Coach Frank Sagasta

Education - Leadership - Philosophy - Positive Psychology - Life-Skills

Wednesday, February 1, 2017


Author, Coach Frank Sagasta


I would like to dedicate these top 5 of the 55 books that might encourage others to start engaging in learning. Educate to Liberate. I have learned so many things in my short time on this earth, but nothing to the concise of informative lives through the literacy. These books have helped redefine moment in life, and the stories that pushed me to become the leader today. It is a cornerstone and foundation of my potential because I was never a reader. In fact, I had the learning disability. It is my vision to share the philosophy and principle’s I’ve learned throughout last year's achievement. I want to add my love and special appreciation to God my heavenly fatherWithout God, my savior and the divine faith this book wouldn’t have been done read from my eyes. A special thanks to my wonderful wife, and loving familyWith the help of God, you’ve made me a better coach, father, husband and mentor. My exceptional kids; Isaac, Andrew and Delina without your support nothing would be possible. When I die, the stories should live forever through your actions in life. Always remember your character is worth more than gold and it is about building leaders

Thank you….

HelloI've spent years reaching from many great learners, to see learning is everywhere in life. Oh, from the rock that doesn't move to the rivers that create energy. I made an absolute promise in life. I would change my life through learning lecture. We can learn mental skills, develop our attitudes and acquire new physical skills as we perform the activities on our daily basis. These domains of learning can be categorized as cognitive domain known as (knowledge) than the psychomotor domain known (skills) and affective domain which many battles with (attitudes). Through this shot booklet, there's the great value. I wanted to give you my absolute 25 of 55 all-time favorite books of 2016 that it might inspire you to redefine the "YOU" in life this year. I can honestly say that each one has truly influenced me toward changing MyLife and those around me for the betterMartin Luther King, Jronce said "The most persistent and urgent question is, 'What are you doing for others?" and as the greatest law or commandment is found in Matthew 22:39  and the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." The Perspective of thought in those words are huge. A phenomenon whereby were able to control or alter our thoughts which a wonderful power. We can change our thinking toward the attainment of greater confidence, boldness humility, fulfillment, love, and success. In my years of applied research, I’ve come across many individuals who believe it to be so, that we have the ability to take full control of our minds
Just like a super computer or a house with new wiring. We have the ability to understand and program our subconscious mind, conscious mind, reasoning, and memory section of the mind.  We can create, modify and transform or beliefs and feelings into a new individual. You can become a new person by flourishing in following the steps from the greats!  

1. King James Vision 1611, This book has been the backbone of my inspirational life movement. It has started wars from beginning to our present time in history because of the surrounded faith of this wonderful book. All throughout history great men/women have truly been changed through the words in this book and their applied faith in believing in the creator God. Many have planned on reading the bible in a year and many have fallen off because they got to the section of names that can run through a few chapters, but there's still meaning. The Law, The History, Psalms, Poetry, Prophecy, and Gospel.

It truly is amazing to see that history has been trying to erase this book from its foundation of our lives. I've received much energy and inspiration from this book, that I'll continue the process of not putting it down anytime soon. And when die it shall go with me and the stories therein too

2. Greatness Is Upon You, This was my second book by Dr. Thomas. This book contains a series of self-helping information. The fundamental lessons and principals Dr. Thomas preaches, teachers and coaches are very necessary for growing your personal and or character development. This is a genuine self-help book with tackling concepts such as the significance of character vs reputation, entitlement vs hard-work and how to attract the greatest people because you've helped yourself move to the next level. This book Greatness Is Upon You has some great and powerful ideas. I’ve read other self-development books and this one is my favorite so far, I've read it three times over.
In addition, this book helped me to overcome my struggles in life. Depression and stress started to subside 3. Think and Grow RichThis book helped inspire me from personal to business development. The author is coached by the legendary Andrew Carnegie Industrialist and Philanthropy. Mr. Hill spent 20 years of his life studying the riches lives during his time occupied on this earth. These were and some families of history's most successful people. The culmination of his research was placed in the in-depth seriesThe Laws of Success. In 1937, Napoleon Hill published another bookThink and Grow Rich, founded on the same philosophies and practices of successThe title's principles are founded on Hill's belief in the power of the mind, faith and his famous quotes, such as, "Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve," have changed the way millions of people view their lives. My nine year old finished this book in 2016 as one of her many to come

"All things are woven together and the common bond is sacred, and scarcely one thing is foreign to another, for they have been arranged together in their places and together make the same ordered Universe. For there is one Universe out of all, one God through all, one substance and one law, one common Reason of all intelligent creatures and one TruthFrequently consider the connection of all things in the universe.

We should not say ‘I am an Athenian’ or ‘I am a Roman’ but ‘I am a citizen of the Universe."(Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

4. The Richest Man Who Ever Lived, way too often life gives us problems or circumstances we can;t seem to bear, we search for unlocked truths. That's exactly what I found in this world book that I've come to love. This non-stopping ability of perseverance and faith led King Solomon into a land of the riches and wisdom man to ever live. In fact, many kings during his time and great leaders of today still turn to his teachings. If you've very have listened to my elocutionary attitude and wish to embark on some of the great value. This is the perfect addition to your thoughts and library. It has tremendously impacted my life and thinking processSteven Scott (the author) to read through Proverbs one chapter per day and doubling up on short months so he would read through it 12 times per year. I've been doing this for about 13 months and it has really had an impact on me personally as well as professionally. There are so many wonderful insights in the book of Proverbs. However, I discovered many new ways of thinking about the Proverbs, as I read through in the 13 months. I realized that I had been doing the right thing by reading the Proverbs over-and-over again. I gained the insight that I needed to meditate upon, it helped me redefine myselfA favorite verse of mine, for last year, was, Proverbs 28:18, "Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he." It went right along with my promise to be consist and diligent with everything. I wanted to efficiently do the right thing and always give my best. This book along with my reading the Proverb confirmed it. In lastly, I learned the insights such as the discovery of seven steps taught by Solomon for achieving greatness in your life. 1) Wake up early with honor and privilege, 2) Define the You in life with a vision, 3) Effectively partner your life with faith and honesty, 4) Pursue wisdom and understanding to build confidence,  5) Guidance of my speech, 6) Humbleness in spirit and character,  7) Love those with all kindness  

5. The Law of Success in Sixteen LessonsThis was a nightly read book. And something that will be picked up again this year. Mr. Hill would devote twenty-six years of research, including interviews with more than 500 self-made millionaires, which laid the foundation for this massive collection of informative greatness. This course was asked of N.Hill by Mr. Carnegie and Mr. Ford. It was taught to a university's around the country in seven years. After studying the methods and accomplishments of true genuine masterminds such as (Thomas Edison, John D. Rockefeller, Henry Ford, Andrew Carnegie, Theodore Roosevelt and Alexander Graham Bell). Napoleon Hill and Edwin C. Barns the strong associate of T. Edison compiled what they learned, offering it to the world as the Laws of SuccessMore than theories in this wonderful book, Hill applied the precepts to his life and discovered immeasurable success. To be very honest, the book's size might intimidate some, but Hill wrote this book so it could be taught to high school students, keeping the text rich but easy to understand. This personal-development guru paves the road to success with timeless wisdom.


Coach Frank Sagasta 

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