Coach Frank Sagasta

Education - Leadership - Philosophy - Positive Psychology - Life-Skills

Saturday, January 20, 2018

The Moment Builder

Great and beautiful day my friends and family. Might your time be blessed and might the torch of knowledge be applied and the blood of the past civilization help you on your path to finishing the race. "Time is free, but it's priceless. You can't own it, but you can use it. You can't keep it, but you can spend it. Once you've lost it you can never get it back." - Harvey MacKay 

How many have ever heard the expression "I don't have time?" or "There's no time?." Perhaps, time is the most precious thing for all mankind, as it comes only in seconds, minutes and hours in someone's life and never stays long. Time is the greatest commodity of value. In fact, time is more valuable than money in life. Without the proper understanding or value of time we never come to the proper utilization of time. Money and time, both are very different things because we can store money within our bank accounts and use it accordingly. However we can never save, store or use time accordingly like money. It just passes every moment we breathe and never stops for anyone in life. Each second brings new opportunities to everyone. Some see a greater benefit in those opportunity. Well, many stand in the rut and never move.  

Time is the most precious thing for each of us, whether favorable or unfavorable. In every field of life time has its own importance. If a farmer had not sown the seeds in proper season he would not get the the harvest. If Steve Jobs didn't make time for his idea, we'd not have the Apple Technology or Development today. In the game of football every extra minute, down to the seconds can make a difference as during that one minute a player could score a goal against the opposing team. If a doctor wouldn't reach the hospital at the right time a patients life might not be saved. Of course, every moment is within the Creators hands. 

In the old days there were no apple watches, people used to do their working following the season or the direction of the Sun. Of course, over time innumerable inventions had made their way into development and than into the hands of the people. Today we still hear the echo of those expressions. Then where is the problem? The problem exists in time management. As I taught my last class about the importance of knowledge, I added the importance of time. As time is wasted never to return. Today people are wasting a lot of time standing in the same spot, experiencing the time short, so the complaining starts, which send a negative signal to the brain. Hence we must get to the point that we channel that energy into something purposeful. 

As a student of life it is my duty not to waste time, nor to still time from others. For instance, when a student or client says; "I don't have the time," they have just wasted it in unnecessary choose of making the excuse. Inasmuch as you have spent listening to this small lecture and of your own free will and choice. I shall take the time to share with you some tips and advantages of overcoming wasted time, procrastination, or excuse. You must come to a point of understanding that you have a battle going on each moment within yourself. Of course, the creator gave you and I the power and authority to conquer. In fact, you and I are the architects of the moments and minutes we have on this earth. The master builder told us, that we build ourselves every moment of the day by what we allow in our mental environment. Remember what you are this minute is the result of what you were building during the last thousands minutes. And what you will be in the next moment demands upon what you are now, plus what you mentally demand that moment. You and I are a vessel of genuine greatness and we can have all the time in the world. But if it's spent on worthless things. Then we lost track and time! I repeat that you and I are the product of moments and minutes. Each is an opportunity to growth, advancement, achievement, success, supremacy, and conquest. aw...the tips. We must come to our very own understanding that procrastination can kill. 

The first tip is simply to start with whatever is easy, manageable and doesn't fill your mind with nameless things. This will help you build the momentum. This is the fun part! 
The second minute tip is to ‘starting easy’ it can be difficult to know where to start there might be several easy things. And there might be difficult things along the way. Planning can help with this, but planning is also a trap. Too much planning and not enough actual doing is another form of procrastination. And the last minute tip is to know that all sorts of excuses are going to crowd your mind. Be aware that these will come, and they’ll come big and small. Here are a few of the excuses that psychologists have found over the years, people express to themselves 
- Not feeling in the mood.
- I don't have time.
- I work better under pressure. 
- I am sick 
- Lies 

  Recognize some of these? You’re not alone. I was there too. I truly hope these tips help you, as they helped me. It is all about developing an awareness that you and I were designed by greatness. And he didn't intend for us to procrastinate or to make excuse but to be accountable and responsible in life and with the time we have here on earth. 

"Time is more value than money. You can get more money, but you cannot get mote time." - Jim Rohn 


Coach Frank Sagasta 

(c) Coachingbeyond, LLC 2018

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