Coach Frank Sagasta

Education - Leadership - Philosophy - Positive Psychology - Life-Skills

Monday, May 15, 2017


"Change your thoughts...bless your life...forever" - Coach Frank Sagasta

You don't want "No Problems" with me...or maybe it was... problems always seem to find me? Many times people can say these things, problems just seem to find me. Money and fame don't change much, problems can still find you. 

I want you to know that problems aren’t causing you trouble. We are using certain problems to cause ourselves the trouble. You see, a problem for you may not be a problem for others. And a problem you had a year ago may not be a problem any longer, but the pain continues because you've not let go and moved to the next level.

In 2010, I was 31. I wasn't comfortable with my life. We had just come from a huge loss where we lost our home, 401K, vehicles, and jobs. Problems were coming quick...from drugs, anger to dishonest. I wasn't happy with my life, I didn’t have peace. Happiness was out of sight. I thought money would provide happiness, but it didn't. As time went on, working two jobs, coaching and being a husband/father. I was became frustrated with the endless search for happiness, peace, love, and enthusiasm until I stumbled upon Eric Thomas the "HiphopPreacher." 

I was absolutely frustrated with life before that day, even with thoughts of suicide. I was very impatient with God and myself. I wanted answers to why some people were happy, while others wallowed in their own misery? And why some were joyful and happy with little, while others were miserable with a lot. I was very curious and it tickled my brain, and I wanted to scratch that itch within my mind and find the authentic answers.

I found that the no problem spirit lives with uncontainable joy, peace, love, and humbleness. It was a seed, the fruit of the tree which allows you to live with enthusiasm. The fruit tree which allows you to live with more creative imagination. And it allows you to live with more positiveness, determination, and self-satisfaction. 

The lesson of the no problem life is in total alignment with your purpose. It is the product of the balance in your mind, body, and spirit which lives in you and is fueled each day through your passion. I've interviewed many people in the last few years with excellent conditions of primary greatness. All of which lead them to the no problem spirit. This spirit has helped them overcome challenges and circumstances in life to move from good to great.

It boiled down to a few key items that were seen in some really talented individuals. And it was put to me like won't be an eagle flying with pigeons. You must apply more effectiveness in being an eagle.  

Here three keys to help, but you have to be open to change!

1. Give yourself permission to claim your life. 

That’s right...PERMISSION. You’re the only one who can decide (who you are, where you are & where you're going). You have to be the change you want to believe. 

2. Redefine & Redesign what living life means to you. 

It is not that hard y'all...just close your eye and picture yourself at the end of your life. What words will others describe you, what word will you describe for yourself?

3. Stop living in the past. 

Start doing the things you always planned to do with action and conviction. You want to lose weight...then do it NOW!! Take every effort to change your life every morning...NO EXCUSES!!


Coach Frank Sagasta

© Coachingbeyond, LLC 2017

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