Coach Frank Sagasta

Education - Leadership - Philosophy - Positive Psychology - Life-Skills

Wednesday, March 22, 2017


"Until I change myself, I could not change others"
- Nelson Mandela

We all want a better life but some have no desire. We all want the house on the hill but no desire. We all want to be rich... well some more than others but no real desire. 

The fortunate part is we "ALL" have the same opportunities in life. It comes every 365 days of the New Year. The desires and the dreams. The wants and the needs. These are absolutely possible. It starts the moment you open your eyes. The second is when you make the choice to waking up from your resting place. Thirdly the moment you start redesigning your day, week, month, year or life. Each section of our life needs adjustment. The adjustments toward our dreams and desires. It takes ridiculous solutions to helps us. 

These solutions don't happen overnight. It might take one - six months. It might take one - two years. But the solutions will evolve and the results will come in massive forms, that you'll notice. I have learned to embrace these ridiculous solutions with a cheerful and enthusiastic conscious that my results are seen around the world and in the mirror each morning.

I know...your probably asking yourselves "Where did Coach, find these solutions?" Well, I used to think the best-kept information in life was the library, but I was terribly wrong. It is the cemetery. That's right! Many keys to the doors of success have been lots because of greed in sharing them with others. Many dreams and desire are within the resting place of those in the cemetery. Anyways, I was sitting there one day in deep thought. I felt the idea of purpose, motivation, and the actions within my life. You see we all have a purpose in life. Some aren't motivated toward taking action for that purpose. Therefore they waver their efforts and end up aimless. No motivation. No purpose and no action. That day was evident that my purpose in life was to give more, do more and live happier, healthy and purposeful with motivation and action. 

I know YOU have a purpose in life and it is not mere to live but to adjust or redesign your life, that you might help someone on the way with passion and motivation. I hope this see you well. And might you make the rest of your life a masterpiece. 


What is your purpose in life?

Everyone has motivation within them, so what motivates you?

Often people stay stuck in the rut because they refuse to take action. What actions will you take today? 

All three of those people you saw up top. Have found their purpose in life. The have endless amounts of motivation and their taking action each day to help others.


Coach Frank Sagasta

© Coachingbeyond 2017

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