Coach Frank Sagasta

Education - Leadership - Philosophy - Positive Psychology - Life-Skills

Friday, October 13, 2017



Hello everyone, 

     Apparently redemption is not enough was manifested or inspired from many people too long to mention. Their stories live through the actions and character of those that applied it gradually to the life they live.  

I won’t take much of your time because I know that time is the greatest commodity of value in life. There is a topic that most people reluctantly miss because they either suffer from it or because it is offensive. I am talking about depression. It truly is uncertain why people miss the opportunity to speak about this benefit. That’s right! benefit. Which is a noun, that means something is advantageous or good. It seems a bit unreal right? But the more I research on the topic, the more I’m finding that doctors and psychologists feel there’s a benefit. Well, that’s real news to me, being that I suffered from it and many Americans suffer from this disease. In fact, a whopping 5.2 million each year suffer from depression.

I have found this topic quite interesting, especially while studying psychology in college. I personally feel there is tremendous opportunity to redeem ourselves and breaking free from this disease. Perhaps, we can utilize it for good as William James suggested “we all have the power to choice one thought over another.” If we focus on good thoughts than great things will follow. Meaning we ought to learn how to control the desire of our heart as well as our mind. This will filter into the subconscious and conscious mind. In fact, the more we decree of ourselves in thought as well as in action than we can help others over any difficulties they face. I know this emotional and physical pain is a direct hit to multiple regions of the brain which tends to pump alerting chemicals but what if we can focus those seemingly chemicals into achievements?

Perhaps, we can take those moments and reconnect the cognitive resource of the mind toward strategies or complex social problems and motivate new paths to solving adaptive problems. The good book says; “Thou shalt also decree a thing: and it shall be established unto thee: and the light shall shine upon thy ways.” It is talking about the renewing of our mind. We all have the power and ability to establish or create a great reality. However, too many find themselves distracted with the words of lesser people who truly have no value. In the world of intellectual chambers or committees, we have deemed them as leeches. I know...I know! Don’t be a judgmental person coach but the book has said to judge a tree by the fruit it bears. Therefore we must harness the energy and efforts from those who are intellectual and have left information for us to apply. 

Listen, this isn't some rant or rave. It truly is amazing that most people are turned off from “Motivational Speakers” because people aren’t getting the right medication for their chronic issues or diseases. Those who profess to be motivational speakers are filled with stories that are entertaining not truly helpful. I don't need a Band-aid, Tylenol, or Advil if my foot has been cut off! I need a hospital with a great doctor who has experience, not stories. Apparently redemption is not enough there is more to the experience. My goal is to help and teach others how to transform their lives within themselves in order to be the best of themselves.


Coach Frank Sagasta
Coachingbeyond, LLC

(c) Coachinbeyond, LLC 2017 


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