Coach Frank Sagasta

Education - Leadership - Philosophy - Positive Psychology - Life-Skills

Sunday, February 5, 2017


"Integrity without knowledge is weak and useless. and knowledge without integrity is dangerous and dreadful" - A. Lincoln

Perception in the New Dictionary; is the ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses.

Perception in the 1828 Webster Dictionary; the act if perceiving or receiving impressions by senses or the act or process of the mind which makes known an external object. 

I need you to look at yourself and ask the question. Are giving the best or have you fallen short because of your perception? I'll be the first to admit, I didn't have a perception of what I was doing here on this earth, so much of everything that we do in life is shaped by our power of perception. In fact, the whole ability to imagine certain events or goals are within our mind. This powerful tool of perception helps sharpen our future. Through having a strong perception, I had to ask myself "Who do you think you are?" or "How do you see yourself?" and "What are you doing to here?" 

Often we sometimes don't see our original perception as being strong, especially when the end result is not exactly what we had visualized. We should step back and analyze the real value. Adversity comes from different angles in life but it is how we face them and see them with our perception. Despite adversity, I had to move with progress over these areas if I wanted to help others. Today, I have impacted more lives in the last seven years than ever, to the point where we started our own business. 

I share this story so you might understand we have one day at a time and it is your full perception of what you change in your life that makes it better. Please, we have two days in every week, not in silence but that we shouldn't worry, two days which be kept free from the hobgoblin, doubt, or apprehension. I'm sure you know one of these days is yesterday, with its mistakes and faults, pain and aches. Our perception should be, yesterday has passed forever and beyond our control. All the money in the world can't bring back yesterday. Please don't allow anxiety or stress to put you in a rut, see the sunny side of your perception. 

The next day we shouldn't worry or stress over tomorrow. Our full perception of what may come tomorrow shouldn't come with possible burdens. It shouldn't come with a large promise of heartache or poor performances. Tomorrow is far beyond our full control. The sun will rise in a beautiful splendor or behind a mask of cloud, but it will shine and it will rise. Now that you have a broader perception of this, your now left with only one! We have the power and control to fight our battles in the present day. It is only when you allow outside distractions to burden your day that we think of the awful days ahead. Remember what I said at the beginning "perception is the ability to touch, see, and hear." Now add the extra part from 1828 which says "perceptions are the process of the mind which makes known an external object." this puts the power back into your hands. I wish you well today and forever!


 Coach Frank Sagasta

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