Coach Frank Sagasta

Education - Leadership - Philosophy - Positive Psychology - Life-Skills

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

The Unstuck Failure

I want you to imagine something from history for a moment.  Imagine what would have happened if the Titanic had not struck an iceberg that night.  Imagine that the ship did not sunk on her maiden voyage. Think of the reputation as an “unsinkable” ship and the biggest of its class.  Imagine further that she had returned to England and continued to cross the wide open ocean. The grand success would have been evident to everyone. Now open your eye and see reality!! Because, the great Creator did not stop man from reaching the stars.

In fact, he made us “ALL” born managers/leaders of life.  Of course, there are some of us that have never turned on the switch toward living up to it.  Some of us have been living in the past or within the stories in our head. You know very well, what I am talking about. . . And, if not. I am talking about those moments and events.  The ones we think about from our past that sink us into the rut. I have been there more than I can count. Moving forward from the past was the hardest part, but it can be done! And the results are magnificent.

I believe “All” of mankind was created to be the best managers/leaders, but have failed.  Most of us have fall into the misuse of our resources, power, and ability. Now, we are mismanaging or wrongfully leading ourselves and others with us into the pit.  I truly believe that God will bless us financially, physically, mentally, and emotionally. Once we confess our wrongs and we ask for our resources, power, and abilities back. Then and only then will he bless us like he did with Adam and Eve. I do not want to come off religious, but it is common for us to miss these principles if were not focusing on them daily.  

“If we did all the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves.”
Inventor, Philanthropist, and Engineer

Principles always work if you always work the principles.  All of these same results are possible for you as they are for me!  I know for a fact that you, too, can attain unimagined levels of success and happiness.  Why? Because the principles and techniques always work. Of course, all you have to do is put them into habit, practice, and work.  In addition, you’ll have to learn how to release the breaks, or you will always see life’s conditions, circumstance, situations, struggles, or trials and you’ll fall short from achieving your intended goals.

“You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself.” 
America’s foremost business philosopher

I fully believe one of the most ignorant myths in American culture today. And some might take offense to this, but many fill entitled to a great life.  I do not know why! But somehow, someway, and somewhere. Someone is responsible for giving them the desire of their heart, mind, and soul.

If you want to be happy, healthy, and successful.  We have to take 100% responsibility for everything that we face and experience in life.  At least, that's what the bible says to do! This includes the level of your achievements, the results you produce, the quality of your relationships, the state of your health and physical fitness, your income, your debts, your emotional feelings. . . everything.  Letting go of distractions, leads to genuine actions. STOP LIVING IN THE PAST!! Take full responsibility for filling ourselves with continual happiness, nurturing time with family or friends. Make adjustment for excitement and passions within your careers. And always make time for blissful reading which bring peace about life.  

Lastly, learn to replace complaining with making requests and taking action that will achieve your desired outcomes.  That is what successful people do in life and business. That is what works, when you work it! If you find yourself in a condition or situation you don’t like, either work to make it better or leave point blank.

“The man who complains about the way the ball bounces is likely the one who dropped it.” 
The only coach in NCAA history to lead six different college teams to postseason bowl games, and winner of a national championship and “coach of the year” honors; now an ESPN football analyst

Here are some tips and advantages that helped me and I hope they can help you too!
1) PCC = Perspective Can Change
The perspective can change when we change or release the grip of our past and we stop complaining. #noexcusemindset! Once you're able to really see your reality in a brand new way. You won't feel oppressed, but you'll have this feeling of freedom. If can afford it. . . travel and if you cannot. Then take a hike. . . I'm serious! If you haven't heard the expression "healthy body, healthy mind." Exercise helps keep our brain cells nourished and healthy. Plus it helps improve our memory and cognitive abilities.

2) MEC = Mental Environment Cleaned
It is time to take charge of the resources God gave you my friends. Cleaning out the environment stimulate different parts of the brain for better moods and improves creativity and clarity of mind. So, I challenge you to this tip! Remember, every choice matters for our lives. Making small mental changes will help you accomplish those goals you start and keep you from getting stuck.

3) EBB = Explore Beyond Boundaries
THIS IS MY LIFE! say it out loud. . . THIS IS MY LIFE!!! It is not impossible to live, love, and laugh in life. Self-discovery is at the heart of genuine leaders and people who are doing phenomenal things in life. So, why shouldn't you be there too? Remember, you. life has purpose and meaning. It is your responsibility to think outside the box. t is your responsibility to take action outside the comfort zone and to explore the ocean of life. 

Here are a few questions you may ask yourself: 

What makes me happy?
What is my favorite thing to do?
What is my favorite music? 
What am I really great at?
What makes me unique?
What brings me internal and external motivation?
Who keeps me inspired?

Here are three of my favorite books that inspired me to share this blog:
  • The Servant Leader by James A. Autry
  • The Spirit of Leadership by Dr. Myles Munroe
  • Chicken Soup for the Soul by Jack Canfield


Coach Frank Sagasta

(c) Coachingbeyond 2018


Friday, November 23, 2018


The ingredient to keeping the mind right! 

Did you know 615 million people worldwide suffer from (Anxiety or Depression). Did you know that 420 million people have a phone addiction. Did you know that antidepressant intake has increased 400% since 1988. And did you know that research has been showing massive findings in the using of our muscles to help improve the mind. I know from experience and self-discovery that it truly works. I just returned from Bryce Canyon in Utah and Zion National Park in Utah. Oh that's right!. . . 987 miles on the car and 15 - 22 miles on the body. It was truly an epic time of exercise and mental building. You see, exercise helps spur the development of new nerve cells and increase the connection between brain cells. Exercises also lowers blood pressure, improves cholesterol levels, balances sugar levels, and reduces mental stress. All of these can improve the brain, but also the heart. 

Getting the mind and heart right is absolutely crucial, if you want to gain anything in life. This may sound rude, but I do not care what other so called gurus are trying to sale about next level. . . "truth is truth" and "fact is fact." Being able to achieve anything worth while comes with staying focus and keeping your heart on the ability of staying focus. I know it is hard, but so, is listening to the same old monotony. Hell, monotony is too easy and this journey requires strong lungs for lasting consistency. And listening skills for better communication. These two abilities come together with staying focus. But how is it done? And how do we maintain it? We all have the same 24 hours in a day. So, the answer is simple, do you hold value on your time? If so, great!! But why do distractions kill others? You heard me! Why do, distractions in life make people reposition their actions spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, or financially? I want you to answer these questions for yourself. I had too, so, you should too!

"When you focus on being blessing, God makes sure that you are always blessed in abundance." -  Joel Osteen

In fact, some those adjustments and abilities have helped me wake up at 3 A.M. for five years. Sure it was a struggle for months, but every step of life comes with struggles or obstacles. I know the hike in Utah came with struggles and held obstacles. Especially, hiking in 1 - 18 degree weather. For those who've not ever made the trip, you have to at some point. Because it is such a beautiful spot for hiking and camping. My brother Greg and I challenged ourselves to the 5.2 miles round trip with a 1,500 feet of elevation. . . oh it was a blast. However, it holds some of the most dangerous hikes in the world. And yes, some people have died hiking in these areas. But hiking and reading are two of my favorite hobbies in life. Because I know they bring great mental cleanse. And mental cleaning is regularly needed for everyone. Of course, not all people think this way. 

So, what is mental cleansing? Cleansing is the discovery of the next detox for our whole body. The mind needs it as well! For me, it was hiking, prayer, and meditation. That's right. . . it helped me to break free. I believe we ought to break free from the monotony and give our minds, and spirit a break. Giving ourselves a break is like going back to school and getting that time off for the holidays. Then having this time off will give us an opportunity to shift toward openness and clarity which gives us a better spirit and readiness for tomorrow. When you don't break free, there's no real focus. And unfortunately, too many people are focused all over the place. All in multiple areas that have nothing to do with their goals, vision, or purpose. Therefore, we lose in the opportunity of gaining or achieving and it is can be absolutely costly. People that tend to do this loose the momentum in life. Here is the best example, if Michael Jordan had not taken a break to refocus. He would've never seen the next championships in basketball. Here is another example, had Steve Jobs not gotten fired. He would've never seen the focus of Apple, Co. being at NeX, Co. 

"Successful people maintain a positive focus in life no matter what is going on around them. They stay foused on their past successes rather than their past failures, and on the next action steps they need to take to get them closer to the fulfillment of their goals rather than all the other distractions that life present to them." Jack Canfield 

We all have prior experiences and lessons of life. Some have had greater struggles, obstacles, and/or conditions. But those areas have made us stronger and more victorious in life, which means we have more in the tank. We sometimes need to step back and find any of our skills, talents, abilities, love, and passions toward the art of making a difference for ourselves and others within our environment. Stay focus and get your mind right. 


Coach Frank Sagasta 

(c) Coachingbeyond, LLC 

Friday, November 16, 2018

The Epic Mountain


"It is far. But there is no journey upon this earth that a man may not make if he sets his heart to it. There is nothing, Umbopa, that he cannot do. There are no mountains he may not climb, there are no deserts he cannot cross; save a mountain and a desert of which you are spared the knowledge, if love leads him and he holds his life in his hand counting it as nothing, ready to keep it or lose it as Providence may order." - H. Rider Haggard  

We are "ALL" on a quest, that's right. . . a quest!! We all wake up and apply some of the same habits.  Of course, it depends on how we see the quality of life.  Some people wake up looking for money.  Some people are looking for a better marriage.  Some people are looking for ways to become a better parent.  Some people are looking for a better career.  Some people are looking for balance.  And some people are looking for freedom today. 

You know, I love to spend time hiking.  In fact, I am getting ready to enjoy a wonderful hike in Utah.  It opens the mind and it gives me time to see life in a different preceptive, but more than that. . . I have clarity.  Listen, I know the quest can be rather tiring and exhausting.  And if you are reading this, just know that the quest is not over! Stay focused.  The universe requires more than what you think you are putting out. 

I can total remember one particular hike up Spirit Mountain in the Nevada Mountains.  The elevation is only 5,643 ft. but it had rained the day before and it was still overcast with chances of more rain.  As some might see it, as a way to stay back.  I seen it as the best opportunity.  Life is a challenge and sometime it forces us to take days off but this wasn't that time.  I was desperate in soul and mind to see what was up there because I had tried two other time and failed.  Yeah. . . some mountains paths or roads in life are never marked. And nor are that easy! 

"If you have a positive attitude and constantly strive to give your best effort, eventually you will overcome your immediate problem and find you are ready for greater challenges." - Pat Riley

Nonetheless, while I was hiking the mountain.  I reached a spot that was a dead end.  And when I say; "DEAD END. . . I mean dead end!"  I slipped on a rock and began to fall backwards.  I desperate started swinging and reaching for tree branches. However, there wasn't any trees only shrubs.  What was only a few seconds of a fall, totally felt like hours.  All I could think of was my family and the fall.  I was in totally in frantic mood because two feet from where I was falling backwards.  Was a sheer drop of thousand feet.  At the last second before my back hit the massive bolder.  I was able to grab some twigs from those shrubs hoping they could support me.  But they didn't!! It was my gun holster that kept me from falling to my death.  Along with the great help of our Creator.  This is why I say; we are "ALL" on a quest and design with a purpose.  We all can agree that this event could've end up much worse. 

The moral or principle here is quite simple.  It is important to not judge where the safety or genuine advice is coming from, but to accept it and to apply it.  It truly is inevitable, that any time you are going up a mountain you'll face resistance, obstacles, challenges, circumstances, situations and downpours.  Just like life! How you handle them is what matters the most.  As insignificant as the twig from the shrub.  It was my holster from my gun that kept me from falling to my death. And it was all because, I wasn't able to see ahead and because I lost my balance. 

Life demands balance and focus. . . powerful right?  Well, it is true! I truly hope that you found something useful in what I shared with you.  That is might encourage you to seek help, to reach out to people who care for you and support you in your climb.  Because you have something special within you called "GREATNESS" and you are design with a purpose.  Please, do not squander away the time looking for the answer for success, create it with the tools that have been giving you from birth.  You and I have the tools to create our own definition of success.  Never get to a point where you allow the world to fashion or design that for you. 

Do not fear the faith, for if we lack faith. We welcome fear of challenges in life. I believe in myself and the faith." - Coach Frank Sagasta

A) Starting your day with prayers or meditation.
I personally believe achieving balance starts with personal choice.  Choice is a powerful gift given to man and the dangerous gift given to man.  It requires the right attitude and discipline to make anything work.  More importantly it requires a strong core. 
BAlways make the habit of being present with God, yourself, family, friends and finally your job, or company.  Being present requires knowing the arena you are in each moment of the day.  Having a great time with family should be more exiting than having a time with co-workers or friends.  Of course, if you do not have family, than rock on! with friends that are genuine in support and in love.  It starts with making a difference in the world you call environment. 

AThe first thing in staying focus is finding what you "MOST" certainly want in live.  Then start the planning because it make the developing part much easier.  Every time you are faced with a challenge or downpour. . . look at the problem.  Rather than reacting to it, respond to it! Responding is a positive word and so, you should spend energy and time thinking about what you want the outcome to look like.  And lastly, take the actions to make it happen.  
I would love to see you imaging the overwhelming joy of accomplishment the challenge.  The gratitude.  The sense of power and worth.  The confidence and strength you feel.

B) If you are happy and you know it and your face will truly show it. . . if you're happy and you know it, clap your hands!!  Now that you feel and know from thinking about what you want.  As I said the second step require the plan. 
It might sound strange or far fetch but gratitude helps to develop the trait of focus behaviors.  So, when you train the mind and heart to look for great and promising things.  The situations or obstacles do not seem as impossible, but more "I AM POSSIBLE."  So, rise up and get into the habit of being thankful.  Be thankful for those hard times because there are some lesson to learn.  Be thankful for the process and the journey. 


Coach Frank Sagasta
Navy Father, Husband, Educator, Coach, and Mentor

(c) Coachingbeyond 2018 

Saturday, September 29, 2018


As Dr. Seuss once wrote, "The more that you read, the more things you will know.  The more that you learn, the more places you'll go." I love diving into a good to great book each day.  It opens up new doors for me, my family, and for my scholars.  Exposure to information can and will change the situation.  That's right. The circumstances or conditions of life can change when you embrace them with a great books.  It opens up the new conversation.  It opens up the new vocabulary. It opens up the new intellectual person.  

So, why do we do the things we do in life today?  And what is it that drives our behaviors?  Well, many psychologists have proposed some different ways of thinking about motivation, including one method that involves the outside (extrinsic) and (intrinsic) the individual. 


When you have intrinsically motivated your behavior is motivated by your internal desire to do something for personal fulfillment, enjoyment, activity, or the desire to learn a skill because you are eager to learn.  Okay. . . some examples of this are; reading a good. Reading a great or extraordinary book that opens the door of great opportunities.  Another example is to exercise our body and spirit. And lastly, cleaning or organizing our home, class, or office.


When you are extrinsically motivated, your behavior is motivated outwardly or external factors. And these push toward losing weight or finishing a book or article for a quiz or test. Thus saying it is for some type of reward or earning.

In fact, schools are of particular interest when it comes to intrinsic versus extrinsic motivation, particularly because of the different outcomes that research have shown to result from intrinsic motivation: more interest, excitement, confidence, enhanced performance, persistence, creativity, self-esteem, general well-being, and balance (In Ryan and Deci, 2000: Deci and Ryan, 1991; Sheldon, Ryan, Rawsthorne, IIardi 1997; Deci and Ryan, 1995; Ryan, Deci and Grolnick, 1995). Over the past five years, I have tested and probed myself toward winning the day. . . all 365 of them! And I cannot wait to rewrite these words and say; "I have been writing and reading two-three hours a day for the past thirty-five years and there's still more to learn." Over the past five years, I have read and heard several theorists, researchers, and doctors offend the God given ability to achieve more than what was expected from the fashion of others.

The phenomenon of achievement is truly a choice and practice of great habits. After more than a few years, they have become the habit to which is congruent to the purpose. I went from extrinsically motivated, to intrinsically motivated forever. . . no excuse and no compromising. And all because of the benefits behind it! Of course, this is not to suggest that extrinsic motivation is bad or not good. It too, has a purpose but what happens when it runs out? People tend to drop out or quit, right? Well, that's because they really didn't want to commit or embrace the change. I believe it was Dr. Anders Ericsson who brought up the subject of the 10,000 rule. Dr. Ericsson Professor of Psychology at the University of Florida State. He spent some time studying what it takes to be the best in your lane. He spoke about what skills and abilities you need to dominate music, chess, medicine, sports, mechanics, and yes even learning all in 10,000-hours. 

In fact, this subject has been mentioned in several books over the years, some have been misinterpreted in my professional opinion. The first was by Malcolm Gladwell. No disrespect, but he and others clearly didn't give enough data to prove that Dr. Ericsson was wrong. Therefore, if you truly want to make genuine change within your personal or professional life tomorrow starts today. I'll give you some tips that helped me and other great mentors within my life. I hope you enjoy and share them with someone you care about. 

1) Follow the 80/20 Rule
20% of what you do will produce 80% of what you truly want. 

2) Learn from failure 
Never give up on the person you truly want to be in life. There are no shortcuts in succeeding or achievement. 

3) Focus on quality and authenticity
If you stay faith-based you won't lose and it will help in staying authentic. 

4) A challenge today, an opportunity tomorrow
Remember, with every seed of difficulty is a seed of opportunity. No one ever wrote a book saying; life would be perfect. 

5) Greatness starts with your environment
Never allow your mind or heart to be fashioned by others, you are the author of your environment. So, surround yourself with greatness.  

6) Live health 
Make it a habit to eat right and get plenty of exercises for a healthy tomorrow. 

7) Hardwork Morning
Benjamin Franklin once wrote; "early to bed and early to rise, makes a healthy wealthy, and wise." Therefore, try to complete your most important task or note first thing in the morning.   

I saw a study two years ago about 300 participants who died all at the average of 89. They discovered that those who were engaging in mental activities such as reading, puzzels, and memory card games all declined from the patients that died. The rate of decline of those that trained their minds and hearts was 48% faster than those who didn't. Please, remember your brain and heart require exercise to keep it strong and healthy, just like those muscles within the body.


Coach Frank Sagasta 

Saturday, September 1, 2018

The Shortest Walk


It was August 23rd, 2018 which perhaps was the hardest day for Sarah and me. We had spent forty-seven minutes with our firstborn son, who was now leaving for the United State Navy. This was an awe moment, but also a moment of reflection in happiness. I believe Nelson Mandela said it best; "There is no easy walk to freedom anywhere, and many of us will have to pass through the valley of the shadow of death again and again before we reach the mountaintop of our desires." 


"Happiness doesn't depend on any external conditions, it is governed by our mental attitude"
- Dale Carnegie

All men and women, brother and sister wish to live in peace and happiness but have lost their vision. People wish to live happily but are dull at perceiving exactly what truly makes them happy today for tomorrow. Unfortunately, this notion of being happy is quite easy to attain for the committed, sacrifice, and patient but the more eager mankind struggles to reach it the further they depart from its path. Ever road or path leads somewhere, but the decision to make the right one can take some time. I am sure you are aware that time is the great commodity of value today. Therefore, we must all first redefine the clear aim of what we truly want to achieve in life that can bring happiness. It is the first and most fundamental responsibility for all humans being is to become a joyous people. To be happy is the ultimate aspect of life. It is the fundamental foundation of life. If you are not happy, what else can you be in life? As I expressed with Isaac, whatever you do in life through the Navy give your best in your inner quality. Whether you like it or not, that is where you'll see happiness and reality. The tremendous value of life comes from that spot. So, if you are concerned about the world around you, the first thing you must do is transform the person in you into a joyous person. 


"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a tail" 
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sarah and I were nerves, but we recognize Isaacs inner drive and discipline to make something more of himself. He has a clear vision and he's chosen the right path to take him toward happiness. Of course, some will disagree with the military. And yes, the U.S. military has short faults, but incredibly it is the best teacher of success. The difficulty often lies in recognizing these lesson or principles and the crossover of values they all offer. I didn't receive those while in college. I had to learn them from the "University of Hardknocks" both day and night classes, lots of laughs. I believe so many of us go through our careers viewing them as something distinctly separate from our personal lives. This happens to be a total waste because there is so much value in the experience and lesson we are learning from, but to many lose focus and they shut the door to these opportunities. These eighteen years with my son have come and gone at an incredible speed. They will for you too, regardless of whether you choose to serve in the military, college, or career. You must redefine the aim of happiness and redefine the path you take. 


"It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge"
- Albert Einstein

When Isaac and I took to the street for our walk. I did most of the talking. . . yes, some tears fall from my face as the sun began to rise from the east. My hope was that the right words would formulate while the sun rose. To send him to be on his journey in life. I expressed my deepest love to my son and the transient feeling of love that he'll always have from his mother and me. It was a great time of talking principles and experience. I asked him if there were two things you could take back, what would they be? and why? He said; "I would take back my junior high and two years of high school where I didn't give a crap. And how I treated my girlfriend " Those words will always serenade within my heart and mind. Isaac knew that if he gave his absolute best in each course, I would help him to find a great college and to find the best career fitting for him. Of course, life seems to change the direction for many people. My son's path was military, Isaac began to express his gratitude for the discipline I shared with him. And the lessons of success, happiness, and marriage. The last thing I share with my son was the notion that a lot of successful people didn't receive a great education. Some were self-educated and it continued till they passed this life to the next life. I said; "Isaac, that doesn't mean that you can be successful without studying. As you know that's why I get up at 3 A.M. to receive the knowledge they didn't give me in college. Learn all you can, take away every stone of knowledge. Remember, every stone of knowledge you gain is a weapon in life.


"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give"
- Winston Churchill 

As the flowers blossom and the sun drops down the rays of sunshine. That is what you mean to me my son. Everything is in order and God knows that order because he's the creator of all things. The whole cosmos and galaxies are far from our own comprehension, but love beyond degree is much more enjoyable to understand and to give. To all children that leave home. I hope that you've found your purpose long before you walk out the door and you've gained much of the tools needed to be happy and successful in life. It is a much-needed requirement to make it today for tomorrow. Suffering is happening essentially because people have lost sight and the tools to make it, most human being have lost their perspective as to what this life is truly about. Their psychological process has become fogged up with existential distractions. I expressed with Isaac as I am with you to stay focused on the aim of your achievements and to bring happiness with you everywhere you go today for tomorrow. Never allow the opinions of others to distract you or to pave the path of your destiny. Remember, the thought in your head travels to your heart and back to your head. The emotions within start to turn and those feelings will determine the nature of your experience wherever you go. So, keep your mind clear from distractions. I know you'll face some challenges on this journey. Therefore, set up the best support group, as my son has here in our home. We must all find them because there're people that still do love helping others. 

Here are some tools to help you find those people. They must be people of strong character in qualities and value. They must show compassion. They must be honest. They must display self-discipline. They must have their own goals. They must attain good judgment, courage, faith, love, knowledge, and responsibility. I leave you with this quote from an excellent teacher and hero in my house. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. "Life's most persistent and urgent question is, 'What are you doing for others?' 


Coach Frank Sagasta

(c) Coachingbeyond, LLC


Sunday, July 29, 2018



We can never achieve our full potential or ability to climb the mountains of success if we are more concerned and focused on competing with one another. Competition is a reaction to today's culture and society. We have all been trained to compete to some degree, but never trained on the consequences. Yes, it fosters innovation, productivity, and growth, all of which create wealth and a brand, but competition breeds fear within. Competition eventually destroys us by degrading us to imitations. Competition breeds conformity, infantilism, and mediocrity. I am going to share some value with you, that has changed my view and lifestyle along with my professional stands as a coach. My point is not to excuse or condemn any of these practices, but merely to pinpoint the crucial role of competition, as opposed to greed, in their spread. I focus here on ethics, not efficiency. The relationship between the two is complex. In many cases, ethical norms evolve to sustain proper behavior and attitude when it comes to competition. 

I used to think that yelling at my kids and players was a great way to motivate them, but I woke up and read between the line of truth. It tears down self-esteem rather than building it up. I was creating monsters not leaders. In fact, I was young and dumb in both positions as a husband, father, and coach. I created an extremely unsafe environment for my kids and athletes. I used humiliation and fear to get my views across. They all need to understand my view of competition but was it the correct view of competition? I was wrong on many levels. In many cases, competition will arise if the opportunity is there or the environment encourage it, whether or not it is intended. David Bergin once said; "There is an example of a school administration that posted an honor roll based on the grade point average, thereby encouraging grade competition amongst students, i.e. grade is more important than understanding, and this was most likely done without thought on how it will affect students’ way of learning." 

It does not matter whether it is a child or adult learning concepts, principles, standards, or values is best known by taking action, observation, smelling, listening, touching, or tasting as well as thinking, either creatively or logically. Competition can set-up a pathetic craving for words and action of praise i.e. "Everyone is a winner - Everyone gets a trophy." Thus the mind and heart are enslaved by the craving for the good opinion of others. And so, we can see it is a craving for personal recognition or affirmation which is merely childish in the eyes of great professionals and legends long before us. Being ambitious and humble are far in difference but both have a purpose in displaying the initiative in greatness. He/she will not stand outside the door of your opinion begging with their bowl pleading for approval. He/she will not run, jump, steal, murder, lie or do anything necessary to win the praise of others. 

"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." 
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Ralph Waldo Emerson has advocated in some way or another that all readers avoid following the path of others and instead to trust and follow their own path. Not to compete against one another but to make our own path and to go a blazing. Competition breeds conformity and according to the great professor Emerson, is death. Competition kills personal initiative, responsibility, believism, desire, and optimism which is essential in the time of self-reliance. We live in a time of self-reliance. For it is the foundation of productivity, efficiency, and self-sustaining societies and cultures. Never let someone miss lead you, as to where competition can take you! It can be rather costly. We as humans have adequately developed skills over time throughout conditioning, practice, and reinforcement. Remember, self-reliance and self-dependence accomplish that which competition cannot never touch. 

My mission as a husband, father, a coach is to teach all people both young and aged. To help them grow as individuals, teams so that they too, can become better people in their homes, communities, and the world. I have learned much from great men and women that entered my life. I have made the best investment of applying genuine information that has changed my situation and position on life. If you have always believed or been trained to be very competitive for success, you might be surprised by what you uncover. 

Employers and business leaders need people who can think for themselves - who can take initiative and be solutions to problems." 
- Stephen Covey 

*Speical Thanks...
Willard & Marguerite Beecher 
David Bergin (1995) Academic Competition 
Ralph Waldo Emerson (1841) Essay 
Damon Burton & Thomas Raedeke (2008) Sports Psychology 
Jeff Janssen

Best, Coach Frank Sagasta 

(c) Coachingbeyond, LLC 


Thursday, July 12, 2018


Don't ever get in the habit of measuring life's journey. Life is about the process and that process may bring pain or suffering. That is part of the process. Of course, life can bring joy and happiness. Human beings struggle with circumstances or some type of psychological pain: difficult emotions and thoughts, their unpleasant memories, or unwanted environments. We sometimes spend more time thinking about them, worry about them, resenting them, anticipating and dread them. At the same time, we all can demonstrate enormous courage, love, faith, compassion, and a remarkable ability to move ahead even with difficulties facing us in life. Of course, when your fully alive, present, and committed. This short blog is about how to move from suffering to engagement with life and to see your gift of determination and always resting with full satisfaction. Rather than waiting to win the internal struggle with your own self, this blog is about living now and living fully. 

Some of you have heard and some of you have never heard of the famous story of Noah from the Bible. What we can all learn from this story and many like it is the example of obedience, determination, passion, persistence, productivity and internal drive. As I reflected on this story the other morning. It had me thinking hard on the subject passion and persistence along with the rest. I thought about my passion and my purpose in life. You see, Noah wasn't a shipbuilder and in those days, it didn't rain much. Yet God commanded Noah to build a ship. I know it seems far-fetched to a non-believer, but the accounts are true. This was a test and a mighty test for one person and his family. 

"That which does not kill us makes us stronger." 
- Friedrich Nietzsche 

How many of us have been through a test? and no, not those man-made test in schools or some business. I am talking about a test in life, maybe personally or professionally but you've had to undergo something that brought the pain of some sort. For many, these struggles or conditions have helped setup values, standards, and principles which are all beliefs that influence people’s behavior and decision-making. Just like Noah who had to go through some pain to see the principles and value. We too, need to bring that light into this dark world. Way too often we measure ourselves throughout this journey and not take into account the applications. Noah had to submit to God. Noah had to submit to his wife and children throughout the process. Although God has never asked me to build an ark, He has asked me to do something that is just as challenging and despite the failures or setbacks, I have faced in life. He has asked me to be faithful day by day in every way. . . living the Kaizen life! 

I truly believe God has given each person on this earth a purpose in life. Of course, some work harder than others for their purpose and on the path of their purpose. For me, it has been to persevere over the challenges of being a child abused statistic, an orphan, a college dropout, etc. God has asked me to trust him to wake up with the lungs of inspiration and to set my feet on Gods green earth with enthusiasm. He said to shower down with determination and to brush my teeth with optimism. It truly is satisfying to know that these same tools were passed down to other important people of history. The nurture and admonition of the Lord have brought me to the mountain of being a faithful husband, father, friend, educator, mentor, and coach. However, there were many times where I wanted to throw in the towel and take my own life. There was a time in life where I wanted to walk away to escape my responsibilities of being a husband, and father. I didn't want to obey what God set up for me and because of that, I missed many opportunities. The greatest opportunity that was lost, was time! All because I didn't want to commit. 

"Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. - Albery Schweitzer

Let me tell you of a story of another man that faced challenges, but was able to overcome because God told him too! Dr. George Washington Carver was known as an agriculturalist, botanist, chemist, and developer of three to four hundred by-products from peanuts. George Washington Carver didn't count his journey because it wasn't over as he might have thought for a short moment. George Washington Carver was a son of a slave mother. One night George and his mother were stolen from the Carvers farm by some bushwhackers. The Carvers put up an award for the boy and his mother, but only the boy was returned to the Carvers. The mother was never heard from again. The Carvers took Geroge in and gave him love along with a strong foundation of education. George Washington Carver had to overcome his color. He had to overcome his health, George developed a horrible caught and his voice was never the same. Despite his circumstances or conditions, he was led to pray. So, he prayed, prayed, and prayed. Yes, George prayed for the secret of Gods universe. Of course, God was listening because God did bless and inspired him with a universe of knowledge through a peanut. This same boy who survived his childhood as a slave. This same boy that was parentless and lost his ability to speak with clarity. Yet, George stayed committed to what God gave him to discover. The simple and small peanut that would change his world and the world around him all because of his obedience. 

The primary purpose of this blog is for you to see or find your purpose and to go all in with obedience and commitment. For you to see your purpose despite those circumstances, struggles, challenges, conditions or failures. It is your responsibility, do not waste time living in someone else shoes when the Creator gave you the opportunity to live with genuine power. Measure the process. Measure the applications and apply them to your path. I promise they'll open up new opportunities for you to see more of your drive and purpose. These are things the average person would walk right over. . . if your reading this, you're not average! The average has waved their rights to create happiness and success. 

Here's some question to help. . . 1 meaning not so much and 5 meaning completely. 

1) I am usually, boarded in life 1 2 3 4 5 Enthusiastic.

2) Life today seems 1 2 3 4 5 completely routine.

3) In life, I have 1 2 3 4 5 no aim or clear goals.

4) My personal existence on this 1 2 3 4 5 earth is utterly meaningless. 

5) I have too many 1 2 3 4 5 distractions going on in my life. 

6) I wish to find my 1 2 3 4 5 purposes in this life and I want it to be meaningful. 

7) Every day seems harder 1 2 3 4 5 and harder to commit to something. 

8) If I could go back 1 2 3 4 5 I would change my life.

9) I promise 1 2 3 4 5 to follow those with great advice to move my life from point (A - Z).

10) I have to create a life 1 2 3 4 5 of great habits, hobbies, interests, obligations, and responsibility. 

Here are some habits to help you along the journey

1) Self-Talk
The greatest benefit to man is the ability to control his/her self. A self-talking person is a powerful tool that has tremendous quantities.   

2) Remove unimportant/distractions from your life
It truly is amazing what happens when you have total focus. The benefit is that you'll find yourself focusing on the important things more, which is key. 

3) Setup limits or boundaries 
We set limits and boundaries in our lives to keep us from going off track. A man has never traveled beyond the thought of the unknown in space. Why? because we have set up boundaries that keep us alive. Don't waste time going beyond a boundary to only find yourself coming back to the beginning. Yes, make your own path in life, but make your own boundaries too!

4) Timeline
Set up a timeline or goal board that holds you accountable. This a great tool to keep you on track and within the boundaries. The benefit behind a timeline is the focus you put behind it that really takes flight.

5) Environment
It is time to create an environment internally and externally. The space that aligns with your timeline and goals. And don't forget to add the 80/20 rule to your space, 20% is focused on the tasks that mean the most and have a great impact. Everything else is the effort to get there. Be inspired my friend and achieve on!!! 

"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did but people will never forget how you made them feel." 
- Maya Angelou 


Coach Frank Sagasta

(c) Coachingbeyond, LLC 2018 

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