Coach Frank Sagasta

Education - Leadership - Philosophy - Positive Psychology - Life-Skills

Friday, June 2, 2017

Level Up


I would have to say that 20/20 entrepreneur doesn't look at the “Now Hiring” sign the same anymore. Why? because we all have a bigger drive and border vision. In fact, we wake up with a bigger vision, than our fear. We all share the same path compared to the average worker. We share similar characteristics and training. Hundreds, thousands, and if not millions of entrepreneurs have taken classes, online courses, read articles, read books or attended a number of conferences on how to be best wantrepreneur. we have many entrepreneurs that are a part of the published books commission. Some have claimed success...while others enjoy sharing the secret of success in business through literacy. I've come to really enjoy some great material about business and succeeding in my own life.

When it all boils down many Youperneurs really turn out to be genuine entrepreneurs. The average won't see it but there's a chemistry that stems from our behavior, integrity, and character. It is full of passion, perseverance, commitment, grit and a positive mental attitude. This tends to set successful entrepreneurs apart. Of course, this privilege is cultivated from the attributes within or like our "Potential Purpose" which requires an innate skill set. And among other things, tips and advantages on how to get started are fashionable with genuine entrepreneurs.  

So, I’ve added an array of different items to take into consideration when developing your life driven business or potential purpose. These tips or elements should constitute your meaningful purpose of why you started the business.

1. Be Passionate!
I believe being passionate and loving what you do is key in succeeding in a successful business or career. I personally use this with my marriage and that why we've been together for eighteen years. Benjamin Franklin once said; “Love your enemies for they tell you all your faults.” Which are lessons for life and business? (Stay Passionate and Show Passion)

2. Be Patient!
Don’t jump all in...success requires us to show patience with others and ourselves. There are success stories about people who didn't jump all in and followed the proper steps. Of course, take elevated risks but don’t be an ass. Manage the risk you take and be absolutely patient and passionate. Have a sense of balance which is another essential factor to great and successful businessmen and women.

3. Be Learning!
I would have to say learning is earning because without applied knowledge your not succeeding. And with the knowledge, you’ll receive the gift of confidence and understanding. Heck, the real successful entrepreneur's work diligently in his/her field or lane of expertise. He/She spendings a few hours a day learning from the legends or perhaps an excellent mentor/coach. I am a big believer in a brainstorm or masterminding. It has improved my level of education and service. Learn to form a great model, repeat it, show it, and share it.

4. Be the Plan!
Understanding how to set goals. Remember we don’t plan to fail, we fail to plan. Translated learn to make worthy goals that are absolutely attainable. This will bring personal happiness and professional fulfillment. Of course, be very creative with your plans like a favorite Thomas Edison. Mr. Edison had a magnificent ability. He applied the same principles that are added herein, but he used a simple acronym that expresses the elements of effective plan-setting or goal-setting. It was called “SMART” which meant (Specific, Measurable, Accountable, Relevant, Timeline).

5. Be of PMA!
I know some of you will know the acronym, but for those that don’t...start guessing, just playing. It stands for “Positive Mental Attitude.” Attitude by the founders set the tone for what we have today in business. We called it the (Golden Rule) in my house. Having a positive mental attitude brought on an array of relationship and opportunities. Of course, negativity brought on procrastination, laziness, anger, depression, and entitlement. An absolute waste time, energy and money if I don’t say so myself. If you truly want to build a real successful business or brand...don’t transit your integrity. Real genuine success largely depends on it.

Well, that's from the coaches mouth and I hope you enjoy...until next time. As always make everyday a masterpiece.


Coach Frank Sagasta

© Coachingbeyond, LLC 2017

1 comment:

  1. when was it said like WHAT year?????????????????????????


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