Coach Frank Sagasta

Education - Leadership - Philosophy - Positive Psychology - Life-Skills

Friday, January 27, 2017

Family of Leadership

- Family ofLeadership -

Booker T. Washington once said; 'I have learned that success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as the obstacles which one has overcome while trying to succeed." When I first read this quote it really helped redefine leadership in my eyes. I have read and researched about many accounts of great leaders, all of whom have gone through extraordinary events in their lives to become excellent leaders. 

Leadership in today's dictionary reads; The position or function of a leader, a person who guides or directs a group: He/She manages to maintain their leadership of the party despite heavy opposition. 

A Leader in yesterday's 1828 dictionary reads; One who leads or conduct, a guide, a conductor. A chief; a commander; a captain or one who goes first. 

Leadership definitions have not changed, only the times and generations have changed. I have met and been around many savvy people who've displayed the excellent skills of leadership throughout the action. Even though today some may have a position of leadership, that doesn't make you a leader. It is the tact they display and their willingness to train others at becoming phenomenal leaders. We can't forget the girt, which makes a healthy leader become well remembered for years to come. I'll share two of my favorite proverbs ever told to me while growing up. The first is "Give a man a fish, and you'll feed him for a day, but train a man to fish, and you'll feed him for life." and the second is another "Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend." that's out of today's Proverb chapter 27:17. These proverbs both display a serendipity of authentic characteristics.

A self-question for a leader should be asked; are you giving your best today, for where you want to be tomorrow? We certainly see many of today's leaders refuse to aid their team. This is why we see a lack of greatness through leadership in many businesses as well as personal lives. There's absolutely no accountability. It behooves me to see the lack of affinities in leadership today and I'm sure you could say the same thing! We can all agree at some point that we've seen an array of leaders with blinders on like a horse in a Kentucky Derby. They have no vision of those around or hope in sight. In fact, some suffer from dilatory which is procrastination in training up new leaders. Perhaps in some cases, the leaders are just hoarders their skill, talent, or practice. These traits stem from pride, arrogance, malice, cynicism, jealousy or selfishness. 

The atmosphere of great leaders in my eyes is some of which; Fredrick Douglass, John Maxwell, Robert Kiyosaki, Eric Thomas, Winston Churchill, Bob Proctor, Helen Keller, King Solomon, Marcus Aurelius, Joseph Murphy, Willam Wilberforce, Inky Johnson, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King. Jr, Napoleon Hill, Great Cardone, Henry Ford, William James or Thomas Edison, Jesus Etc. All of which displayed canny ability to leave the blueprints behind of genuine knowledge in leadership. It is our responsibility of applying it into action and sharing it with others. I Coach Frank Sagasta call you to persevere over adversity as they have and redefine the YOU in life. There is nothing too large, small or petty to strive after in life. Leaders attempt and achieve or die trying!!! 

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