Coach Frank Sagasta

Education - Leadership - Philosophy - Positive Psychology - Life-Skills

Saturday, December 30, 2017



"We will never be the person we tend to be for the future. If enthusiasm, determination, faith, optimism, and discipline are taken from our daily life" - Coach Sagasta 

© Coachingbeyond, LLC

My name is Coach Frank Sagasta and this is my legacy. I am a successful father, husband, educator, mentor, writer, and coach. This booklet you’re about to read is going to change your mental environment. I’ve added many questions for you to ask yourself. In fact, I have always said that the best-kept information in the world has two places. One it is cemetery and the other is the library, where all secret stories are kept in deep silence waiting to be applied. I wanted to create this booklet with some of those excellent secrets that gave direction on my path. This self-help booklet or blog is to help you find your potential purpose in life. We share an array of lessons to help influence your ability at developing the life driven purpose. We truly hope you enjoy this booklet or blog and share with others. 

Coach Sagasta

I would like to dedicate this booklet/blog to the people who are too many to name, who have impacted and invested time toward my growth. The legacy that has helped redefine and redesign my skills as a husband, father, mentor, and leader. It is the cornerstone and foundation of my family’s value. It is my pleasure to share the philosophy, principle, and practice in these pages. *Special thanks to my wonderful wife, Sarah Sagasta, you’ve been the backbone of my life and the rock of my strength. You've made me a better husband, father, mentor, and coach. My exceptional kids, Isaac Sagasta, Andrew Sagasta and Delina Sagasta without your support these lessons wouldn’t be possible. When I retire, might the stories live through your actions in life, always remember your character is worth more than gold. 

** Special thanks to Pastor Frank Combs, Pastor Gary Johnson, Pastor Eric Thomas, Les Brown, Mark Minard, Grag Walker, Stacy Cross and Breathe University 

“Kindness is the language the deaf can hear and the blind can see.” - M. Twain

© Coachingbeyond, LLC

The objective of finding your purpose are listed below. They have been developed to guide you, to the core of your potential purpose. 

1) To redesign your life purpose.
2) To redefine your life purpose. 
3) To unveil attitudes and expressions that prevented you from achieving your purpose. 
4) To present the truth in greatness designed purpose. 
5) To assist you on the direction in which your potential purpose must go. 

In addition to reading and learning these practice, tools, or conditions that cover the fundamental in purpose. You’ll have multiple choice, true/false, and questionnaires for you the reader to answer. Please do and share with them with others. 

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A person with purpose wakes up crisp and with a smile. They appear to care genuinely and authentically about what they're doing in life. He/she has internal motivation toward achieving their mission. These people will always leave their mark on history as legends. They express a joy that seems to come from deep within. Maybe, you’ve been around someone like this in your life, or maybe your starting to feel this way yourself. That feeling of a stronger sense of genuineness and authenticity, this all seen throughout your character of words and action. It can happen in a moment and to anyone - such as a teacher, parent, musician, artist, engineer, mechanic, secretary, social worker, executive, coach, mentor, or a millionaire. What truly matters is that they do it from the center of purpose and with their potential. 
If you don’t mind, I would like for you to take a few minutes and strongly think of five people in your life. These people can live with you. These people can live around you or they can be someone on social media that influences you. Of course, these are people have found their purpose and use their potential to achieve great things in life.





© Coachingbeyond, LLC

I would have to share with you that we have had many writers, orators who have written tremendous books on the topic of purpose. Of course, each author has given a unique voice of the common subject. We all have the power within, but far to many grow up never tapping into their potential purpose nor living a purposeful life, much of this because it was distracted from noise.
I have taken the full liberty of adding a few legends. These individuals found their purpose and applied action without delay. They created the opportunity for themselves. Each individual found anything is possible, once you discover the vision and you apply your God given potential. For instance Spanish painter, Pablo Picasso. He could barely read, write or spell at the age of 10 years old. Some people considered him hopeless and without a doubt a person with no potential purpose. Mr. Pablo Picasso has become the world best painter. He found his potential purpose. He found his passion in what he loved. 
The next person is none other than Albert Einstein one of the smartest individuals the world has ever come to know, aside from King Solomon. Mr. Einstein was absolutely poor in performance while in school. In fact, his former educators promoted him to drop out because he lacked the potential for education. Mr. Albert Einstein has become the world leaders in physics. He found his potential purpose. He found passion in what he loved. 
Joseph Campbell, author of “The Power of Myth” once said; “You might say we all have the potentiality, and the mission of life to live that potentiality. How do you do it? My answer is “Follow your bliss.” there's something inside you that knows when you’re in the center, that knows when you’re on the beam or off the beam. What the author Campbell is saying is we must believe in our mission, vision, vocation, calling, bliss, and passion. We must rest and wake with it each day. These are words of meaning to which authors have used to express their purpose. Ultimately, you must understand that finding your purpose requires sacrifice & discipline through a spiritual quest. 
The power of our potential purpose is therefore not what you’ve done, but rather what you’re able to do in the moment the Creator gave you. You might be only a number of the percentage of significant people who tap into their true potential and accomplish their purpose. that you’ve got a brighter picture of potential and purpose. And some tools. It is time for you to written down the five people who are working diligently on their purpose and at their highest level of potential. I want you to jot down your ideas about potential and purpose? What sentence or words would you use to describe these two words? 
To me, potential means? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

To me, purpose means?

“Now it is God who has made us for this very purpose and has given us the Spirit as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come.” - 2 Corinthians 

© Coachingbeyond, LLC

You’re probably saying “WHAT?” well there’s a distinction between them both and I want to share them with you because it is important. We can all have a meaningful life whether or not we have faith or a belief system set in place. However, having a 20/20 purpose in life backed with faith really exposes new heights of achievement. 


The thing about four people that bring a meaning to you and why. 





© Coachingbeyond, LLC

I really need you to spend some time thinking back about a meaningful time in your life. I want you to recall a specific time in your life that was absolutely meaningful that today it still gives you goosebumps. 
EXP #1 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

EXP #2 

EXP #3

© Coachingbeyond, LLC

Why were all things created? All thing's were created for God’s pleasure inwardly as well as outwardly. We must come to a state of mind that we understand, we're designed by greatness. And never to question His purpose or meaning for the thing's in life. What is our purpose? Many are looking for their purpose and the meaning in life? We are here to please the Lord God in service. We express through our purpose in helping others and showing self-satisfaction in actions. 
Unfortunately, the average person in the world is filled with ego, pride, greed, jealousy, cynicism, fear, doubt, excuses, and selfish. Most people suffer from this today, I know because I was there! In fact, some of these people we meet or we cross paths. It is our quest to identify that potential purpose that God set forth for us live out and to embrace it enthusiastically.    
*Okay....before you proceed any further, I want you to write down what you think your purpose is at this given moment. As you work through this booklet or blog. I want you to come back and make sure your in-line with that purpose.  
My purpose in life is:
© Coachingbeyond, LLC

Discovering your potential needs to come with finding your purpose. In the number one motivational book in the world i.e., The Bible which stands for Basic Information Before Living Earth says; “Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it.” Context always changes things and I know many of you have heard some of the Bible stories, but sometimes the little context you miss will help the needs to discover the rich meaningful purpose. The underlined word (subdue) means to overcome and therefore God is saying to us that we have the power to overcome. 
God gave us the authority, and ability to imagine a plan and bring into being anything your heart so desired. James Allen once said: “A man is not rightly conditioned until he is healthy, happy, and prosperous.” Allen went on to say; “Happiness, health, and prosperity are the results of the harmonious adjustments of the inner and outer man and his surrounding.” 
So, dynamically this has made a historical change in today's culture, where people are characterized from living outside-in and not inside-out. These are very strong considerations because they help discover your passion and purpose in life. 

Your passion may not always be what you get paid for in life. In this section, I need you to write out three things your passionate about. 


© Coachingbeyond, LLC

The only genuine limit we possess is limiting our imagination. I don't know that many schools that offer students the opportunity to spent time on imagining the person they tend to be in life. You see we all have unlimited potential which lies within us. Some people never tap into their full potential. And the only thing holding people back is themselves.  This can be a rather challenging hurdle to overcome in life, but yet people like Halen Keller have done it. 
Never underestimate your potential nor your purpose. We all have a special gift, don't be afraid of using it toward something worthy. Perhaps, Edmund O'Neil said it well with regards to achieving and I paraphrase, but "Always aim higher than you believe you can reach. So often, you'll discover that when your talents break free by your imagination, you can achieve much more." Show your persistence through action in your potential. I want you to write out your potential and breathe life back into those potentials. 


© Coachingbeyond, LLC


I want to share a few rules that helped to build the foundation of my journey. It started with a strong with affirmation. The strategy and rules that can help you gain the foothold on your path of success. Some affirmations can shed light on the direction of where you want be in life. Remember, you are the person today because of the decisions you made yesterday!

With that being lets learn to be more proactive, you setup way of putting these rules into your daily routine. The first step is self-awareness. This is easy and yet hard for many. So, don’t feel bad if you don’t get it right away, but aware means knowledge. Sometimes there are things holding people back from tapping into their goals and achievements. You can say self-knowledge...but it sounds much better the other way around, self-awareness. This rule helps to build self-esteem, courage and determination within yourself. The second rule is to focus on acknowledgments that are surrounded with positiveness. This means controlling your mind to forget the negative things around you. I also call this dissociation from the noisy world. 

I told you about the authority and power you possess. It is time for you to think in the same way and to affirm that you have it (assuming you haven’t found it) but starts to create the vision you want for yourself. Napoleon Hill was absolutely right when he said: “If you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’re right!” meaning the power to commit both subconsciously affirm the ability to live it.  


Okay...ok...! Are you ready for the major rules? Please keep in mind the gift of affirmation as you make yourself aware of the things you want in life. 

1. Make Your Statement 

Always remember that you are what you make of the day from the beginning you wake up. Your attitude of behavior tends to mirror what you believe from the moment you open your eye and speak. So, be careful on what you say and how you say it! If you're looking for a new opportunity then say it with authority and meaningfulness. Please make sure it is with a positive mental attitude and affirm that thing you wish to have and it will be yours. 

2. Present with Positiveness 

Our mind works in the context of signals carried by the large neurons that link the spinal cord to the muscles which travel at speeds ranging from 70-120 meters per second. fascinating right? This means your mind is more effective than any super computer. So, take note that we ought to put in great information to see it grow. For example “I will be the best at everything I want,” “I accept myself for who I am,” “I will give my best and do my best for the best.” These present the positiveness of affirmation which has great power, rather than criticisms. 

3. Empower Your Statement

Empowering your affirmation with principle and drive not emotion or feelings. This will help put you in the position you want to be in today, tomorrow and for the future. Remember the importance of self-talk along your way. This will invoke the strong character and behavior with your affirmation.

Always remember your affirmations can be about anything in life. The more clarity you have on the things you want the more they can become reality. I am going to write a more than a few of my affirmations that you might do the same and it might push you as they did me!

A) I will be at my best for the best every day.

B)  I am everything but there's room for growth. 

C) Day by day in every way, I am going to work harder.

D) I promise to be more loving, humble and caring toward the needs of others.   

E) I promise to use all my God-given abilities in life. 

The Formula 

I have found a tool that's helped me transform my look on life, it's demonstrated the ability and difference of performance and procrastination. It is exposed to those who righteously use it for worthy causes. Though so many miss the occupation to apply it, they end up scarcely in worry and fear. It is hardly impossible that people should continue in life without it. I am talking about the tool of enthusiasm.

This condition has pushed businesses to reach further in their markets. It has pushed the individual to reach for more. In fact, we've all learned that history is the clock. History has put people and businesses on the mountain of achievements. This condition has moved the dullness of monkey minded individuals towards self-satisfaction in cases around the world. But let's face the facts. How many times have you gone to work and see someone battling enthusiasm?

Enthusiasm has shattered the course of genuine quality because it changes people. Applying this tool is given with effort and energy. And history shares what they've been with it, where they've been with it. What they are and where they are without excuse but with regard to the power behind it. Real enthusiasts have had tremendous results in their personal life as well as their professional life because of the application. It is among the most basic human truths that this tool can inspire people to build to the sky as it was in the days of Babylon. It has been eleven years of transformational  living, I have enjoyed every moment of enthusiasm. I know someday if you don't have, you'll fall to your knees wanting it because there's a difference. It has altered my soul purpose and inspired my spirit. It has brought absolute happiness by reason and cheerfulness of heart for others.

When I’m gone might the echo say; “here is a family man, rich in wisdom, a man who had a faith system, who thinks confidently and who had the power of God.” Despite the struggles in his life and with little education was able to learn the great secrets and share them with others. How will you be remembered when you’re gone? Can people say he/she was filled with strong enthusiasm or knowledge and shared it? Or will they come to your grave and say he/she didn’t live to their full-potential?

The person that holds to this formula of faith happens to be very notable through the actions and commitment he/she put forth. And chuckle as you may, but this is absolutely true for anyone that's really reached the mountain of success. This person is wise and humble. They possess influential leadership that's passed down with optimism and enthusiasm.

Day 1
Wake up! If your body, mind, and spirit are used to waking up at 6 AM. You start waking up at 4 AM. (Tell yourself aloud what time you'er getting up the night before) (Drink a half glass of water before bed) (sleep three nights at the foot of your bed)

Day 2
Think and drink of a perfect day of happiness and health. In order to make this possible, you have to first imagine this happening. Thus once again telling yourself aloud, what you want and intend for tomorrow. It allows your subconscious mind to lock it in. (Before you retire, close your eyes and think hard about tomorrow) (Create thoughts of prosperous  and worthy things)

Day 3
Brush your teeth with optimism is a saying from my early days. It was specifically and definitely known that we must brush our teeth before bed, but looking at the person in the mirror was purposeful. (While brushing your teeth, tell yourself through your eyes what you need and want) (then when you rinse your mouth, look up and affirm that desire)

Day 4
Sleep right, eat right helps make the morning right. Treat the morning with great respect and honor. Be privileged and meditate for a moment, whether it is reading a great book or praying. Spending time making the morning great helps to make the day perfect. (Leave arguments and anger alone) (Leave excuses at the door)(Make room for hugs and smiles)

Day 5
Fill your day with enthusiasm, love, and happiness. I have always said love and happiness are found by reason. So, whatever you're deemed to do make double sure you apply enthusiasm. Then find a reason to love what you are doing and you'll find happiness along with rewards doing it. (Give the day your best because you deserve it) (Make every day a big difference and make it a masterpiece)

You might chuckle at these points but I've learned mean things from top legends who've designed more branches of income and redefine the lives of many around the world. I challenge you to this five-point. I need you to rediscover the fever of greatness deep within and remember silence leads to confidence and confidence to strength.

Fear Eliminated 

Imagination is a tool to be used, but how many people misuse it or never use it for themselves? Emotionality and imagination are closely linked and what we imagine can feel very real to us, so real that we torment ourselves. And much of this is brought on by the word “FEAR.”

In fact, I personally believe there’s thousands, if not millions of people that step back from driving forward in life because of fear. People cannot back grow as an individual, as a couple, as a parent, a friend, or an employee with fear in their hearts and mind. And anyone, looking at achieving a level of success must overcome fear, it demands it today. Wherewithal, any person with the image of achieving, regardless of occupation, must be willing to take on risks and action because it is a vital part in getting from ordinary to extraordinary. 

Fear stops thousands if not millions of people from going where they are to where they’d like to be in their personal life as well as their professional life. This powerful word has absolutely killed people over time because they refused to seek the proper help at removing it from their lives. This word fear, anxiety, depression, doubt, and procrastination thrive when we imagine the worst case or outcome. As I mentioned earlier, we misuse our imagination and it develops into side effects that cause things that were possible to become impossible. These are called uncontrolled imagination and they nest within our minds, if not cleaned out daily. You need only to have in your mind the things you are willing to have. If you are willing to live with fear than chance are you’ll not be that successful.

So, stop professing fear into your life. Allow it to dissipate or to be eliminated. So, that your life will begin to look clearer. Oh, reader please understand and believe that fear can be removed. That's correct…so, don’t give any notion of this word. Do not feed it to your conscious or subconscious. We can be anything we want to be and do anything we want to do just by making the conscious decision to overlook fear. William James once said; "We have the greatest power of choice one thought over another." So, remember you are a mind with a body, use it wisely. 

Here are some techniques to assist you in overcoming fear immediately.

#1. Rewire the Brain

You need to redesign and rewire the brain in order to overcome that fear plus you’ll develop courage. 

#3. Identify

Let’s analyze exactly what you’re afraid of and picture the solution.  

#4. Talk.

It is a no-brainer but you need to talk about what's on your mind. Talk about what fears you and get over it!

#5. Awareness

Is know the problem and what causes the feeling or thought of fear. 

#6. Read

Reading is learning and earning but get specific. Get the books that open the doors to unlocking the solutions. 

#7. Prayer.

I am not religious. I am convicted on my faith which gives me the motivation to pray without hesitation and openly. I have learned that the legends “All” prayed because they saw the power in it.

#8. Ask

Demanding more of yourself is key in remove fear. You need to tell yourself that (I am confident, courage and bold) with humility and love toward others. 

#9. Breathe

At some time you’ll get tired, so rest, but don’t quit. Take a deep breath and hold it for 30 seconds or 1 minute. Let go slowly and see the difference of the moment clearer.  

#10. Environment

In order to really develop a sound mind over fear, is watch what you put into the mind. In with the nutrients and out with the garbage. 

#11. Action.

You have to take full action and ownership of your thoughts in order to get over the fear. Fear can be good and fear can be bad, it is how you embrace it. 

“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind”
The Apostle Paul (2Timothy 1:7)

The Five Fears 

Many people suffer from some type of fear within their lives. Of course, each person has a higher category of fear and it hunts them to no end. This area of fear must be overcome in order to reach your potential purpose. I'll list a few types of fears that sync into the mind and heart of people which never allow them to tap into their greatness and cloud their vision. 

My Fear of Death:


My Fear of Failure:


My Fear of Social Rejection:


My Fear of Success:


My Fear of the Unknown:


My Fear Physical / Emotional hurt:


I want you to write your answer for these question and allow them to hold you accountable. Fear is an uncomfortable feeling but real success is making the breakthroughs. The reality is often people hide their fear because they fear what others might say. Like any other emotion, fear will come out because it doesn't respond while to those methods. In my experience, I have found a better method which is befriending, welcoming and understanding the fear in order to overcome. Here are a few areas fear might hide 1. stomach 2. legs 3. heart 4. words 5. eyes, etc. 

Remember we have nothing to fear except fear itself, for we have the power and authority transform our thoughts one over another. 


This is a small section that will help you see the areas you need to fix or overcome. Just below are a few areas which you'll write down that pertain to your major vision. Please be honest with yourself and address the five in each column. 

            Fear                                              Action                                      Goal                        

__________________             ____________________             _____________________
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__________________             ____________________             _____________________

Learned Optimism by Martin E.P. Seligman 
University of Success by OG Mandino
Secret to Success by Eric Thomas
Success through a Positive Mental Attitude by Hill and Stone
The Strangest Secret by Earl Nightingale
The Power of your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy 
The Art of Living by Bob Proctor
What to Say When You Talk to Your Self by Shad Helmstetter 

(c) Coachingbeyond, LLC 

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The Undeniable LEADERS

  THE UNDENIABLE LEADERS COACH FRANK SAGASTA I read a story several years ago about an eagle and a chicken. They happen to be very good frie...