Coach Frank Sagasta

Education - Leadership - Philosophy - Positive Psychology - Life-Skills

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

No Sugar in my Coffee “DESIRE”



Think freely. Practice Patience. Smile Often. Live God's message. Make new friends. Have Faith. Rediscover old ones. Forgive an enemy. Hope. Grow. Count your blessings. Keep your promise. Be wise.Work hard. Be disciplined. Take chances. Give Love. Believe in yourself. Trust. Honor. See the beauty of each day. Make every day a masterpiece.  

There's a word that I've come to enjoy. There's a word that brings happiness and health. A word that I'll share with you and hope that you might share with others. It is quite a word that many have used but many have fallen short of giving the steps behind it. Learn from it as I did and see the great things that can happen. 

I personally believe were the creators of our own environment and the leaders of our own destiny. You have to decide what you want in life bottom line. When you come to the point where you've made a decision. Then you've come to the point of possession. The possession of your own mind and you use that tool to drive you further on toward your goals. The possession of your mind gives you the power to overcome fear, doubt, or any other thing that might haunt you from accomplishing something worthwhile. So, long as it doesn't violate the laws of God or the rights of your fellowman. 

Desire can give you the best experience of knowing that you can achieve any goal or vision. Setting these desire should always be done with clarity and full faith. And write them out daily, weekly, monthly or yearly. There's an element of the conscious mind that says if we visualize our goal it is easier at achieving. 

I have learned from many a people but when I die, let be known. My desire was set with these simple words.  

Each day


Coach Frank Sagasta
I Love you Sarah, Isaac, Andrew, Delina.  

Monday, February 27, 2017

Cooking with Coach

Albondigas Soup 

Turkey Lean
Chorizo Sausage 

2 Diced Carrots 
1/2 bush Cilantro
5 Garlic 
1 Sweet Onion Diced
2 Fresh Tomatoes & 1 Canned Diced
2 diced Zucchini 
2 Potato Diced
2 Celery Diced

1 Egg right from the refrigerator 

1 Cup of Cooked Rice 

1 tablespoons Oregano
1 tablespoons Cumin 
5 cups Chicken broth 

Bring all the veggies together along with your chicken broth on medium heat. Once you cook your meats add them, then start on your rice but don't add until the end :) keep the soup on medium heat for 1 hour then move to low for another 1 hour and add your rice or have it on the side. If you have a question please comment. 


Coach Frank Sagasta

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Fifty Shades

“What the mind can believe, so can it achieve.” - Marcus Aurelius

It is said that the will to win is not nearly as important as the will to prepare to win. Winners win and losers lose. The key is the preparation of our mind, body, and soul. You have to be willing to do what ours refuse, in order to attain what others won’t have because they won’t prepare. Focusing your mind on an event or circumstance before it happens and playing the desired result to that event over and over again. It doesn’t matter if you are an athlete before a big game, a student on the eve of finals or a businessman preparing for that big presentation. We can all learn from mental imagery which can provide you with the stimulus that can provide you with the winning edge for life.

Mental imagery has been used by athletes for years with a great degree of success. And with a great commitment, Socrates once said the “uncommitted life is not worth living.” Former great Bill Russell of the Boston Celtics and Michael Jordan of the Chicago Bulls studied every opponent so closely that they could actually forward think of the next move their opponent would make. They would surprise their opponents in a game. This effort of mental imagery is a power that helped them and can help you in life. That’s right! Mental imagery isn’t just for athletes. It can work in your daily life.

The power of mental imagery can be either helpful or a hindrance with regard to motivation, self-esteem, or reaching goals. Often, our emotions and behaviors follow our beliefs, so it’s vital to be aware of the mental images you hold of yourself and shift these if necessary. It has been said that people tend to live up to their own images of themselves. Take some time out today and put positive mental imagery to work for you.

Here are some tips to create your own effective imagery for growth:

1. I need you to decide on the end goal first

2. Be realistic and descriptive. If the goal is to lose 50 lbs and losing 2 lbs per week is realistic, envision the journey taking place over six months, give or take.

3. Use multi-sensory imagery (seeing, hearing, sensing, smelling, tasting, as well as the feeling of moving). See yourself successfully presenting at a meeting, or playing a terrific game of golf. Hear yourself playing that piano concerto beautifully.

4. Focus on both the practice and preparation.

5. Become aware of barriers to your goal, such as fear, worry or doubt. Don’t let those things threaten your success.


Coach Frank Sagasta

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

The Secret of Success


Socrates is a famous ancient Greek philosopher. He was born in Athens in 469 BC and was killed (by poison) because the government didn’t agree with his teaching. Socrates is widely credited for laying the foundation for Western philosophy and principles. 

This is the best story of success ever told. Socrates was a famous ancient Greek philosopher. He was born in Athens in 469 BC and was killed (by poison) because the government didn’t agree with his teaching. Socrates is widely credited for laying the foundation for Western philosophy and principles. 

One day, there was a young man that desired to be of great success. He would travel to the home of Socrates, the Greek philosopher, and teacher. This young man asked the teacher, I have traveled to seek your wisdom. Socrates replied, "How can I assistance you?” The young man responded, "I want to be of great success. I wish for you to teach me the principles and all I need to know to be successful? Certainly, replied Socrates,“Please follow me.” Socrates and the young man headed towards the river. Once on the sand, Socrates continued to walk straight out into the water. 

The young man stopped, then began to follow. Socrates was already chest deep. The philosopher responded “come out a bit further” then placed his hands on the young man's head and quickly forced it under the water. Socrates was strong and kept the young man down until he was almost blue, the young man fought violently to the surface. The young man began to gasp for air. The teacher released the boy’s head, turned and walked away. The young man was appalled at what had just happened. He had traveled a great distance to meet the scholar he admired, respected and believed to have the answers he was seeking. 

Time, as we know heals wounds but after a week the young man thought maybe he did something wrong. So, the young man went to visit the scholar once again. The young man beseeched Socrates, please teach me all I need to be a great success. Socrates smiled and once again said follow me and again they walked toward the river. Just like before. Socrates walked in the water and when he was chest high. Socrates once again grabbed the young man by his head and forced him underwater. This time the young man was ready. Before going under, he took a big gulp of air. The young man held his breath but couldn’t hold it as long. He once gains fought he was up to the surface when he wiped the water from his eyes. He saw Socrates on the shore and walking away. The young man was livid. Twice this young man had approached Socrates for wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. And twice Socrates had taken him to the waters for humiliation. 

Socrates had the wisdom, knowledge and understanding the young man was looking to achieve. So, the young man built the courage and decided on one final time to seek out the scholar. When he arriving at the home of Socrates, he knocked. When Socrates had come to the door. The young man said, "DO YOU REMEMBER ME?" Socrates with a big smile and said, "I do remember you.” Socrates said; "You're the young man who wants to be of great success." The young man said yes and asked Socrates, "Please teach me the knowledge and wisdom of how to be a success?" Socrates nodded and said, "Absolutely."  Then he started walking toward the waters with the young man.

This time the young man was well prepared, Socrates grabbed his head and the student took a deep breath. Again the boy fought vigorously toward the surface before he could turn blue. The young man was absolutely furious that he ran after Socrates then shouted; “SOCRATES, I CAME TO YOU FOR WISDOM AND KNOWLEDGE. AND ALL YOU DID WAS TRY TO KILL ME.” Socrates turned around, faced the young man from a distance and said: “I have tried three times to teach you the secret of success.” Socrates continued… the secret is simple, “When you want to succeed as much as you want to breathe, then you will be a great success."

Coach Frank Sagasta

© Coachingbeyond 2017

Tuesday, February 21, 2017





"These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so."
(Acts 17:11)

Thinking starts with your minds. Ralph Waldo Emerson once said; "Self-trust is the first secret of success." If you spend 15-30 minutes every morning on something of great nature. You'll see great change, so long as it is consistent! I really need and want you to think about what you want in life. Money, new house, new business, new vehicle, better health, a better relationship or maybe a better walk with God. 

I don't know what you're looking for but I do know and have found that you can not attain those goals without having strong enough thought and effort go into it. You don’t attract what you want because wants are intellectual in nature. The wants and needs are embedded in your conscious mind. Of course, some people don't realize that because they're thinking negatively. Unless you have possession of the mind. You won't have that ability to make conscious efforts to inspect your thoughts, actions, and reactions. 

OKAY!! NOW LET’S THINK...LET’S REALLY THINK AND LIVE! The results you're getting today are an expression of your level of awareness, plan, and simple. Self-awareness is analyzing the place in your mind. Now if you expand your thinking on those things, you’ll see change. “A man is what he thinks all day long.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson. So, don’t direct your mind on deprivation or jealousy of the moment. Let your thoughts Grow. Choose and focus on your personal development. Create prosperity for yourself and those around you! Make thoughts of success and prosperity, better for your personal and professional relationships, an abundance of spiritual and material goods.

When people seriously think and undertake the definition of what they truly what to be and to do, they'll become deliberate with full diligence. They'll achieve it. Because hell over high water...will they allow distractions to disturb them! No guts no glory! In fact, I dare I triple dog dare you to think in bigger terms than what happen yesterday or what might happen tomorrow. Work extremely hard on the day with peace, joy, love, harmony and honor. Wake up with the breath of inspiration every morning and make every day a masterpiece. But before you go, please take these tools into consideration. These are the six cognitive domains that involve the development of our mental skills and the acquisition of knowledge. The six categories under this domain are:

  1. Knowledge: the ability to recall data and/or information. 
    Example: A child recites the English alphabet.
  2. Comprehension: the ability to understand the meaning of what is known. 
    Example: A teacher explains a theory in his own words.
  3. Application: the ability to utilize an abstraction or to use knowledge in a new situation. 
    Example: A nurse intern applies what she learned in her Psychology class when she talks to patients.
  4. Analysis: the ability to differentiate facts and opinions. 
    Example: A lawyer was able to win over a case after recognizing logical fallacies in the reasoning of the offender.
  5. Synthesis: the ability to integrate different elements or concepts in order to form a sound pattern or structure so a new meaning can be established. 
    Examples: A therapist combines yoga, biofeedback and support group therapy in creating a care plan for his patient.
  6. Evaluation: the ability to come up with judgments about the importance of concepts. 
    Examples: A businessman selects the most efficient way of selling products.

"You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, 'I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.' You must do the thing you think you cannot do." - Eleanor Roosevelt 


Coach Frank Sagasta 

Monday, February 20, 2017

No Sugar in my Coffee “Think Live & Grow”



No excuses just result for today and beyond. The book of Proverb says “The spirit of a man will sustain his infirmity, but a wounded spirit who can bear?” People often accept defeat long before they even start the momentum toward a project or event in life. The start begins by their influence or conviction. It is the desire of the heart that drives you beyond. Unfortunately, it is common for any person that is a pessimist to compare themselves to the most successful people in their desired fields. That is right! I called them a pessimist. They fail because they truly aren’t convinced within. They won’t reach the level they really desire because it is a fake show filled with excuses. 

Not everyone who hits a free throw or does a slam dunk will become the next Michael Jordan or Kobe Bryant. Chances at achieving this dream or any vision in life grow without excuses and insecurities. There aren’t excuses for defeat by one's own insecurity. No one should get to the point where they count themselves out. It takes proper steps in practicing and condition to move past excuses. The logic spot we must get too is seeing success as a ladder and taking it one rung at a time. Know your talents. Know your strengths. Know your passions and build your life around the true you and don’t let others dissuade you from your vision and endeavors. Take moments in the day to listen to others, the greatest form of communication is listing, but always trust your self-knowledge to choose what is right for yourself. 

How will you treasure and value each of your days without excuse? How will you commit to “NO EXCUSE JUST RESULTS” living?

I personally believe these tools herein will assist in aiding you in the right direction. 1) Remove the temptations. Self-control is often easiest when listing to the old saying, “out of sight, out of mind.” Removing all temptations and distractions from the environment is a crucial step when working to improve your self-discipline. 2) Don’t wait for it, take “ACTION.” Improving your self-discipline means changing up your normal routine, which can be uncomfortable and awkward. So, break free from the comfort zone and see the genuine potential you have. 3) Self-Forgiveness. Despite what happen to Michael and Kobe they continued to practice and work extremely hard. You will have ups and downs, only fabulous successes will see failure but don’t let failure to cloud your momentum. Keep going forward despite those setbacks. Of course, acknowledge what caused it and find a solution and move on! It is easy to get wrapped up in guilt, anger, or frustration, built by feeling rather than principles. Use these tools to help improve your self-discipline. 


Coach Frank Sagasta

Friday, February 17, 2017




My book the Mind Messenger is full of data naturally and scientifically proving that the mind can heal our body and our daily lives. But we can all agree that data can be rather dry, and sometimes what resonates most deeply within our souls are stories. Stories about certain levels that people have achieved or gone through despite setbacks. So, please sit back, grab a cup of coffee, and let’s have story time before you head into the weekend. My stories surround an array of care that helped me without medication. I read a book called (Marbles) by Ellen Forney. Forney was diagnosed with bipolar depression at the age of thirteen. Ellen talks about diagnoses of depression and what treatment with a psychiatrist looked like. She also tells the role of medication, and how things outside of traditional care look like. As I was studying psychology in college, I learned a bit about the cognitive behavioral therapy. I started to use some tools in my sports coaching career. It helped with certain students and myself. I knew essentially as a coach my purpose was to teach, preach and coach clients in new directions of coping with distressing feelings, intrusive thoughts, and challenging situations. Whenever I coach a client I try new skills or help them learn their talent, I link it to a story they're passionate about or something I’ve gone through that can relate. Relaxation training becomes Jedi training, cognitive coping skills like praying, meditation or motivational enhancement therapy.  

I’m going to tell you a few true stories that will demonstrate to you how powerfully the mind affects the art of living or your physiology. Understand that true validation is one of the main reasons why stories can be healing to the heart, mind, and soul. It is by introducing certain characters who are experiencing similar situations or circumstances. These stories can make us feel less alone and more welcome to be around others or easier to talk about what we're thinking or feeling inside. Keeping your mind on the things you want to attain in life is not hard, it just takes the time to condition yourself toward them and then start the momentum. Once you have the possession of your mind. You’ll be able to control it. Keep it on the positive things in life, rather than negative things in life “A picture is worth a thousand words” that's the truth. Especially when it comes to the mind and how it works. 

You, know many of people in life have built empires on the study of the mind. Some people have gone on to write great books that fill my library at home. Profoundly, these books and the struggle have assisted me in finding success. That’s right...thinking like success and feeling like success wasn’t hard, as I said, it just takes conditioning. Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” even she knew that we had to truly think and believe. Don't cloud your mind with garbage. We have to keep that mind clean in order to vision the success we want. Of course, I know some people have a different definition of success. However, we all have a desire and that desire is embedded into our hearts as well as our mind. That becomes the driving force toward our success. Hack, your success might just be to overcome depression or some other condition. Whatever your definition of success might be, it is within the mind and heart which drives the force of choice that you attain it. 

Okay...okay, I told you a few things there and I truly hope there not to hard to understand. I’ll add the next tool that assisted me in finding out more of the mind and heart. I am talking about the gift! You're probably thinking...’whats coach talking about’... I’m talking about the gift within, your potential mind. Once you discover how to control it, you’ll find the mind is a gift. It should motivate you to pursue the greatest things within your heart but only for the goodness of yourself and others. I made up my mind to pursue great things in life despite my struggle and it has been my focus day by day. It might seem like unpleasant times but I promise you, that if you stay focused on the chance of demanding more of your mind each day, you’ll see significant change. Please, realize what is done is done. You can’t change the past but you can change the effects of what happens for the future, so, make each of the moment in life a masterpiece.


Coach Frank Sagasta

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Love First Kiss




Relationships are America’s most precious resource. Unfortunately, relationships within American aren't seen as much anymore, especially for long periods of time. I personally believe, a man who is in the relationship must follow the rules and obligations of the specific relationship. He must be a nobleman in all cases. One with having the ability to determine and differentiate between the right and the wrong, and with a proper resolution during bad times. Every counterpart of a relationship has an important role to play and depending on the situation, he should know the style with which he should perform each day he’s given life.

Quite amazing but America is full of oil, weapons, and money but far too often people don’t think about relationships being the strength of a nation. When people start to value people, you’ll see an impenetrable web drawn. A web of faith, vitality, and security. You see this trait or condition of faith within each other is powerful. The potential is as powerful as a nuclear bomb. Nothing will drive a man to greater courage than a true relationship. Nothing can spawn greater devotion than the love within the relationship. And there is nothing that can take the heart asunder then genuine love within the relationship.  

Having a relationship should be like "loves first kiss" we find it to be very important. In fact, we have come to think of it, as health to the relationship. Many relationships fizz out because they lack this emotion toward each other after two - five years. If relationships of love never happened, you nor I would be able to tell the real story of love to our kids.
If care and love within a relationship did not occur life would be absolutely boring. If my relationship didn’t have love, faith, commitment, happiness or health. I believe it would’ve ended a long ago. We didn’t have these conditions or traits we built them each day, gaining the person respect, honesty, and trust. I love the relationship I have with my wife, family, and friends, and they like having that same relationship with me. Make it a great one each day!

Lastly, I believe far too many people wake up looking for the next ladder to climb when they’ve not conquered the first ladder. The ladder of faith, love, commitment, trust, honesty, respect, and devotion toward your spouse. Now is the most important time to start thinking about what step you're going to take in protecting your possession. The possession of love and faith within your marriage, a desire unbroken by the struggles of life. All measured by laughter, emotional care and comfort. Ye both ought to understand in order for it to truly work beyond ten years. You have to be willing to take pride out of the relationship and talk through your conflicts as soon as they arise with a positive attitude. Master the value of love, faith, care, and attitude within the relationship and I promise you’ll see great change. 

It is wise couples that value their love above possessions that make it further than most could ever see. Many wealthy people died around the world empty because they gave over to material things rather than people or the love of their life. Don’t let this be you… give time for your love, affection and always show you care. Support each other far above possessions. Make the rest of your lives together, the best of your lives together and above all things make it a masterpiece. 


Coach Frank Sagasta

Sunday, February 12, 2017



Spiritual growth or spiritual development is detailed in 2 Peter 3-8 which is a strong area for the growth in knowledge and spirit. 3 According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue: 4 Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. 5 And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge;6 And to knowledge temperance; and to temperance patience; and to patience godliness;7 And to godliness brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness charity.8 For if these things are in you, and abound, they make you that ye shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. 9 But he that lacketh these things is blind, and cannot see afar off, and hath forgotten that he was purged from his old sins.

There many areas of spirituality and they can be defined in many ways, and it has been distinguished from many remarkable legends. That in order to be remembered or a legend you have to have some spirit of godliness. Many representatives or ambassadors from heaven have proven that God can work through all man moved by the spirit! I know this may see a bit misunderstanding. I know that spiritual development will be reviewed by few and criticized by many. However, it is an important highlight to which we can facilitate a discussion of truth in a gaining ground. The potential connections between spiritual and cognitive development are not far from each other. I have come to enjoy many areas between them both and use the tools therein as a compass toward greatness for my marriage, family, and professional life. I have learned many great by expanding my personal knowledge in biblical history, then the truth of teachings of over a course of seventeen years. I fully understand the principles that apply therein and how they can impact your life. I would have to say, that through the presence of His indwelling Spirit, God my heavenly father has enabled me to apply knowledge, obedience, and teaching servitude. It wasn’t easy for me but it was fully encouraging to see this element of growth. 

Herein are some tools that helped me take possession in my personal and spiritual development. There part of the project which can help you complete an examination and carefully search within to assist in any area you might be facing in personal growth.  

1) Quite time of practice for total harmonization. Motivation is the habit that is brought on be the choice so make it regular 365 days. 

2) Look forward and be enthusiastic about this time with God and yourself. 

3) Pray for guidance, bits of patience, faith, and love first. My relationship with Christ is motivated more by love than duty or fear. And the same should be for you in your journey.  

4) Read… I believe the Bible is God's Word and provides great instructions for life. I have evaluated success throughout the bible and see it in today's cultural. It also sets a standard of lifestyle. 

I want you to remain confident of God's love and provision during difficult times. Please be at peace. Please have contentment. Please have an everlasting joy that you're moving toward godliness because it will characterize the life you choose to live. I firmly believe it will do the same for you as it did for me!!


Coach Frank Sagasta

Saturday, February 11, 2017



I am a strong believer to say that optimism is a trait and that it should become more common in each of us. Judging by Abraham Lincoln wonderful quote that “An optimist is one who sees an opportunity in every difficulty - a pessimist is one who sees a difficulty in every opportunity” and Winston Churchill who once said something very similar the quote was “a pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty." Mr. Churchill was doing his homework and learned this rather well. Optimism has been proven to improve the immune system, prevent chronic disease, and help people cope with unfortunate times in life. In fact, even plain old gratitude has been associated with optimism. Furthermore, optimism has been determined that grateful people show happiness, they receive more social support, and show less stress. 

Optimism helped me to transform my life from depression and thoughts of suicide. I personally think optimists and pessimists refine certain approach toward problems differently. An optimistic person has the ability to cope successfully with adversity. I was twenty-one years old, and I had to make the worse decision. I had to pull the lifeline from my mother. The result was more depression, stress, anxiety, and anger. 

Today, it is much easier to express the strength of optimism. To be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind. To converse with love, happiness, prosperity, and health aka (success). The optimist makes all their friends and family feel that there is something worthwhile within them and gives time to each throughout life. The optimist thinks only of the best. Works only for the best and expect only the best. The power of optimism is being just as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are of your own accord. You have to forget about the thing’s you can’t control. The mistake will happen in life, as I said before, were built from our struggles. Because an optimist wears a cheerful smile or countenance at all times and leaves every God given creature a smile. 

Lastly, in my seven years of transformation many countless hours have been spent on researching and speaking with different professors around the country. I have seen and hear that a recent 'School of Public Health' found that positive psychological well-balanced or well-being, which includes self-acceptance and positive relations with others, is linked to improved living within the heart (heartier heart). I’ve been sharing with people around the world that if your heart isn’t right then the mind isn’t right! What that means is the mind play a huge role too in our health. In fact, having an optimistic attitude is a very big influence, people who tend to look on the bright side even when skies are gray have fewer heart problems, such as cardiovascular disease. Please find the time to redefine the things that are possible in your life and see them through. I promise you that you'll see wonderful change. So, again make the rest of your life, the best of your life and make it a masterpiece. 


Coach Frank Sagasta

Thursday, February 9, 2017



“I believe there’s a calling for all of us. I know that every human being has value and purpose. The real work of our lives is to become aware. And awakened. To answer the call.” ~ Oprah Winfrey

People often ask me the difference between a “purpose” and a ”calling”. I was called to be a teacher for six years. I was purposeful toward being a sports coach. Coaching and teaching were about inspiring and influencing my student/athletes to be more, do more, learn more than they thought they could. I never imagined it would take me on social media platforms around the world or on a podcast within America, etc. 

The American dictionary defines “purpose” as something set up as an object or end to be attained; a subject under discussion; an action in course of execution; by intent and “calling” as  a strong inner impulse toward a particular course of action especially when accompanied by conviction of divine influence; the vocation or profession in which one customarily engages

In the context of business, we can think of a purpose as an intentional act to attain a common end. In my experience, that act, that common end we all share is to serve others. I Coach Frank Sagasta always saw my coaching career as more than just watching kids play the game or sports in general. You might say my eyes were open to something more than wins or losses. The documents of challenges and rewards of coaching were becoming more obverse that God had a different plan. I had been a youth pastor or teacher, song leader within a church here in Arizona. I thought that was my calling. However, toward the middle of my coaching career, I found my purpose. My purpose was to go beyond the field. It was to go beyond the court of coaching sport. It was to coach the masses in their personal lives, to open their full potential. We can think of a calling as a unique contribution (service) we each are passionate in contributing to others. 

I personally believe that my faith and core values are the compasses by which I navigate through life in coaching sports as well as life. That's right…without this principle I would never be the great husband, father, mentor or coach in life. They helped keep me on my purpose and out of harm's way. They helped point me in the right direction when I was lost and got me back on the right momentum. However, before that, I used to tossing in turn in my mind as well as in my bed. Questions about why I was doing, what I was doing used to just spill across my mind and splatter onto my bed like someone dropping water from the sky. I would lie awake at night thinking and be praying while tossing and turn or fluffing my pillow in search of comfort. Some might say I was on a journey for self-discovery, tied up in existential questioning. One night I fall fast asleep and into a dream, letting my mind and heart sort the pieces of the path in life. 


I’d like to ask each of you a personal question. What is your calling in life? Why are you here? What is your purpose? What is your calling? If you don’t know yet, how will you find out? 

Please, ask yourself because I have asked those questions to hundreds of students over the years. Usually, it creates a lot of anxiety or stress. Some of you might even lose sleep over it. Heck some people lose sleep over which class to take next semester or whether they'll get that career when you grow up. I know Some of us have grown-ups not really figured out what our calling or purpose is in life. For many, deciding what to do with your life can feel like a personal crisis that doesn’t go away. I want to make a bit easier than that for you today. I want to sharpen your life with discipline and love. In saying that here are seven keys that assisted me in my purpose or calling in life. 

1. Faith
2. Focus
3. Ambition
4. Attitude
5. Enthusiasm 
6. Efforts
7. Commitment

These are some of the topsoils of my roots toward greatness in the purpose of life. They keep me grounded like a tree gives fruit or shade. Find your calling or purpose and make it the masterpiece of your legacy. 


Coach Frank Sagasta

The Undeniable LEADERS

  THE UNDENIABLE LEADERS COACH FRANK SAGASTA I read a story several years ago about an eagle and a chicken. They happen to be very good frie...