Coach Frank Sagasta

Education - Leadership - Philosophy - Positive Psychology - Life-Skills

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Leverage of Success

Turning Our Greatest Weakness /Into Our Greatest STRENGTH

Great and blessed week everyone…I want to share with you a few steps in bringing out the best in you, but
before those steps. Here are some words from a great comedian from the early 90’s by the name of Jim Carrey. In life you don’t get what you want, in life you get what you are, not what you want! My father could have been a great comedian but he didn’t believe that and that was possible for him, and so he made a conservative choice. Instead, he got a safe job as an account. When I was 12 years old, he was let go from that safe job, and our family had to do whatever we could to survive. I learned many great lessons from my father, not the least of which was that you could fail at what you don’t love, so you might as well take a chance on doing what you love.” ~ Jim Carrey

This was a defining moment for Mr. Carrey, but a lesson will be learned in his life. I too have lived a life not knowing what was promised unto me. Like so many of us living but not truly living to show our best and give our best. We live to eat and not eat to live, we think that there’s always that tomorrow in our thoughts. Of course, when it comes bright and early you’ll hope for a difference. The reality of that difference is a change which only comes to those willing to embrace the day with greatness.

Ah..for so many people unwilling to step into their greatness and live their full potential is truly amazing and enormously seen from the purpose driven individual. He or she who has effortlessly turned their greatest weakness into their greatest strength. They understand this power of the spirit. You see you have more control of your mind than you think. So, don’t allow another day to go by without redefining what is possible because tomorrow is not promised to no man. Make your promises that you're willing to step into your greatness every day and with full force. And shine bright because you weren’t brought here to live mediocre. You were given this beautiful and blessed gift of life so that you can make the best of it, every day, and so that you can enjoy the best parts of it with love, privilege, honor and vision. It is the time that you recognize the greatness that lies within you. 

Assuming you following these step correctly, you’ll see the rewards. So, from this point forward I need you to picture yourself as the master of your thoughts and time. Once you control the beast of thoughts and time then you’ll get the whole purpose of this greatness that lies in you. 

Application & Suggestions 

Mental Conditioning. Your efforts at bettering the life you want and need start with preparing yourself and investing in you. Ongoing education keeps you young and in shape. Learning to prepare you for the future of opportunities. Mental condition is a proactive practice that’s become my talent and something we call “KAIZEN” in our house. This word is vital to the path you choice and what you want in life. It takes away from the victim mindset and gives you life. 

Physical Conditioning. Your preventive state of who are and where you are in life should be from those areas of improving our health. Changing the paradigm of your health needs to be measured daily and compared to the person in the mirror. In fact, you need to have a prime time of bettering your health with continuous efforts and conviction. This will allow growth and performance both physically and mentally. 

Spiritual Conditioning. Your purpose has much to do with your inner peace. It also has much to do with your confidence and capabilities. Living a life with a bit of spirit allows you to not conform to the noisy world but to set standards and principles for your path. It encourages you to make the right choice daily. And lastly, it keeps you competent to achieve a higher level in your personal and professional pursuit of success. 


Coach Frank Sagasta

Monday, April 17, 2017

No Sugar in my Coffee “Purpose Living/Purpose Driven”

Living with Purpose

Living with Purpose 


It is from the time you're born that GOD embeds purpose for your life. However, many people never come to find their purpose because known ever shared the story or question on how to find their purpose. So, through this short read. I’ll give you some assistance on your journey. 

Let us begin on the pursuit of purpose, which was created from the beginning of time and space. I believe by faith these thing's to be possible. For the scripture lays down the foundation. According to other reachers, there are other books that have shared the strong principles to support it. I have taken extreme ownership of these values which give light toward my purpose in life. So, with faith, desire, and purpose. I know what I must continue to bring the table of life. 

From August 1979, up until 2012.  All most thirty years, I was killing myself with no thought of knowing my purpose in life. You might say I was blind and hopeless. But when I found the purpose for myself, it was like finding a hidden treasure. I promised God, myself, and family. I would start formulating the right principles and standards to have an effectiveness of life. 


The surety is that when you find that purpose, I can promise you that your life will never be the same again. In fact, Mark Twain once said; "The two important days of your life, are the day you are born and the day you find out why." which means you know why you're here on earth. You have to discover the true purpose of life and what it absolutely means to you? Many legendary figures in life have given us tools to help us find our purpose. It is up to us to use them in the short lifetime we have, remember tomorrow is never promised, so, how will you spend today? 

And understand that the potential purpose of which you possess is tremendous and not to be taken lightly, nor for you to deposit deep into the grave unseen. We ALL have a set of powers, strength, talent, skills or capabilities and unused success waiting to be unwrapped. In closing please remember that your potential is not what you've done, but what you are committed and able to do! Meaning that you’re doing something beyond what you’ve never  done. And your still on that path because you know that you'll never reach your full potential if you quit. The most persistent and greatest question should be “Will anyone ever know you were here?” attached are some questions that you might want to answer. They might help steer you onto the right path and keep you there. 

1, What keeps you motivated? 

2, What conviction is laid on your heart?

3, What passion is laid on your mind?

4, What makes you cry?

5, What measure of time is spent on it? 

"Great tragedy in life is not death, but in not living your full potential" - Coach Sagasta


Coach Frank Sagasta

© Coachingbeyond 2017

Tuesday, April 11, 2017



“The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.” 

- Bob Marley

What kind of person are you wanting and needing to be? Please stay and explore the story of my life, and learn to live with integrity and to a higher calling of purpose. I am going to share with you some areas of practices that assisted me with my integrity journey. But right now, I want you to stop and think about your integrity. Is it what you imagine or want in life? When you have genuine integrity, you become that kind of person that other people enjoy be around, all because you have something else within you. God blesses those who have integrity. So, what kind of blessings can you expect when you live your life with the genuine authenticity of heart?

“The integrity if the upright shall guide them: but the perverseness of transgressors shall destroy them.” 

- (Proverbs 11:3)

As for fathers, husbands, and mothers, wives. We all have specific responsibilities and must fulfill certain requirements in life. One major requirement of these titles is the ability to choose an area of excellence. In addition, the commitment to excellence is one of the most powerful of all motivators within. It pushes the party or individual further than they thought they could go in life. The state of the individual or party must know their purpose and it needs to be filled with an authentic heart. Which has incorporated integrity and enthusiasts throughout their universe within. For these are basic essential of survival in today’s economy and often missed from our society. But not just from individuals, but from companies that we come in contact with daily. 

“With integrity, you have nothing to fear, since you have nothing to hide. With integrity, you will do the right thing so you will have no guilt.”

- Zig Ziglar

Bless, I personally believe that our greatest legacy is that of our integrity. For our integrity is passed down from generation to generation. All the marital things are lost or divided among your family, and it’s gone forever. But your effort and energy through the pour heart of integrity can live on for a generation to generation. Thus translated that you pour into the lives of the people around you and you see the ripple effect take place and that lasting legacy. We all must overcome these feelings of fear and be true ourselves. In that we should live with integrity daily, making every day a masterpiece. 


Coach Frank Sagasta

© Coachingbeyond 2017 

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

"Breaking Free”

"Breaking Free"

“Colors, like features, follow the changes of the emotions.”
- Pablo Picasso

I personally believe Pablo Picasso was giving us a new definition toward how we see our own imprisonment. In response to different emotions and expressions. So, what’s the problem? 

The problem is we as humans lie to ourselves about these emotions, feelings or expression that imprison our true potential. The problem stems far behind the smiles, laughter, pain, and anger, etc. For example, there might be something pleasant in the day or moment that can make us smile. There might be something that can annoy us or make us angry. There might be something humorous that can make us laugh and joy that we began to cry with tears. I believe Pablo Picasso painted from his change of emotions in ever picture. He touched the world with colors that were universal and that had a strong representation of human emotions. He showed that life has a sensitive line of color. We have many emotions that hold us back from seeing our true beauty. 

All of twelve five years was I trapped behind the bars of my thoughts. My emotions or feelings of pain, depression, anxiety, and negative thoughts of suicide had embodied my way of living. These emotions painted a distractive picture of how I lived my life. And though, I prayed for tremendous change. It wouldn’t happen until I practiced faith, honesty, and self-awareness. Oh yeah, I was trapped like many people today. Trapped in their killing of thoughts and dishonesty. I need to break free but unlocking the chains or opening the door was going to take the key of Honesty. And let me share with you. There’s a difference between honesty and truth…that’s right! Sharing the truth is what you already know and honesty is telling you what you know. We ought to be honest, and tell the truth about ourselves that it might drive us away from the sickness of our secrets. 

I challenge you to “Break Free” don’t give into the notion that you must live in fear, doubt or emotional pain all your life. Please, know that these areas can be removed but only if you truly “WANT” and “NEED” them to be removed. So, here are my tips from my years of experience. Acknowledge your faults, failures or failings. Get tough on yourself with self-discipline. Remember your the creator of your destiny. Take initiative, for it plays a huge part because you have to take the first step on working on those motives immediately with microscopic details. These lessons were learned with conviction because I wasn’t always optimistic but in 2010. I started learning and implementing self-awareness. I started changing my attitude because I found that these perspectives all mattered. Today, it is about waking up with the lungs of inspiration, setting feet on  Gods green earth with enthusiasm, showing each morning with determination and brushing my teeth with optimism. These last five conditions changed my attitude and perspective on life and that's why you hear me say “Make it a Masterpiece” because without these tools you’ll never make it! I hope these tools help you as they’ve assisted me in the journey of life. 


Coach Frank Sagasta

© Coachingbeyond 2017

Monday, April 3, 2017

Oh Mirror...Mirror

"The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination." 
- Albert Einstein

Congratulations, on making the decision to climb new heights in reading this story. Some content might bring discomfort and pain but the discomfort and pain will subside. This decision will have to be embraced immediately with conviction, enthusiasm, and action. I say action won't always bring success or greatness, but there is no greatness or success without action. So, take the action and change it, embrace it, and live it today.

I know you're probably thinking change what? Embrace what? Live what? In brief, change your life. Start with the imagination within, and visualize its reality through action. Embrace the development of creative imagination through high-leverage of mental exercise. Acknowledge that reading before bed will increase your levels of imagination. Live you imagination with passion, love, energy and peaceable effort.

"To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle, requires creative imagination and marks the real advance in science." 
- Albert Einstein

Of course, these conditions will take sacrifice and discipline. The sacrifice to leave the comfort zone faster than when you first got there and the discipline to continue in the process smarter, stronger, and faster. Look we "ALL" have the potential but way too often people won't take action because they have fear which holds them back from stepping out of the comfort zone and going beyond the boundaries of their imagination. Certain people have a higher degree and ability that manifests in various stages and some have weaker forms. 

I personally believe and have learned that imagination is much stronger than knowledge. It has no limits like human intelligence and self-actualization. It is our ability to form a mental image of something not ever perceived throughout our five sense but built through mental scenes, objects and events that have never taken place. 

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined." - Henry David Thoreau

The power form of imagination is more potent than history and reality itself. Yes, I'm saying that some imagination or dream can be more powerful than facts. Kind of like joy or laughter being the only cure for pain, grief of sorrow. In closing Plato once said; "Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything." So, let your daily life be filled with imagination but not too much. And make it a masterpiece.  

"Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us," 
(Ephesians 3:20)


Coach Frank Sagasta 

© Coachingbeyond 2017

The Undeniable LEADERS

  THE UNDENIABLE LEADERS COACH FRANK SAGASTA I read a story several years ago about an eagle and a chicken. They happen to be very good frie...