learn how to make every day a masterpiece
  • Forgive but never forget your past
  • Always keep your promise to yourself
  • Always accept personal responsibility
  • Appreciate what you have and never stop reaching for more in life
  • Always stand up for what you believe or blow in the wind like the rest
  • Accept adversity when comes as a champion or feel sorry for yourself forever
  • Admit that things are beyond your control or keep beating your head on the wall
  • Seek the truth of things or swallow the bullshit others feed people
  • Maintain an open mind and heart for things you truly want in life and never stop reaching for them!

(c) Coachingbeyond, LLC

Sunday, March 18, 2018



I promise to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me God! Look we've all felt some type of depression at times. When you got really sick. The loss of a family member. The breakup of a relationship. When you lost everything in a misfortunes. Perhaps something natural that causes sadness or mourning. It is normal to feel depressed about a loss or failure. Of course, your not meant to stay there, I have a shirt that states "Right where your stand or Rut where you stand." It was directed for those time, when I was stuck in depression and no one helped me out. I had to find my own way out of the dark. Personally, I believe much of my behavior and mental health stemmed from being sexually abused all those years. In addition, to not having a father in my life and being placed into the system of foster care, striped from my mothers care.  

I was in elementary when the man found me from across the street, his name doesn't matter. What does matter is the pain that was caused. And how my life turned upside down. That one issue started a chain of events for my life. It wasn't to long that my mother and I were forced out of our little home in Riverside California. We were put on a Greyhound bus to Tucson Arizona to live with my mothers brother. Of course, that didn't last long, but that's where I was introduced to drugs for the first time. Tucson is also where I visited a juvenile detention center for troubled youth; case, grand theft auto and runaway. This whole environment lasted one year, then we were back on a bus to Bullhead City Arizona. The same location of where my bother committed suicide, along the banks of the Colorado River. We didn't stay there long either, I got into drugs and kicked out of school for being a gun with friends. Once again mother and I were back on the bus to live with my only sister in Ontario California. All during this time my mother was battling mental heath conditions as well as physical conditions. I was the last of five siblings. I truly believe much of my mothers pain was the fact that one of her kids decide to commit suicide, because of drugs and untold stories of depression. Those thoughts and feeling of despondency continued for months, years, and it was left untreated. Right before my mother was placed into a home, I was taken and placed into the welfare system. Mother went one way and I forced in the other direction. Mother would live out the remainder of her life in that convalescent home in Montebello California. I buried my mother when I was twenty years old. Just three years after exiting the foster care system and starting my own family in Arizona. Depression is a serious illness. 

Depression is the most common psychological problem in the country, afflicting more than 17 million Americans and more than 100 million people worldwide each year. It is estimated to affect about 25 percent of women and 15 percent of men during their lives, and 15 percent of people during adolescence. It has been increasing in recent decades and appears to be starting earlier in life today. Since the numbers for young people are teen depression it is often overlooked or misdiagnosed. Kind of what happen to me during those years in foster care and the boys orphanage. I truly believe adolescence today have a reputation for being more fragile, less resilient and more overwhelmed then those years of their parents. In fact, 2016 marked a whopping 3-4 million teens ages 10 - 17 had at lest on major depressive episode in the past year, according to the Department of Health and Human Service. More then 2 million reports experiencing depression that impairs their daily function. Today, it is about 30% are girls and 22% are boys and totaling 6.3 million teens have had an anxiety or stress disorder according to the National Institute of Mental Health. 

These are some of the symptoms that effected mother and even myself; sad mood, frequent crying, feeling hopeless or self-worth. Loss of interest or pleasure in activities that were once enjoyed. Change in appetite or difficulty sleeping or oversleeping. Physical slowing or agitation "jumpy," "edgy." Loss of energy or difficulty thinking. And lastly thoughts of death or suicide

I know that many of you have heard the phrase "a glass can be half empty or half full?" This example shows how it is possible to think in different terms about the same thing. We call it critical thinking. When you see a glass as "half full," this is a (positive) thought. You are looking for good things about the situation, problem, or circumstance. Of course, when you see that same glass as being "half empty," this is a negative thought. You are looking at the bad parts of the same situation. I learned something from Abraham Lincoln who once said: "An optimist is one who sees an opportunity in every difficulty and a pessimist is one who sees a difficulty in every opportunity." The same thing can be said about our life. If you look at your life and see only the bad parts. That's pessimistic thinking, you are more likely to stay depressed. However, if you can teach yourself or perhaps find a surrounding of people to aid you in looking for the good things. This will reduces depression, anxiety, stress and heartache. You'll be living the optimistic way. Which will bring great happiness and health. Even when something bad happens, find the good in it or the lesson. There's always going to be parts of the day, or parts of your life that are going to be difficulty. That's the process, but when you change your mind and heart. You'll change the way your life will be, both internally and externally. Is hard? Absolutely! But the real question is it worth it? I want you to really think about that for a moment and look very closely at your life. Do you see bad areas in your life, such as your past and you worry about them? Do you see bad habits in your life? The greatest thing that happen to me after all my hours and years of researching. Is when I took action to win over depression, anxiety, and anger. I still practice thinking and training my mind of fruitful things, by planting the right seeds we want to grow for the future. These tools have helped win and have made a life-changing difference for countless people worldwide. I could even say this blog has helped shape the future for me and my family. A major thanks to Dr. Eric Thomas aka (The HipHop Preacher) for push this style of writing on my life.

Okay, here's a tool I learned from non other then Napoleon Hill. I want you to list five things that are "bad or wrong" with your life. On the right-side. Then list five things that are going "good or well" right now. On the left-side. It may take you longer to do the "good or great" side list. And that quite alright, keep at it. Once you have made both lists, read over your "bad" list. How do you feel? Now read over your "Great" list. Read them over and over. 

     BAD...                                                                   GREAT...
_______________                               _______________
_______________                               _______________
_______________                               _______________
_______________                               _______________
_______________                               _______________

Are you surprised to notice that reading the "Great" list feels better? This is what happens when you feed your mind, before your belly. It makes a huge difference. I say, give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no time to criticize others or to be distracted by the noisy world. You are worth more then opinions and you have something deep within you that needs to shine. Lets take it to the next level. 


Coach Frank Sagasta

(c) Coachingbeyond, LLC 2018 

Saturday, March 17, 2018


Dear Readers,

I have a question before you get started: Is success or happiness missing from your life? And if so, why? Please, answer the question once you’ve finished the read, thank you!

In my professional opinion, timeouts are needed in life. In fact, I took a timeout of my busy schedule Wednesday togo out hiking in the Arizona mountains. As I was seating in the hot spring, I began to listen to my inner thoughts as well as the conversations there at the spring between other visitors. Of course, after being there for hours, it was time to make our way back to the vehicle and to head home. This topic was stuck on my mind and I wanted to share with you!

Success vs Happiness

What is success? Success is defined as the accomplishment of a name, an attainment of popularity or profit, which it thought was fascinating, and attaining prosperity. I truly believe that we ought to create the conditioning of our lives that foster success for ourselves and others we love. As a father, educator, and citizen of this country. It has never been more important then now to pass down information to change the situation for someone. Of course, I believe we all need some type of postsecondary education to prepare us to live a economically self-sufficient life and to deal with the increasingly complex social, political, and cultural issues. I mean this is what defines successful people today. We are all a miracle from above. However, the pilot light of some people just went out and no one has lit the pilot since.
Success is too often confused with capital gain, fame, position, and gratification. It's easy to see how this happens. We live in a world that tells or expresses with us that it's important to be rich and that it's important to have a lot of things that demonstrate your wealth, designer swag, an expensive sports car. Everywhere we look magazines, newspapers, pictures, television, and social media that are trying to feed our emotions, or feelings to be rich and famous. I could mention great names of highly effective individuals but let's drop Dave Chappelle, who once had a great show on the Comedy Central. And then he walked away for a long timeout. In fact, what fans didn’t know, Dave was unhappy. He had to stop making his show because he had a nervous breakdown from the pressure of being a success in the wrong terms, it was for the eye of others. Dave Chappelle is one of the classic example of how being successful is much different from being happy. He had attained success by our society's standards, but that couldn't make him or his family happy. People who think that having all of the things that you want is the same as being happy that is absolutely confused. With 7.6 billion people on this earth, wouldn’t it be better to avoid the opinions or standards of others? I know it is difficult to control other people's opinions, and so it's not a good idea to try to base your happiness on what other people think of as success.

If you’ve had a moment of clarity, you know what I’m talking about. And that means your paving the path toward your own definition of success. No more living on the opinions or emotional needs others. To change any aspect of your life, you have to change your thinking and hearts desire. Napoleon Hill was absolutely correct when he said: “The greatest application of applied faith is learning the art of keeping your mind focused in what you want.”  

Do you want to move ahead in your life, career, relationships, confidence, health or personal happiness? Typically it is a lack of self-belief, focus and action caused by a whole host of thoughts, expressions, fears and ideas that hold you back from the happiness and fulfilment you are seek. Happiness can come from a sense of personal accomplishment and achievement. Of course, some doctors would disagree with my words, but my field of life is education which is continuous training, not a practice. So, why is happiness and success confusing. I would say so many of my students spend their time chasing somewhat undefined success and they postpone their happiness until they’ve achieve it. They spend most of their time beating themselves up chasing something they can't even put their finger on. And their denied to freely think or to be themselves which may bring happiness. Some have meaningful goal but no one to teach them how to attain them. I remember my high school hero was a substitute teacher Mr. Stewart. Everyone thought he was a tough teachers, he had goal of being an actor and today, he’s doing just that. He achieved his greatness and his goal. Mr. Stewart found happiness. I was not at the very top of my class, but I liked all my history classes both in high school and college, that I'd taken. I was the student that feared testing and got a couple of bad grades during quizzes, but I would stay for extra help, otherwise I couldn’t play football. And my grades got better, this kind of happiness is based on how I felt about myself. I have interviewed many people and they all have found their definition of happiness. From having kids, getting married, buying a house, taking a vacation, buying a new car, etc. We all have tried to do something that was difficult, and failed, but don’t let that rob you, from your happiness. Remember there’s room for possibilities in life.


  1. Be yourself and no one else
  2. Be appreciative of who you are in life
  3. Be fearless and let the past go
  4. Be responsible for your actions
  5. Be focused on your goals and dreams
  6. Be careful who’s in your circle of your thoughts.  
  7. Be honest with yourself
  8. Be hungry to change



Coach Frank Sagasta

(c) Coachingbeyond, LLC 2018

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Failure to Success

“Failure = Success”

It has been a minute since my last blog. So, I wanted to share something again worthwhile for you to enjoy and to share with someone. I’ll be sharing some tools, tips, and practices that can help change your ability to go from failure to victor!

Let us began... by saying the sweetest victory in life is the one that is most difficult. I’ll be absolutely Frank with you and the rest of the world. It requires that you reach deep within yourself to fight with everything you have and you must be willing to leave everything on the field. Our society has forgotten how this plays in today world. Society has changed the field, now losers get a trophy. You should never allow yourself to except that notion. 

You see, history wasn’t built or documented from failures. The only concepts or exceptions are those who failed but yet changed their course and made history. Here’s a prime case of an individual, who was sent home from school being called out as being a person of low learning abilities. Thomas Edison, whose most memorable invention was the light bulb, which purportedly tool him 1,000 tried before he finally developed a successful prototype. When he was asked, “How did it feel to fail, so, many times and then finally get it?” a local reporter asked. Edison replied,“I did not fail 1,000 times as it seems. The light bulb is an invention of 1,000 steps.” According to the passage, he didn’t fail but rose up a victor. Way to often, people hear the expression failure and they cannot avoid the notion that fear comes with it. 

I believe it was Jim Rohn who said; “Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines, practiced everyday.” We ought practice the great teaching of old, it is what made! Not to sound sexist or anything. But I’m sure you get the point I’m trying to convey. In fact, I heard my mentor Eric Thomas once say, “To be the best, you must learn from the best.” Of course, he was referring to the Bible, which is filled with principles and standards. Eric went into saying; “That failure doesn’t make you a failure for life unless you stay the night there.” I professionally believe, it is a teacher for life, and it should only last a moment. You might say that failure is life’s greatest medicine. Perhaps, thats why many of the mavericks or legends become so well known. They fully understood the meaning behind failure and the power it had at pushing someone to reach his/her best.

Reaching your potential of being great and seeing your achievements is going to cross the path of failure and fear at some point. Why would you want some tips or advantages on how to get though it? I did a blog about fear and you’ll have to read that later when you have a moment. But on to the present blog. We must commit to the road of possessing a right attitude toward failure and that of “No Fear” will prevail against me despite the challenge. Achieving your best is going to take those things I mentioned herein and put them into practice. And if you truly want to see the climax of your impossible turn into possible then you’re going to need to stop fearing failure. We call it mental training it helps push people beyond their normal degree, people such as Winston Churchill, Abraham Lincoln, and many other modern legends. When the reward is so great, that fear sets in and failure start to arise. Do not give much attention that it, because it will take your focus away from reaching your goal. Embrace the possible failure for what it is and make note that it was a snag or challenge. These are part of the pillars that support your foundation toward reinventing the new you or some other worthy cause. 

Here’s my Rule:

1) Always see failure as an opportunity to try harder. 
2) Always do more than your paid for in life.  
3) Never compare yourself to others. 
4) Let the past go and focus on the opportunity God gave you. 
5) Always teach/coach others on what has helped you achieve. 


Coach Frank Sagasta

(c) Coachinbeyond, LLC 2018 

The Undeniable LEADERS

  THE UNDENIABLE LEADERS COACH FRANK SAGASTA I read a story several years ago about an eagle and a chicken. They happen to be very good frie...