Coach Frank Sagasta

Education - Leadership - Philosophy - Positive Psychology - Life-Skills

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

The Art of Leadership


Leadership has different definitions but most are very worthy. Of course different by design from each author. But generally it is the relationship in which thee emotions, behavior and actions of those being such as your family, business are influenced. Leadership is a practice and process, much to understand. The process of influencing others is to understand the goal and agree about what needs to be done to achieve that goal. The leadership role has to be able to facilitate the individuals. The role has two-way that collectively show worthiness of this position. The first of the two is, the leader must be able and willing to perform the same task. The second thing is a leader should be able to have effevtive motivations toward his organization. If the group is influenced or motivated by the leader and given their full effort to reach their heart driven and mindset desired, than the performance of the organization will automatically improve. 

"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader." - John Q. Adams 

I am sure we could all agree that President John Adams really summed it up in just 20 words. Mr. Adams elucidated the essence of leadership. I know there are other great leaders in the world but this one really stuck out. President Adams opened the door and said; “Leaders inspire others to dream more, do more, become more, and learn more.” This really open the flood gate to what any individual can do with the right vision or goal. Perhaps, dreaming describes a leaders ability of imagining excellent things, despite the current situation that exist at the moment. He/She might have new solutions or strategies to a circumstance. I believe imagination is an active and purposeful thing life today and yet widely missed. Albert Einstein once said; “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.” In saying that Mr. Einstein was calling leaders, visionaries because they could get uncomfortable and exploring the unknown. 

The next sections that really showed worthiness in that quote, was genuine leaders are able to inspire other to learn more. I was moved by that section because I was never a learner but yet in the last seven years, God has brought me upon a path of continuous learning. This is like the “hall of faith” which is in the book of Hebrews. A hallmark of key individuals of inquiring minds that traveled with God, knowing parables and things to come. Moses was asked from God to lead his people out of Egypt and into their land called Israel. Please remember that a leader must also follow. Nonetheless, a leader is always traveling in searching for new findings both in knowledge and principle. Then organizing and applying those principles of knowledge to their live’s in order to become better leaders than sharing it with others. Learning requires a self-discipline, determination, and faith to move far beyond familiar levels for full understanding and asking for help when needed.

A leader never retires. A leader continually inspires. A leader is a learner. A leader show from example. A leader is a person of great character. A leader has standards. The inspirational leader is found in a persons personal life. And it boils over to their professional life, both lives bring growth and quality. The leader must inspire others to do more and be more in life. The scope is through the examples they live which is the best teacher. A willingness to sacrifice, commitment, diligence,  consistency, hard work and the ability to persevere.  


Coach Frank Sagasta

1 comment:

  1. One of my life hero’s once said; “if there is no struggle, there is no progress” and “Once you learn to read, you will be forever free.” Frederick Douglass painted the art of genuine leadership in history. My success is credited from those like Mr. Douglass.

    Make the rest of your life, the best of you life and make it a masterpiece.


The Undeniable LEADERS

  THE UNDENIABLE LEADERS COACH FRANK SAGASTA I read a story several years ago about an eagle and a chicken. They happen to be very good frie...