Coach Frank Sagasta

Education - Leadership - Philosophy - Positive Psychology - Life-Skills

Tuesday, March 21, 2017


“Motivation is a fire from within. If someone else tries to light that fire under you chance are they might get burnt”  
- Stephen R. Covey

I want to share with you the greatest story ever shared with me about intentness in life. But before we begin, I need you to say with me; “Today is the day”… “Today is the day”… then say “I REFUSE TO BE IMPACTED FROM MY CIRCUMSTANCE AND I WILL NEVER GIVE IN.” 

I refuse to give in during the rough times in life. I don’t know about you but I’ve been the person with unpredictable events in life. Of course, some great and some not so great but they helped to shape the person I tend to be and the guy I see every morning. Know matter how bad the circumstance might get in life we ought to (want) and (need) more from ourselves. That's right the need to give more? The want to do more? and to be willing to push more? I firmly believe were built from our struggles in the ocean of life. It is been proven through the lives of those I’ve interviewed and read about over the years. But an important key that is being missed today as well as it was then, is the condition of faith. I know that some have carved it from their vocabulary because it is too much in line with God or biblical history. Nonetheless, it has been proven to work in lives all around the world. This tool called "faith" can unlock the door toward happiness, health, and success. However, we make it very complex for ourselves, that we lack the conditioning of it. 

In every way this might seem familiar, but have you ever started something and just couldn’t finish because you lost faith? Have you ever tried reaching for something worthy but couldn’t grab it because you had no faith? I have and it sucks! We often start things and never finish because we lose faith in ourselves or we lose passion. Sometimes the environment we've created doesn’t permit us to go forward. And often we place in our minds a goal, that won't be finished. Some of us place a goal way too far to grab or we work on different projects all at the same time. Then we wonder why we can’t achieve or succeed. Then in return, we get upset at the circumstance or problem that we drive somewhere that doesn’t look like home. This drive is not physical but mentally. I’ve been there… I know! We get so tempted in our flesh and outside influence that we set flames to our universe and those in our world.  

I think our society is permeated by this heart and mindset. So, much that we can’t see the power of faith within our own mind, heart or soul. Therefore, we lose out on the real blessings and wins from God. We all go through obstacles in life, some get stuck and stay there. While others embrace the circumstance and acquire patience and faith. That skill of patience sometimes enhances into a desire that is backed by faith and aimed toward a worthy goal. That's right entrepreneurs, CEO, leaders, mentors or coaches, etc. of the world. Listen closely because this story, I am going to share with you really captivated my life. It was the hardest truth that was shared to me fifteen years ago. 

So, there was a woman during the biblical era that suffered from an issue or obstacle in life. This issue had a huge effect on her life, so much that people didn’t want to touch her. In fact, she was considered throughout the town, villages or capital as an uncleaned soul. The story is said that she tried everything to fix her circumstance. She sold her home and cattle, but couldn't fix the problem. She grows weak and sickly and was cast out of the sight of people. She continued to grow weak and suffered for twelve plus years in this pain and on the streets. However, one day she heard the Jesus of Nazareth and that he was coming through her area, she did everything she could to get the opportunity to get to him. She had a heart's desire and mindset that if she touches his garment. She would feel better. It was said that Jesus was on a mission healing those of need. But wherever Jesus was there would sure to be a mob of people looking for miracles to be done or to hear the truth from his lips. 

This woman gave every ounce of effort and energy to touch that garment. It took all her energy to cut through the crowd and get to the place of where Jesus was at but she falls short. The crowd had cut her off and was too large to allow her to pass. So, she began to crawl toward Him and was able to reach as far as her body and arm would allow. She touched the very bottom of Jesus garment and was healed. This individual sick and weak showed the divine power of faith, devotion, conviction, willingness, perseverance, tenacity, and determination. This individual didn’t give up. She gave more energy and effort in reaching out to touch the garment of Jesus. That when she did, she became healed. The whole account is in Matthew (9:20-22). This story along with the one from Socrates really helped me. It brought the power faith back into my life. It gave light on the subject. That no matter what life brings, if we have the power of faith we can overcome the obstacle.   

"Perseverance is the hard work you do after you get tired of doing the hard work you already did." 
- Newt Gingrich


Coach Frank Sagasta

© Coachingbeyond 2017

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