Coach Frank Sagasta

Education - Leadership - Philosophy - Positive Psychology - Life-Skills

Thursday, February 9, 2017



“I believe there’s a calling for all of us. I know that every human being has value and purpose. The real work of our lives is to become aware. And awakened. To answer the call.” ~ Oprah Winfrey

People often ask me the difference between a “purpose” and a ”calling”. I was called to be a teacher for six years. I was purposeful toward being a sports coach. Coaching and teaching were about inspiring and influencing my student/athletes to be more, do more, learn more than they thought they could. I never imagined it would take me on social media platforms around the world or on a podcast within America, etc. 

The American dictionary defines “purpose” as something set up as an object or end to be attained; a subject under discussion; an action in course of execution; by intent and “calling” as  a strong inner impulse toward a particular course of action especially when accompanied by conviction of divine influence; the vocation or profession in which one customarily engages

In the context of business, we can think of a purpose as an intentional act to attain a common end. In my experience, that act, that common end we all share is to serve others. I Coach Frank Sagasta always saw my coaching career as more than just watching kids play the game or sports in general. You might say my eyes were open to something more than wins or losses. The documents of challenges and rewards of coaching were becoming more obverse that God had a different plan. I had been a youth pastor or teacher, song leader within a church here in Arizona. I thought that was my calling. However, toward the middle of my coaching career, I found my purpose. My purpose was to go beyond the field. It was to go beyond the court of coaching sport. It was to coach the masses in their personal lives, to open their full potential. We can think of a calling as a unique contribution (service) we each are passionate in contributing to others. 

I personally believe that my faith and core values are the compasses by which I navigate through life in coaching sports as well as life. That's right…without this principle I would never be the great husband, father, mentor or coach in life. They helped keep me on my purpose and out of harm's way. They helped point me in the right direction when I was lost and got me back on the right momentum. However, before that, I used to tossing in turn in my mind as well as in my bed. Questions about why I was doing, what I was doing used to just spill across my mind and splatter onto my bed like someone dropping water from the sky. I would lie awake at night thinking and be praying while tossing and turn or fluffing my pillow in search of comfort. Some might say I was on a journey for self-discovery, tied up in existential questioning. One night I fall fast asleep and into a dream, letting my mind and heart sort the pieces of the path in life. 


I’d like to ask each of you a personal question. What is your calling in life? Why are you here? What is your purpose? What is your calling? If you don’t know yet, how will you find out? 

Please, ask yourself because I have asked those questions to hundreds of students over the years. Usually, it creates a lot of anxiety or stress. Some of you might even lose sleep over it. Heck some people lose sleep over which class to take next semester or whether they'll get that career when you grow up. I know Some of us have grown-ups not really figured out what our calling or purpose is in life. For many, deciding what to do with your life can feel like a personal crisis that doesn’t go away. I want to make a bit easier than that for you today. I want to sharpen your life with discipline and love. In saying that here are seven keys that assisted me in my purpose or calling in life. 

1. Faith
2. Focus
3. Ambition
4. Attitude
5. Enthusiasm 
6. Efforts
7. Commitment

These are some of the topsoils of my roots toward greatness in the purpose of life. They keep me grounded like a tree gives fruit or shade. Find your calling or purpose and make it the masterpiece of your legacy. 


Coach Frank Sagasta

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