Coach Frank Sagasta

Education - Leadership - Philosophy - Positive Psychology - Life-Skills

Monday, March 20, 2017

Mr. & Ms. Positive


Getting knocked down sucks, but getting back into the race shows greatness and heart. In the quest for great success, we must all encounter those brick walls (circumstances) or closed doors (problems). Which has marked history with failures? But just because you fail doesn't mean you're a total failure. There have been many successful money-makers throughout history who've gone through miserable failures but those negative moments didn't define their greater achievements in life. They continued with a smile. 

I have come to fully realize it is merely those circumstances, obstacles or problems that make a person find the key of positive persistence in achieving the stars. People who are successful have a strong sense of positiveness about them that shines. A positive person will share his/her smile throughout their face, eyes, voice, and character.

Interesting as it may sound, these people have a mental disposition of attitude that arrays success in positiveness. He/she might get knocked down but in no disgrace, they rise up to finish with heart, dignity, and passion. They have come to fully grasp the idea of believing in the change they want for themselves.  


Nothing is too difficult or impossible with positive persistence but how do you stay positive over hours, days, weeks, months, years or your whole life? Let us look at some key individuals that helped me and will help you as well. 

  • 1832 He lost his job in the legislature. 
  • 1833 He lost his business. 
  • 1835 He lost the love of his life. 
  • 1836 He lost his mind. 
  • 1838 He lost the Speaker of the House.
  • 1854 He lost the Seat for Senate.
  • 1856 He lost the Vice-President.
  • 1858 He lost the Seat for Senate. 
  • In the eve of 1860, Abraham Lincoln was elected President if the United States.

Lesson: Positive Persistence and Purposeful Drive

The list of greats who've come back from a moment of negativeness continues to grow. But another that came to mind, would be a woman who refused to lay down in negativeness or bad attitude. She would make an impact on history through television as well as the impact on the world. Oprah became the richest self-made women and the first African-American female to reach the billionaire club. She was fired and told she couldn't do television but that door didn't stop her drive.  

Lesson: Learn to analyze between those "who can" and those "who can't" attitude.   

In closing, please remember that your attitude is determined by your thoughts and they show through your character. Your character of thoughts is determined by the content of your mind. The content of our mind is determined by our environment. Remember we're the creators of that environment. And that environment includes your personal, professional and spiritual life as well as the internet, television, friends, co-workers, and family. I know..."Where does your attitude come from and how do you keep it positive?" Start each morning with a demand of yourself, make the headline of your day positive. You should always start with great music, poem, prayers, or self-talk of vision. 

"Positive persistence play a huge role in the race toward greatness and is the key that unlocks the doors to success." - Coach Frank Sagasta


Coach Frank Sagasta

©Coachingbeyond 2017

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