Coach Frank Sagasta

Education - Leadership - Philosophy - Positive Psychology - Life-Skills

Sunday, January 29, 2017

The Process & The Product


Lynden B. Johnson once said; "Yesterday in not ours to recover but tomorrow is ours to win or lose."

We can all admit that we've met many people in life that have come so far in success and then quick. Perhaps they fall out of the passion for their goal or desire. There are four types of people in the hunt for greatness and happiness. I am absolutely talking about success. First, there are those who just want to roll out of bed with it or wish it would fall out of the sky each day. Secondly, we have those who claim to be so busy learning the tricks of the trade, they never really learn the whole trade nor bits because they're too busy flapping their mouth. Thirdly, we have those that depending on others or they're looking for the leprechaun. Finally, we have the those who are willing to pay the price of success.

The price is the discipline which helps with perseverance. The price is the hard work and confidence we build within. The price is the knowledge we wholeheartedly focus on 365 days of the year. The price is our positive mental attitude and determination we set for our life. The price is our faith and desire toward what we truly want to attain for ourselves or our family.

I'll be absolutely honest these traits didn't just fall from the sky. These traits didn't just pop into my life because I found the leprechaun. The characteristics or conditions I displayed took time and practice. They took consistency and strong desire of heart, mind, and soul. Greatness, happiness or success doesn't happen without them! The bible is very clear when King Solomon once said; "Where there is no vision, the people perish; but he that keepeth the law, happy is he." I knew for a fact that many fall short because they lose sight of their heart's desire or because it is not backed by faith.
The ethic's of these characteristics will assist in your goings, that I promise you! I know they'll drive you where you want to go BUT it is going to be hard work, etc. Usually people today refuse these condition because of the words hard work. It is almost like its disguised in some scary outfit. Perhaps, people are just not willing to sacrifice or risk seeing the beast within and overcoming the thought of failing. I know for a fact that were ALL built from our struggles. Feeding the beast within takes hard word and it might be a struggle but don't stop. You have to truly want it! Recognize the change you want to believe in for life.

The final product of who you want to be in life must be redefined. You have to set a new definition for yourself. You must really want it! A parable that exemplifies the drive in these traits is the story of the young and impatient young man. This young man was eager to seek out knowledge and success. So, he decided to seek the counsel of Socrates the famous Greek philosopher and teacher. The young man asked oh so boldly, "Socrate how can I obtain knowledge and success?" Of course, Socrates then proceeded to lead the student to the water's edge and suddenly grabbed him by the throat and pulled him under the water. The young man struggled and fought with all he had left in his body to push back but couldn't get up. Stunned and amazed he yelled, "Whats the matter with you?" I could've died. Were you trying to kill me? I asked you how to acquire wisdom and success. Socrates calmly replied, "When you want wisdom and success as much as you wanted air, you will acquire it."

The moral is many want wisdom, happiness, greatness or success. But you're still sleeping. The person who wakes up and finds themselves successful hasn't been asleep.


Coach Frank Sagasta  or

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