Coach Frank Sagasta

Education - Leadership - Philosophy - Positive Psychology - Life-Skills

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Atlas of Greatness

The Atlas of Greatness

5 Step in self-mind control 

Are you going somewhere? Because it is time to take a journey off the baseline and head into boundaries known by the legends. Marcus Aurelius once said; “A man's true greatness lies in the consciousness of an honest purpose in life, founded on a just estimate of himself and everything else, on frequent self-examinations, and a steady obedience to the rule which he knows to be right, without troubling himself about what others may think or say, or whether they do or do not that which he thinks and says and does.” colorful right? Well, it is correct!

Our mind is absolutely colorful in a way that neuroscience is admitted to finding ways to read our minds. Don’t get all worried…it is still a long exploration. However, I’ll share with you some steps in redesigning yourself for tomorrow. For the brevity is now or never, stay focused. And y
ou should be fortunate that if your reading this page. You’re lacking the power or looking for the techniques to convey its power. The techniques are quite interesting and helpful in possessing the power of your mind. 

#1. Self-Affirmation
You need to tap into affirming thing’s you really want for yourself. In doing that you’ll need to stop the use of words like (I would but, should’a, could’a, would’a, I can’t or I might). Use words that affirm your purpose, such as (I will, I am, I can, I must and I'll try).   

#2. Imagination
When is the last time you sat in the grass and listen to the tree grow or the wind cut through the blades of grass? Mental imagination ensures our ability to use this colorful tool God gave us. You need to stop thinking of the past and redefine the images that drive you forward. 
Imagination is a powerful tool to be used, but how many people misuse it or never use it for themselves? Emotionality and imagination are closely linked and what we imagine can feel very real to us, so real that we torment ourselves from the misuse of it. 

#3. Meditation or Prayer
Though affirmation and imagination are key elements of unlocking doors. Meditation/prayer are the key rings that hold those keys. It is important to relax the mind, body, and spirit well doing these techniques. It is also important in finding the right time. Any person that takes a time out to reflect, meditate, or pray is usually in an alpha state which ranges from 9 - 14 wave cycles, it is then that you should produce positive prayers with strong affirmation.  

#4. Balance
We have a hard time balancing work, job, hobby, friends, family and social media. I have learned that we must come to a point when we mature. A mature person knows the right organizational skills to balance their life. They refuse to live in the dimensional stage of three lives. You know the public life. The wonderful private life and the secret life. The best way to find balance is to give passion, love to one more than the others.   

#5. Repetition
In order to simulate this steps, you’ll have to practice them over and over again. If you desire to control the mind you need to have repetition within your life. Enough repetitions make for diligent performance and better results. In fact, a person might be able to shut down movement within the nervous system.

In closing, I know we all want a better life. I know we all want the better living. We just have to make the better adjustment in the time we have and keep a mind's eye on our environment. Remember “Until I change myself, I could not change others.” Nelson Mandela. Please have a wonderful and blessed day surrounded by the masterpieces you paint for yourself. 


Coach Frank Sagasta

     © Coachingbeyond 2017

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