Coach Frank Sagasta

Education - Leadership - Philosophy - Positive Psychology - Life-Skills

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Keys 2 Killing Fear

Fear Eliminated 
10 keys to eliminating fear

Imagination is a tool to be used, but how many people misuse it or never use it for themselves? Emotionality and imagination are closely linked and what we imagine can feel very real to us, so real that we torment ourselves. And much of this is brought on by the word “FEAR.”

In fact, I personally believe there’s thousands, if not millions of people that step back from driving forward in life because of fear. People cannot back grow as an individual, as a couple, as a parent, a friend, or an employee with fear in their hearts and mind. And anyone, looking at achieving a level of success must overcome fear, it demands it today. Wherewithal, any person with the image of achieving, regardless of occupation, must be willing to take on risks and action because it is a vital part in getting from ordinary to extraordinary. 

Fear stops thousands if not millions of people from going where they are to where they’d like to be in their personal life as well as their professional life. This powerful word has absolutely killed people over time because they refused to seek the proper help at removing it from their lives. This word fear, anxiety, depression, doubt, and procrastination thrive when we imagine the worst case or outcome. As I mentioned earlier, we misuse our imagination and it develops into side effects that cause things that were possible to become impossible. These are called uncontrolled imagination and they nest within our minds, if not cleaned out daily. You need only to have in your mind the things you are willing to have. If you are willing to live with fear than chance are you’ll not be that successful.

So, stop professing fear into your life. Allow it to dissipate or to be eliminated. So, that your life will begin to look clearer. Oh, reader please understand and believe that fear can be removed. That's correct…so, don’t give any notion of this word. Do not feed it to your conscious or subconscious. We can be anything we want to be and do anything we want to do just by making the conscious decision to overlook fear. William James once said; "We have the greatest power of choice one thought over another." So, remember you are a mind with a body, use it wisely. 

Here are some techniques to assist you in overcoming fear immediately.

#1. Rewire the Brain

You need to redesign and rewire the brain in order to overcome that fear plus you’ll develop courage. 

#3. Identify

Let’s analyze exactly what you’re afraid of and picture the solution.  

#4. Talk.

It is a no-brainer but you need to talk about what's on your mind. Talk about what fears you and get over it!

#5. Awareness

Is know the problem and what causes the feeling or thought of fear. 

#6. Read

Reading is learning and earning but get specific. Get the books that open the doors to unlocking the solutions. 

#7. Prayer.

I am not religious. I am convicted on my faith which gives me the motivation to pray without hesitation and openly. I have learned that the legends “All” prayed because they saw the power in it.

#8. Ask

Demanding more of yourself is key in remove fear. You need to tell yourself that (I am confident, courage and bold) with humility and love toward others. 

#9. Breathe

At some time you’ll get tired, so rest, but don’t quit. Take a deep breathe and hold it for 30 seconds or 1 minute. Let go slowly and see the difference of the moment clearer.  

#10. Environment

In order to really develop a sound mind over fear, is watch what you put into the mind. In with the nutrients and out with the garbage. 

#11. Action.

You have to take full action and ownership of your thoughts in order to get over the fear. Fear can be good and fear can be bad, it is how you embrace it. 

“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind”
The Apostle Paul (2Timothy 1:7)


Coach Frank Sagasta

© Coachingbeyond 2017

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