Coach Frank Sagasta

Education - Leadership - Philosophy - Positive Psychology - Life-Skills

Friday, March 31, 2017

Legendary Greatness

“You don’t have to be great to get started, but you do have to get started to be great.”
-Les Brown

Are you going somewhere? Listen stay calm and soak up the valuable information and allow the minds eye to ponder your greatness. It is my responsibility to share some digestible sources of wisdom with you that you might find your greatness. You see, the chronicle of greatness is as far as the East is from the West. The difference is our opportunity to take action in exploring these boundaries. And yes, the journey is far and some will fall by the waste side. The question is are you willing to go further than those common people? 

Genuine and legendary greatness is developed through discipline. The fact is one must break free from physical and emotional additions. These are called the hold downs of life and until that happens, there is nothing that can be legendary about that individual. For one thing is for sure, we have the script toward changing our actions that result in painting of the picture, of destiny. Having said that we must be more deliberate in our conviction toward self-discipline and humbleness. A legend filled with greatness is one who can turn their greatest weakness into their greatest strength. The testimony here is were built from our struggles. Regardless of the weakness or struggle the legend with greatness will follow the process of becoming legendary through his/her persistence and knowledge.  

“Thou shalt increase my greatness, and comfort me on every side.”
(Psalms 71:21)

The next secret which lives before you is something that is possible and you can change it at anytime. In fact, some experienced this change yesterday. Some will face it today and if privileged some will face it tomorrow. The secret is implementing extraordinary habits. You have the potential deep within to create these habits that will allow you to convey the principles and standards of being legendary.  

I have been obedient. And I have spent a significant amount of time learning and earning the tools need to redesign my life toward greatness. I love my family, friend, and myself enough that it tremble my heart not to wake up and give my best. I’m afraid at times but I am more afraid not to give my best. In fact, giving in my best has helped align the foundation of greatness within and in time my life shall be legendary. And now, I’ll share with you a few wonderful elements that changed my life because I reinvented the weapon within.  

1. I started a plan of habits.

2. I started immediately. 

3. I started with conviction. 

4. I continue with passion.

5. I continue with no exceptions.

6. I continue with no excuses.

7. And I promised myself to work at it day by day until the day I die!!  

“Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.”  

(Mark 12:31 Legendary Greatness)


Coach Frank Sagasta

© Coachingbeyond, LLC 2017

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Keys 2 Killing Fear

Fear Eliminated 
10 keys to eliminating fear

Imagination is a tool to be used, but how many people misuse it or never use it for themselves? Emotionality and imagination are closely linked and what we imagine can feel very real to us, so real that we torment ourselves. And much of this is brought on by the word “FEAR.”

In fact, I personally believe there’s thousands, if not millions of people that step back from driving forward in life because of fear. People cannot back grow as an individual, as a couple, as a parent, a friend, or an employee with fear in their hearts and mind. And anyone, looking at achieving a level of success must overcome fear, it demands it today. Wherewithal, any person with the image of achieving, regardless of occupation, must be willing to take on risks and action because it is a vital part in getting from ordinary to extraordinary. 

Fear stops thousands if not millions of people from going where they are to where they’d like to be in their personal life as well as their professional life. This powerful word has absolutely killed people over time because they refused to seek the proper help at removing it from their lives. This word fear, anxiety, depression, doubt, and procrastination thrive when we imagine the worst case or outcome. As I mentioned earlier, we misuse our imagination and it develops into side effects that cause things that were possible to become impossible. These are called uncontrolled imagination and they nest within our minds, if not cleaned out daily. You need only to have in your mind the things you are willing to have. If you are willing to live with fear than chance are you’ll not be that successful.

So, stop professing fear into your life. Allow it to dissipate or to be eliminated. So, that your life will begin to look clearer. Oh, reader please understand and believe that fear can be removed. That's correct…so, don’t give any notion of this word. Do not feed it to your conscious or subconscious. We can be anything we want to be and do anything we want to do just by making the conscious decision to overlook fear. William James once said; "We have the greatest power of choice one thought over another." So, remember you are a mind with a body, use it wisely. 

Here are some techniques to assist you in overcoming fear immediately.

#1. Rewire the Brain

You need to redesign and rewire the brain in order to overcome that fear plus you’ll develop courage. 

#3. Identify

Let’s analyze exactly what you’re afraid of and picture the solution.  

#4. Talk.

It is a no-brainer but you need to talk about what's on your mind. Talk about what fears you and get over it!

#5. Awareness

Is know the problem and what causes the feeling or thought of fear. 

#6. Read

Reading is learning and earning but get specific. Get the books that open the doors to unlocking the solutions. 

#7. Prayer.

I am not religious. I am convicted on my faith which gives me the motivation to pray without hesitation and openly. I have learned that the legends “All” prayed because they saw the power in it.

#8. Ask

Demanding more of yourself is key in remove fear. You need to tell yourself that (I am confident, courage and bold) with humility and love toward others. 

#9. Breathe

At some time you’ll get tired, so rest, but don’t quit. Take a deep breathe and hold it for 30 seconds or 1 minute. Let go slowly and see the difference of the moment clearer.  

#10. Environment

In order to really develop a sound mind over fear, is watch what you put into the mind. In with the nutrients and out with the garbage. 

#11. Action.

You have to take full action and ownership of your thoughts in order to get over the fear. Fear can be good and fear can be bad, it is how you embrace it. 

“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind”
The Apostle Paul (2Timothy 1:7)


Coach Frank Sagasta

© Coachingbeyond 2017

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Atlas of Greatness

The Atlas of Greatness

5 Step in self-mind control 

Are you going somewhere? Because it is time to take a journey off the baseline and head into boundaries known by the legends. Marcus Aurelius once said; “A man's true greatness lies in the consciousness of an honest purpose in life, founded on a just estimate of himself and everything else, on frequent self-examinations, and a steady obedience to the rule which he knows to be right, without troubling himself about what others may think or say, or whether they do or do not that which he thinks and says and does.” colorful right? Well, it is correct!

Our mind is absolutely colorful in a way that neuroscience is admitted to finding ways to read our minds. Don’t get all worried…it is still a long exploration. However, I’ll share with you some steps in redesigning yourself for tomorrow. For the brevity is now or never, stay focused. And y
ou should be fortunate that if your reading this page. You’re lacking the power or looking for the techniques to convey its power. The techniques are quite interesting and helpful in possessing the power of your mind. 

#1. Self-Affirmation
You need to tap into affirming thing’s you really want for yourself. In doing that you’ll need to stop the use of words like (I would but, should’a, could’a, would’a, I can’t or I might). Use words that affirm your purpose, such as (I will, I am, I can, I must and I'll try).   

#2. Imagination
When is the last time you sat in the grass and listen to the tree grow or the wind cut through the blades of grass? Mental imagination ensures our ability to use this colorful tool God gave us. You need to stop thinking of the past and redefine the images that drive you forward. 
Imagination is a powerful tool to be used, but how many people misuse it or never use it for themselves? Emotionality and imagination are closely linked and what we imagine can feel very real to us, so real that we torment ourselves from the misuse of it. 

#3. Meditation or Prayer
Though affirmation and imagination are key elements of unlocking doors. Meditation/prayer are the key rings that hold those keys. It is important to relax the mind, body, and spirit well doing these techniques. It is also important in finding the right time. Any person that takes a time out to reflect, meditate, or pray is usually in an alpha state which ranges from 9 - 14 wave cycles, it is then that you should produce positive prayers with strong affirmation.  

#4. Balance
We have a hard time balancing work, job, hobby, friends, family and social media. I have learned that we must come to a point when we mature. A mature person knows the right organizational skills to balance their life. They refuse to live in the dimensional stage of three lives. You know the public life. The wonderful private life and the secret life. The best way to find balance is to give passion, love to one more than the others.   

#5. Repetition
In order to simulate this steps, you’ll have to practice them over and over again. If you desire to control the mind you need to have repetition within your life. Enough repetitions make for diligent performance and better results. In fact, a person might be able to shut down movement within the nervous system.

In closing, I know we all want a better life. I know we all want the better living. We just have to make the better adjustment in the time we have and keep a mind's eye on our environment. Remember “Until I change myself, I could not change others.” Nelson Mandela. Please have a wonderful and blessed day surrounded by the masterpieces you paint for yourself. 


Coach Frank Sagasta

     © Coachingbeyond 2017

Monday, March 27, 2017

No Sugar in my Coffee “I CAN & I WILL”

The Real Story

The Real Story

Everyone wants to be successful in life, yet they’re not taking in “ALL” the tools available to them but rather listening to opinions. What I am about to share with you is fact… we need to become better at prospecting. This will give us the proper foundation for the best results. The hard line truth is certain people think they’re the best at sales. That they give the client the (Wants, Needs, and Options) they truly deserve. The reality is that their paychecks and contribution determines that outcome. 

The reality is were paid through the turndowns, the slammed doors, and the hang-ups. We learn from our failures. We learn from those moments, when the door is slammed and when someone hangs up in our ear. It is not about excuses but training yourself every day. Here are a few steps in training yourself; through conferences, through coaches, through mentors, and through technology. I recommend or suggest that you create the best environment needed for the journey. I know that any journey or exploration I've ever done has always been with the right conditioning which consisted with the right amount of water, food, tools, and clothes. 

I personally believe conferences bring an array of investment in your businesses as well as your personal life. They also bring energy, questions, and answers. Develop the time to find conferences that you can benefit from personally and professionally. The question that has raised for me, is how do you as a Christian use faith in your business? The modern framework of building a successful enterprise is having leadership. My leadership is modeled in doing business through a Christian leader view. With faith, integrity, confidence, determination, satisfaction, consistency, and limits. The Sagasta family is intentional at embracing our belief in practice, in transforming the business environment in a way that embodies our Christian principles. In closing, the best salesman will acquire these seven areas and apply them to their business.  

#1. Faith
#2. Integrity
#3. Confidence
#4. Leadership
#5. Satisfaction
#6. Consistency
#7. Limits

Top producing sales professionals are "FULL" of these general areas. Not because their Christians but because these tools have been used for many years. And yeah, some have evolved from biblical times but with stronger convictions today. They still make a tremendous impact. So, spend your money today on a bottle of knowledge and soak up on the rays of understanding to be the best. I’ll see you on the other side.


Sunday, March 26, 2017

Taxas Mission

Texas Enchilada 

How to Make It

    Cook one whole chicken over medium-high heat for 1 hour 30 minutes. While chicken is cooking, rock out by cutting the cabbage and shredding the cheese. Place the two cans of "Cream of Chicken" and two cans of "Cream of Chicken and Mushroom" into a skillet. Once these ingredients are added to the skillet turn over to medium-high heat.  Stir and chicken broth once the chicken is done and drain well. Once the chicken is done...shred it well. 

      Place another skillet with vegetable oil over medium-high heat. Add your corn tortillas and then drain excess oil. Sprinkle chicken over the first layer with cheese then add the next layer. Do the same until done and then add the cabbage.  


      1 whole Chicken
      1 (4-ounce) can diced green chiles 
      1 (4-ounce) Jalapeno 
      1 (6-inch) pack of corn tortillas
      2 (10-ounce) can cream of mushroom soup
      2 (10-ounce) can cream of chicken soup
      1/2 cup sour cream
      1 (pound) Pepper Jack, shredded 
      Toppings: shredded cabbage, diced tomato finely & BOOM!!!


      Coach Frank Sagasta and Family

      The Mind Shaper

      HeartWorks & MindWorks
      by Coach Frank Sagasta on March 25

      The Mind Shaper

      Today matters…say it, mean it and share it then get excited about it.

      Today’s mind shapers would have you believe that you have to have a certain mindset to attain your vision. However, genuine and diligent seekers will find a path toward their worthy vision with skill, talent, passion, and faith. As I write these words, it is my intent for you to fully grasp these points or tools to make changes in your life. It is your responsibility to take them and use them so you may go further than the common man or woman.
      Most of the time, the mind shapers don't ask the important questions.  And those questions are simple. What did you succeed in yesterday? How did you succeed today? Where will you succeed tomorrow? When do you know that you have succeeded? Don’t over think this area, just focus on the process of growth in succeeding. 

      Seven years of growth has been rewarding for both myself and my family. But life wasn’t always this way. My struggles started early. Ea I was sexually abused, and then I was taken from my mother and placed into foster care. After that I suffered from the diseases of depression, drug addiction, and porn. Life was an absolute struggle and I wanted so much for it to end.  To take my life like my brother Daniel did along the banks of the Colorado River one summer afternoon. I was at the lowest point in my life, the point of despair. 

      However, it was my Lord and Savior God, or Buddha, or Elijah or Muhammad, or Fate, or the Universe that saved me.  Whatever you want to believe, know this…something was happening. And I embraced every moment of it with peace, love, patience, and charity. Did I struggle with certain things? Absolutely! But those are called growing pains. It was my subconscious and conscious mind being tested in that pain, however, it was my responsibility to overcome the pain in order to succeed. How? with selective intentness. 

      I started each day with change, embracing it and living it. I analyzed myself daily with strong observations and the conviction that I wanted to be a better man.  I needed and wanted this life of success. But what is success? I have come to learn in my 38 years on this earth that true genuine success is peace of mind. And it is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you gave the best you were capable of giving in order to achieve the best you, you can be.  You achieve in the area that you are short in and you ask for help when you need it. You avoid at all cost swelling up with pride, arrogance, foolishness, envy, cynicism, malice, and jealousy. Success, in reality, is being able to give and receive. Give your best and receive the reward. Every person that truly wants success will only see it if it is achieved with a worthy heart and mind.


      Coach Frank Sagasta

      © Coachingbeyond 2017

      Friday, March 24, 2017

      “Easy Come, Easy Go”

      “Easy Come, Easy Go” 
      I bet the farm that you’ve noticed how negative emotions or thoughts jump right into your mind, quicker than you expected an answer right from your mouth. I need you to really pay attention. I started a new activity called “Selective Intentness” which gives me a focus to use the deliberate skills I've learned. I refuse to listen to my emotions or negative thoughts and stand fast on my faith and core values. I’m becoming aware of my background and the power within thoughts and feelings. Because I'm checking on them early, it's easier to change the negative thought once it starts to rise up. However, changing the habit of thinking takes time, practice, and conditioning. Some might be fast at this and some slower for others but either way, the results are fabulous.  

      Selective means; “Relating to or involving the selection of the most suitable or best qualified.” I select a promising thought such as goals, visions, dreams or tasks. Then I say them aloud but not obnoxiously loud. Just enough that my subconscious and conscious mind hears the words and affirm them. And wherewithal, say it with passion and affirmation. 

      Intentness means; “Intention or purpose.” It is my intention and purpose to have the best thoughts throughout my days left on this earth. I owe myself, family, friends, and fellow man. If we truly knew the power of our thoughts, we would live in the state of “awe” all the day long.   
      Okay, these tips that I’m getting ready to share with you have been practiced in diver areas of life. They have become the principle for sports programs around the world. They have become the principle in business and education systems around the world as well. Before success comes succeeding. Let the roller coaster begin.

      1. Patience; Good things come to those in time and great things come to those that are patient. Vital key in unlocking the door toward succeeding for success. 

      2. Focus; Dissolve bad habits and focus on the things you want and off the things you don’t want in your life. Stay fussed on finishing the race with succeeding at your best, which gives the win of success. 

      3. Faith; Change some patterns of thinking on faith. It is lung of enthusiasm that we breathe each morning we rise. You can’t see it but you know it does exist. Faithful people see their success in the losses and win but more when the battle is won.  

      4. Practice; This is the challenge area because the practice is conditioning yourself for those worthy goals. “EVER PERSON” who’s ever been successful has come to understand that this moment in life came with practice.  

      I concluded from experience in life and the transformation process. That our thought patterns and habits from childhood or the attitude we wake up with. Hold us back from achieving our worthy goals or dreams. So, work on small segments or adjustments in life because they make for better results. Become aware of your thoughts each day. Remember no progress without change ever last. So, in every way - physically, spiritually, emotionally, and morally I challenge you to change your thoughts. COMMITMENT = RESULTS = HAPPINESS  

      “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is again” Apostle Paul (Philippians 1:21)


      Coach Frank Sagasta

      © Coachingbeyond 2017

      Wednesday, March 22, 2017


      "Until I change myself, I could not change others"
      - Nelson Mandela

      3 RIDICULOUS SOLUTIONS....That are FREE!!! 
      We all want a better life but some have no desire. We all want the house on the hill but no desire. We all want to be rich... well some more than others but no real desire. 

      The fortunate part is we "ALL" have the same opportunities in life. It comes every 365 days of the New Year. The desires and the dreams. The wants and the needs. These are absolutely possible. It starts the moment you open your eyes. The second is when you make the choice to waking up from your resting place. Thirdly the moment you start redesigning your day, week, month, year or life. Each section of our life needs adjustment. The adjustments toward our dreams and desires. It takes ridiculous solutions to helps us. 

      These solutions don't happen overnight. It might take one - six months. It might take one - two years. But the solutions will evolve and the results will come in massive forms, that you'll notice. I have learned to embrace these ridiculous solutions with a cheerful and enthusiastic conscious that my results are seen around the world and in the mirror each morning.

      I know...your probably asking yourselves "Where did Coach, find these solutions?" Well, I used to think the best-kept information in life was the library, but I was terribly wrong. It is the cemetery. That's right! Many keys to the doors of success have been lots because of greed in sharing them with others. Many dreams and desire are within the resting place of those in the cemetery. Anyways, I was sitting there one day in deep thought. I felt the idea of purpose, motivation, and the actions within my life. You see we all have a purpose in life. Some aren't motivated toward taking action for that purpose. Therefore they waver their efforts and end up aimless. No motivation. No purpose and no action. That day was evident that my purpose in life was to give more, do more and live happier, healthy and purposeful with motivation and action. 

      I know YOU have a purpose in life and it is not mere to live but to adjust or redesign your life, that you might help someone on the way with passion and motivation. I hope this see you well. And might you make the rest of your life a masterpiece. 


      1) PURPOSE
      What is your purpose in life?

      Everyone has motivation within them, so what motivates you?

      3) ACTION
      Often people stay stuck in the rut because they refuse to take action. What actions will you take today? 

      All three of those people you saw up top. Have found their purpose in life. The have endless amounts of motivation and their taking action each day to help others.


      Coach Frank Sagasta

      © Coachingbeyond 2017

      Tuesday, March 21, 2017

      No Sugar in my Coffee “The Secret”


      “Motivation is a fire from within. If someone else tries to light that fire under you chance are they might get burnt”  
      - Stephen R. Covey

      I want to share with you the greatest story ever shared with me about intentness in life. But before we begin, I need you to say with me; “Today is the day”… “Today is the day”… then say “I REFUSE TO BE IMPACTED FROM MY CIRCUMSTANCE AND I WILL NEVER GIVE IN.” 

      I refuse to give in during the rough times in life. I don’t know about you but I’ve been the person with unpredictable events in life. Of course, some great and some not so great but they helped to shape the person I tend to be and the guy I see every morning. Know matter how bad the circumstance might get in life we ought to (want) and (need) more from ourselves. That's right the need to give more? The want to do more? and to be willing to push more? I firmly believe were built from our struggles in the ocean of life. It is been proven through the lives of those I’ve interviewed and read about over the years. But an important key that is being missed today as well as it was then, is the condition of faith. I know that some have carved it from their vocabulary because it is too much in line with God or biblical history. Nonetheless, it has been proven to work in lives all around the world. This tool called "faith" can unlock the door toward happiness, health, and success. However, we make it very complex for ourselves, that we lack the conditioning of it. 

      In every way this might seem familiar, but have you ever started something and just couldn’t finish because you lost faith? Have you ever tried reaching for something worthy but couldn’t grab it because you had no faith? I have and it sucks! We often start things and never finish because we lose faith in ourselves or we lose passion. Sometimes the environment we've created doesn’t permit us to go forward. And often we place in our minds a goal, that won't be finished. Some of us place a goal way too far to grab or we work on different projects all at the same time. Then we wonder why we can’t achieve or succeed. Then in return, we get upset at the circumstance or problem that we drive somewhere that doesn’t look like home. This drive is not physical but mentally. I’ve been there… I know! We get so tempted in our flesh and outside influence that we set flames to our universe and those in our world.  

      I think our society is permeated by this heart and mindset. So, much that we can’t see the power of faith within our own mind, heart or soul. Therefore, we lose out on the real blessings and wins from God. We all go through obstacles in life, some get stuck and stay there. While others embrace the circumstance and acquire patience and faith. That skill of patience sometimes enhances into a desire that is backed by faith and aimed toward a worthy goal. That's right entrepreneurs, CEO, leaders, mentors or coaches, etc. of the world. Listen closely because this story, I am going to share with you really captivated my life. It was the hardest truth that was shared to me fifteen years ago. 

      So, there was a woman during the biblical era that suffered from an issue or obstacle in life. This issue had a huge effect on her life, so much that people didn’t want to touch her. In fact, she was considered throughout the town, villages or capital as an uncleaned soul. The story is said that she tried everything to fix her circumstance. She sold her home and cattle, but couldn't fix the problem. She grows weak and sickly and was cast out of the sight of people. She continued to grow weak and suffered for twelve plus years in this pain and on the streets. However, one day she heard the Jesus of Nazareth and that he was coming through her area, she did everything she could to get the opportunity to get to him. She had a heart's desire and mindset that if she touches his garment. She would feel better. It was said that Jesus was on a mission healing those of need. But wherever Jesus was there would sure to be a mob of people looking for miracles to be done or to hear the truth from his lips. 

      This woman gave every ounce of effort and energy to touch that garment. It took all her energy to cut through the crowd and get to the place of where Jesus was at but she falls short. The crowd had cut her off and was too large to allow her to pass. So, she began to crawl toward Him and was able to reach as far as her body and arm would allow. She touched the very bottom of Jesus garment and was healed. This individual sick and weak showed the divine power of faith, devotion, conviction, willingness, perseverance, tenacity, and determination. This individual didn’t give up. She gave more energy and effort in reaching out to touch the garment of Jesus. That when she did, she became healed. The whole account is in Matthew (9:20-22). This story along with the one from Socrates really helped me. It brought the power faith back into my life. It gave light on the subject. That no matter what life brings, if we have the power of faith we can overcome the obstacle.   

      "Perseverance is the hard work you do after you get tired of doing the hard work you already did." 
      - Newt Gingrich


      Coach Frank Sagasta

      © Coachingbeyond 2017

      The Undeniable LEADERS

        THE UNDENIABLE LEADERS COACH FRANK SAGASTA I read a story several years ago about an eagle and a chicken. They happen to be very good frie...