Coach Frank Sagasta

Education - Leadership - Philosophy - Positive Psychology - Life-Skills

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

The Noblest Search


How can a person redeem his or her findings when they've never started looking? Awe, so often we meet ourselves in the mirror each morning. Some with contentment or satisfaction. Well, others wake up with doubt or pessimism. All because they lack a bit of motivation or drive toward something worthy before the retired each night. I need you listen to what about to share with you, and I would love for you to try something so easy but you do need practice. It might seem silly because the acronym sounds funny but it is truly worthy, that I promise you! 

I am not going to give you the whole meal quite yet because you deserve an appetizer. So, here we are living a society where there are enormous amounts of competition for our attention from television, movies, games, radio, smartphones, tablets, social media, and even the gym. That's right folks with all these stimuli we have learned to screen out information that we deem irrelevant or unworthy because it is too old to understand. These things should motivate you to great things far beyond your reach...something you probably weren't taught at home or in school. 

1, Motivation helps people know what they should be doing.... and they do it!

2, Motivation helps people know their commitment and consistency level... and stay with it!

3, Motivation helps people know what habits they need... and they keep it! 

4, Motivation helps people stay in the 2-3% achievement area... because it is a choice! 

I really need you the reader to get motivated to achieve something worthwhile in life and help others on the way. It starts with your motivation and the main meal. The word is "CARESS" because it is significant and not used as much, it is the words within the word that make it worthy. 


Only the Nobel of heart, mind, and soul seek out informative material and practices to apply to their lives because they know it works. They know the wise didn't seek the future to make the past. They learned from the past and made the future. Please measure your future and make it a masterpiece!!! 


Coach Frank Sagasta  

Monday, January 30, 2017

Think & Grow Like A Winner

Think & Grow Like A Winner 

"The most important discovery of my century is that you can change a man's life in you change his mental attitude." - William James

The game has always been about the fundamentals, details, and planning. In all of my experience. I have spent time converting myself to be the best for my team. The head coach is the leader before the quarterback on offense and the same is for the linebacker on defense. The powerful secret is the characteristics within this book that display a compelling ability to help inspire great winners and a phenomenal coach.   

Perhaps far too often, we see people in positions that have no real motivation, discipline or grit. I know you can think back when you've seen this before in your life, maybe it is happening today in your life? Maybe you're in a position that deserves better and you need to move or advance with the right coaching. So, I am going to coach you up! The same way I did with my staff, players, and home. You see there is a difference between a good coach and a bad one. It lies in their ability to see the wrongs and fix them. In ever positions that was given or earned. I have done my best with self-motivation, eagerness, and discipline. I owed it to myself when I was single. I owed to my family when I was married and with kids. 

I believe far too many times we see people that are placed into these positions that have no idea how to really motivate themselves nor the team aka staff. I personally believe companies do this because they need a body there at the moment and soon forget or overlook that position. In sports programs, we know it's because of the lack of control in management or ownership. Sometimes these actions can throw off the equilibrium of team and staff orientation. Motivation and discipline are absolutely required in these positions but far too many times missed. In fact, when I learned how to reboot my system with motivation, courage, confidence, and discipline is when I started seeing those wins. I am going to display a few more important keys to being that winner. Please use them and make a part of your fundamentals.  

One of the most common excuses used by players or coaches from falling short of their potential is they didn't have much to start with at that point and time. Sounds like the best performer in a daytime drama show, right? Athletes and coaches have gotten very good at making up movie-quality lines as excuses to get them out of a situation. Let's not stop there because this happens in the real world with managers and owners. We certainly don’t believe them, but it is fun hearing the different justifications of why things are going wrong. Perhaps, there's a lack of measurable courage or confidence. Vince Lombardi once told it like this; "Leaders are made, they are not born" Throughout my years coaching and being a mentoring. This quote really pointed out to me because it warned me about excuse and how to be accountable for my actions. Courage and confidence are the best sign in a leader, courage allows us to see the leader stand alone but together with his people in the victory. Confidence in a leader or winner shows their ability to step out with faith. 

I suppose you can go far beyond in history to see the numerous examples of winners. The numerous examples of leadership. All with the canny or witty ability in their characteristic of courage and confidence. Ever great winner will take an idea that inspires hope and desire within the heart as well as the mind. And it charges the atoms of the mind to do extraordinary things. Winners are willing to go far beyond what others might think or attempt. The winner has moral courage which is a rarer commodity in today society. They have bravery and intelligence which is also very essential and vital to the quality of the winner. And yet very meek or humble at heart. Are you ready to be a winner? 


Coach Frank Sagasta

Sunday, January 29, 2017

The Process & The Product


Lynden B. Johnson once said; "Yesterday in not ours to recover but tomorrow is ours to win or lose."

We can all admit that we've met many people in life that have come so far in success and then quick. Perhaps they fall out of the passion for their goal or desire. There are four types of people in the hunt for greatness and happiness. I am absolutely talking about success. First, there are those who just want to roll out of bed with it or wish it would fall out of the sky each day. Secondly, we have those who claim to be so busy learning the tricks of the trade, they never really learn the whole trade nor bits because they're too busy flapping their mouth. Thirdly, we have those that depending on others or they're looking for the leprechaun. Finally, we have the those who are willing to pay the price of success.

The price is the discipline which helps with perseverance. The price is the hard work and confidence we build within. The price is the knowledge we wholeheartedly focus on 365 days of the year. The price is our positive mental attitude and determination we set for our life. The price is our faith and desire toward what we truly want to attain for ourselves or our family.

I'll be absolutely honest these traits didn't just fall from the sky. These traits didn't just pop into my life because I found the leprechaun. The characteristics or conditions I displayed took time and practice. They took consistency and strong desire of heart, mind, and soul. Greatness, happiness or success doesn't happen without them! The bible is very clear when King Solomon once said; "Where there is no vision, the people perish; but he that keepeth the law, happy is he." I knew for a fact that many fall short because they lose sight of their heart's desire or because it is not backed by faith.
The ethic's of these characteristics will assist in your goings, that I promise you! I know they'll drive you where you want to go BUT it is going to be hard work, etc. Usually people today refuse these condition because of the words hard work. It is almost like its disguised in some scary outfit. Perhaps, people are just not willing to sacrifice or risk seeing the beast within and overcoming the thought of failing. I know for a fact that were ALL built from our struggles. Feeding the beast within takes hard word and it might be a struggle but don't stop. You have to truly want it! Recognize the change you want to believe in for life.

The final product of who you want to be in life must be redefined. You have to set a new definition for yourself. You must really want it! A parable that exemplifies the drive in these traits is the story of the young and impatient young man. This young man was eager to seek out knowledge and success. So, he decided to seek the counsel of Socrates the famous Greek philosopher and teacher. The young man asked oh so boldly, "Socrate how can I obtain knowledge and success?" Of course, Socrates then proceeded to lead the student to the water's edge and suddenly grabbed him by the throat and pulled him under the water. The young man struggled and fought with all he had left in his body to push back but couldn't get up. Stunned and amazed he yelled, "Whats the matter with you?" I could've died. Were you trying to kill me? I asked you how to acquire wisdom and success. Socrates calmly replied, "When you want wisdom and success as much as you wanted air, you will acquire it."

The moral is many want wisdom, happiness, greatness or success. But you're still sleeping. The person who wakes up and finds themselves successful hasn't been asleep.


Coach Frank Sagasta  or

Friday, January 27, 2017

Family of Leadership

- Family ofLeadership -

Booker T. Washington once said; 'I have learned that success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as the obstacles which one has overcome while trying to succeed." When I first read this quote it really helped redefine leadership in my eyes. I have read and researched about many accounts of great leaders, all of whom have gone through extraordinary events in their lives to become excellent leaders. 

Leadership in today's dictionary reads; The position or function of a leader, a person who guides or directs a group: He/She manages to maintain their leadership of the party despite heavy opposition. 

A Leader in yesterday's 1828 dictionary reads; One who leads or conduct, a guide, a conductor. A chief; a commander; a captain or one who goes first. 

Leadership definitions have not changed, only the times and generations have changed. I have met and been around many savvy people who've displayed the excellent skills of leadership throughout the action. Even though today some may have a position of leadership, that doesn't make you a leader. It is the tact they display and their willingness to train others at becoming phenomenal leaders. We can't forget the girt, which makes a healthy leader become well remembered for years to come. I'll share two of my favorite proverbs ever told to me while growing up. The first is "Give a man a fish, and you'll feed him for a day, but train a man to fish, and you'll feed him for life." and the second is another "Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend." that's out of today's Proverb chapter 27:17. These proverbs both display a serendipity of authentic characteristics.

A self-question for a leader should be asked; are you giving your best today, for where you want to be tomorrow? We certainly see many of today's leaders refuse to aid their team. This is why we see a lack of greatness through leadership in many businesses as well as personal lives. There's absolutely no accountability. It behooves me to see the lack of affinities in leadership today and I'm sure you could say the same thing! We can all agree at some point that we've seen an array of leaders with blinders on like a horse in a Kentucky Derby. They have no vision of those around or hope in sight. In fact, some suffer from dilatory which is procrastination in training up new leaders. Perhaps in some cases, the leaders are just hoarders their skill, talent, or practice. These traits stem from pride, arrogance, malice, cynicism, jealousy or selfishness. 

The atmosphere of great leaders in my eyes is some of which; Fredrick Douglass, John Maxwell, Robert Kiyosaki, Eric Thomas, Winston Churchill, Bob Proctor, Helen Keller, King Solomon, Marcus Aurelius, Joseph Murphy, Willam Wilberforce, Inky Johnson, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King. Jr, Napoleon Hill, Great Cardone, Henry Ford, William James or Thomas Edison, Jesus Etc. All of which displayed canny ability to leave the blueprints behind of genuine knowledge in leadership. It is our responsibility of applying it into action and sharing it with others. I Coach Frank Sagasta call you to persevere over adversity as they have and redefine the YOU in life. There is nothing too large, small or petty to strive after in life. Leaders attempt and achieve or die trying!!! 

Thursday, January 26, 2017


We are built from our struggles, some of us are fully aware that it is the struggle, obstacles, circumstance, or challenge that kept us on the same course and with the same momentum toward greatness. I have heard many stories in my life but nothing better than the stories of old.
The lessons we have all heard again, again, again and over again have sunk well within our hearts as well as our minds. I'll share a few with you this hour and might they sink well within your heart of memory.

The Bible gave me much insight on rules and influential standings to be a better man and father. The stories helped shape my attitude toward a brighter density in faith and love. The laws or rules that were given have transformed many societies around the world. So, surely the stories of old have some strong ties into days culture, you might even say that there the foundation of our nation. Yet, so many people have forgotten or have never have been schooled on these principles and thus we have such pain in today's society.  Winston Churchill once said, "Never give in, never give in, never, never, never, never in nothing, great, large, small or petty; Never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense."

Today many people can't mention one, three or the whole Ten Commandments, let alone some great story they've learn. Looking over these stories such as Moses parting the Red Sea. Abraham willingness to sacrifice his own son on a mountain or King Solomon willingness to slice a baby in half to settle a dispute. Perhaps the story of perseverance in Henry Ford's canny ability to work on watches before working on tractors and his drive toward working to the top with Thomas Edison. These stories all tell us many things, especially when you can see the hidden treasure. I could go on for hours sharing stupendous stories but the biggest opponent is time.




Tuesday, January 24, 2017

What would you pay to have access to a top Coach?

The coach must be absolutely persuaded in his/her attitude and be optimistic. Believing, attempting, and achieving through the steps of sunlight. The coach must understand that we're built from our struggles, it's our victory over difficulties that brings us closer to the process toward greatness. Continuous improvement in knowledge of faith, health, wealth, happiness, relationship, and optimism because our society demands it!

Remember before you can be something, you must be something.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Measure vs Measure

It is really amazing, but relaxing your body is actually relaxing your mind. Having time to reboot your whole body. This might take an hour, two hours or perhaps the whole day. It is just another bit of evidence of the role that the heart, mind, and soul play in our phases of life.

As a former head football coach, it was absolutely easy to work 36-40 hours on both the game as well as the players and coaches. And only leaving Sundays to relax or reboot. Of course, this is way before letting the television go in my life. It took some time to get used too, it wasn't easy. Juggling my faith, family, business, work, sports program, and social activity was rather challenging. Especially being a full-time husband and father/mentor. However, I can still hear Coach Jim Harbaugh and Richard Solomon saying the same thing "Making every player count" and working hard on the fundamentals.

Relaxing was very hard for me even on Sunday's because we would stop by my in-laws for supper and end up watching the game. So, there I was going over the practice plans and upcoming game all in my head. I wasn't really thing about making every player count as my family as much as the team. Many years went by sacrificing my marriage, kids and profitable growth of my family. The relax time went out the window along with proper communication with my family.

In closing here are some keys that might help you along your way at being the champion coach or person for life takes deliberate practice which builds talent and skills. In addition, have a time for a reboot is vitally important. I am taking about one day within the week where you are away from everything, it is just you and the family or friends. And lastly hitting every morning with optimism. These tools or conditions truly helped in my transformation and I sure hope they can help you!


Coach Frank Sagasta

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Ignite THE Mind

Where Do You Stand?

When we've exhausted ALL possibilities in life, we find the solution. Many people refuse these God give abilities in life. Everyone has the potential of displaying their greatness. Like a seed planted in rich soil. Worry about the moves, not the mistakes.

Monday, January 9, 2017




I personally believe with goals in hand, we’re able to convey them with the power of achieving each one at a time. However, you must put into practice and work-hard on the fundamentals of those goals. I want you to circle seven of your thirty goals. 

1. My faith with God
2. Unity and Love with my wife and family
3. Diligence
4. Consistency 
5. Honesty 
6. Earn $100,000 this year and every year after
7. Finish my books this year
8. Stay healthy this year and help my family to stay healthy
9. Prayer for salvation for Andrew
10. Help my community with leadership engagements 
11. Network more of my business
12. Working on my positive mental attitude 
13. Working on communication skills
14. Working on my love toward others
15. Working on my time management skills
16. Working on my leadership skills
17. Working on more family time
18. Reading 65 books this year
19. Inventing a few more gadgets for the year
20. Getting out of debit 
21. Buying a house and car
22. Visiting the U.K. this year
23. leaving a legacy 
24. Helping my kids get education
25. Become a legend in the inspirational world
26. Finish College 
27. Become more financial educated this year
28. Stay enthusiastic and determined 
29. Practice my values to others
30. Help my in laws out financially  

“Be less curious about people and more curious about ideas” - M. Curie 

No Sugar in my Coffee “Let Build It”

This is your opportunity to engage with 356 days in this year to move toward the building of your structural plans! With self-motivation, tools, and stamped structural planning.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Face It and lose the Fear

“The most pathetic people in the world, are those with sight but no vision” - H.Keller 

Face it and lose the Fear

Who’s your favorite character? I have learned much from Mark Twain story (Huckleberry Finn) The story of my life has a strong correlation with the character within the novel. My story has been written to help notify folks of your God given right to share the estate of life with the world. You see…times were absolutely tough for me. I didn’t have the real structure of family values or family orientation as some might see it. I found myself naked for years without a father. I was missing something mentally, physical and spiritually. I’ve come to learn nothing happens in life without a purpose. 

My story starts on August 29th, 1979 in Riverside California from the Birth. As I got older, I began learning different things from the neighborhood kids. How to lie, fight and become dishonest but more so, I was missing a father and my mother was suffering from mental complications. With mom having these conditions it was rather hard for her to deal with the time. I was sexual and physically abused. She didn’t do anything, she didn’t know how to fix it. I can vividly describe the whole event but I won’t because the picture is rather horrifying. I can honestly tell you that it was part of the struggle or fire in my life. I’ll share the state of depression it brought upon me for years and the thoughts of taking my own life similarly like my brother. Today, I have found that the United States has a whopping number of people suffering from depression 6.7% - 7.3%. Did you know 80% of individuals affected by depression do not receive any treatment? I personally believe things might have been a bit different if only my true father would’ve stayed. If he would’ve showed a greater sense of commitment. The fire of love is lost for so many folks or they can’t face their fears. I’ve been married for eighteen years to the same wonderful wife. In fact, we have three wonderful kids together. I couldn’t imagine leaving them forever. And sending them into a state of depression; extreme sadness, loneliness, hopelessness, or unworthiness. I personally know the effects and how long they can last too they can proceed for days, weeks, months and even years.


Action with reaction. You ever run from your parents? I would run from her and run a muck messing with her. I would be hiding in the dark golf course behind our house. I would watch her walk through the field toward the golf course then run toward the darker parts only to fade into it, that way she wouldn't see me. I know you're asking yourself, why? well because I hated my mother for leaving. There was the time she would forget to feed me, bathe me and cloth me properly. She would tell me “I love you” then she would stare off into the abyss. And this was from time to time. Mum didn't have a real job nor did she have a great support system. I was absolutely bitter against my mother. I would tell people that she was my grandmother because the way she dressed and walked. 

‘I have determined we have two choices each and every morning. One continues to sleep in your dreams or two wakes up and apply action toward those dreams.”  ~ Coach Sagasta


The race toward freedom. Every time I had the chance, I would bolt, leaving her home alone. I didn’t want to be home watching her die slowly. I was a kid with eagerness who wanted to play, ride bikes and have sleepovers. But of course, those were great intentions. I just never wanted people over our house a mess or to see the ordeal I was having to face. I had to accept the fact that my mum was sick. There’s no preparation, no kids manual that goes into helping your parents out of their sickness or disease. We have to take the intuitive to aid them in the right direction as best as we can. I wasn’t able to fully help mum but I did what I could. I know that some choice we make can hurt us but that comes with the territory. I made due with what I was capable then and that's my story. I know I need proper assistance in those areas but I was full of pride and didn’t want to move into humility. I want to be the strong warrior for mum. 

In fact, even into high school. I was filling my heart and mind with pride. Today, I can humbly say its water under the bridge and I've learning how to embrace it and live it.  The choice of Embracement: I could’ve stayed bitter at mum but didn’t.


Troubles will come for you. They’re always surrounded behind the word ‘Choice.’ But the same is said about pleasure. You see many people go throughout life not recognizing the true power we all possess. That’s right...! we all have the potential of making great to phenomenal choices in life. Some people in the world don’t get those choices. They’ve made their own bed and now they must lie in it. In fact, you might say there dealt the hand God gave them and that’s...that! I add met it was absolutely hard, but all through history we’ve seen choices, some good, great and some horrible and catastrophic. It’s going back to what I said, earlier in the book. Change of choose can be great but is how we think and incorporate them.

The choice of Accurate think: We must employ great thinking habit for our life. The great Marcus Aurelius “You have the power over mind, not outside events. Realize this, and you with find strength.


Taking my life. God forbid this would’ve happened but I can totally and honestly say, making the choice of taking my own life was the dumbest thought to ever cross my mind. Every day we all face circumstances and obstacles based on choices by the hundreds, if not thousands.  What's for breakfast. What bills to pay or not to pay. What route to take home or to work. What television show or game to watch. Who not to talk at work or on the street. Maybe what clothes to wear for the night out. The list goes on with different choices we make. Of course, there are other choices we make in life from time to time, these decisions that help to recall those choices and a time of reflection. 

Choices, Chances, and Changes. You must make a Choice to take a Chance or your life will never Change. - Unknown


No on ever falls in love by choice, for it is by chance and the divine power of God. The impulse of chance can help to comfort our emotions and stress level. Unitizing these abilities we overcome doubt and fear. I can remember being asked to climb a nearby mountain 6,863 ft in elevation. My first inputs were no but the second time asked my impulse was rising, I said sure! 

The mountain was very difficult to climb. In fact, she beat us twice within the same month. The men choose to retry once more on a different day and time. I was unsure if I really want to try it again, I almost fall a drop-off. If it wasn’t for my backpack, I could’ve died that day. That would’ve been a huge impact for my wife and family. I started arranging my life closer to God and valuing my relationship with him along with my family. 


Aptitude over attitude. The french national motto surrounds three basic values. One is equality which the state if having great quality. Two is liberty which we all now so very well freedom and the third is the fraternity. I had to seek or produce a change in my life, in order to see change for my life. Saying that was easy. Working it was extremely harder because the greatest power we pose is knowledge. Until I met some key individuals who said you have it wrong,  I really believe it is the power of choose. Aptitude was me being inconsistent with my behavior. Where my attitude brought on new consistency and relationships that once weren’t there. Live by the code and run by the rules that make the great choice for today and live!

Don’t be a worrier, BE A WARRIOR...The CHOICE is yours!!!



Choices can last a lifetime. Ask yourself what the earliest memory of choice was? How was it influenced? There is choice we’ve had to make in life and they still stem from the earliest of our days. I remember running home after a storm rolled in and there were strikes of lightning, the wash was starting to fill with flowing water. Despite the elevation of the water I continued to run throughout it until something struck my foot, something vigorously sharp but because of the fear of being struck by lightning or being swept away in the wash. I grab the nearest root from a tree and started to climb as fast as I could. All I could think about is getting home. If only, I would’ve made the right choice of staying home and obeying my mother this would’ve never happened. 

I listen to the influence of my childhood friends that told me it wasn’t going to rain. Rather than seeking the advice of my mom it was my friends that knew it all...boy was I wrong. 


Choices will make or break you. In all mist of growing up in a broken home. I have been able to use the pain to push on to bigger and brighter things in life. I am not saying that I’ve not made the bad choice on the recess of being great. What I am saying, is despite my losses or failures in life. They have been the tools too in assisting me toward my growth. The effective choose of live a better life was much more to me and my family. Then living in depression and fear. The key to greatness is staying consistent. Socrates made a strong choice to remind us “is to be in reality what we appear to be.” Jesus had the same outlook when he said: “beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves.”  

Making accrete choice is rather hard but achievable in this world.  

Making the choice for death or life

I was twenty-one year of age and it was the hardest decision. I had to choice life or death for the lady that brought me into this world. Despite my struggles because she couldn't handle me. This wasn't the decision of putting your dog or cat down. It was my mom that gave me life man. My older brothers looked at me and said, Frank, what do you think. This same lady brought you into this world and you had her in your life longer than me...she saw your kids grow up. Isaac little boy and Andrew was just a baby. What did they expect me to say! I run out the room to the courtyard for air and thoughts. I walked to a restaurant across the street from the hospital. I called my wife Sarah in Arizona what my brother asked me.

Sarah has blown away but she knew I had to make the choice. I sat there for an hour than worked up the courage to tell my brothers and the doctor to pull the plug on my moms life. This beautiful woman that gave me life was suffering. As soon as the doctor pulled the plug my mom suffocated and pass away before my eye. Man that was the hardest decision. I watched mum gasp her last breath of life. Then she left me once again, this time it was forever. My heart falls like the tears off my chin. The pain was like a jackhammer on my heart. I sad my last goodbye through hymns and prayers.

Making the choice for death or life

We lift the hospital for my brother's house. Night came fast and my brothers wanted to go have dinner. During the dinner, mum was brought up. My stomach did feel right like my first time flying. Soon as we finished I looked at my brothers it was time for me to go home. It was 8 pm in California and I had to drive all the way back to Arizona with a broken heart and emotions high. Well, I got to Colton where most of my friends came from especially because we went to school together. I pulled at my best friend house and we started smoking some weed to take my mind off the death and choice. But you know what? It didn't help me, I still had to sleep and make the drive back home.

It was the longest drive home from California. I didn't play the radio or CDs. I focused hard on my life. I replayed my life as a child in my mind. I moved passed the abuse and really tunneled in on a great time with my mum. Her taking my to the parks to feed the ducks and making homemade tortillas. And taking the bus the downtown to Riverside to see the building and to visit the family friend. I vividly remember my mum and I getting on a bus and riding all the way to Tucson Arizona to visit my uncle. Wow...I thought were going to be gone forever. I had never been on a bus that long but it was beyond awesome for a kid. I can still smell the pizza from Chuck E. Cheese and the loud noises.

Making the choice for death or life

It was the hardest choose but it has made me stronger. You can not get what you want and lose what you need. I want success for me and my family but it comes with a price. The struggle was horrible but it woke the beast within. Fredrick Douglass once said, "if there's no struggle, there no progress." And today that's an addition to my creed for life.

The race is almost over for 2016 and we've got 45 days till the New Year is upon us. The question should always be urgent and persistent "what choices have really impacted our life and those around us?" God made the right choice and helped me make the choice of coming to York PA. This was a vision with action and a bit of inspiration. I met this individual over social media and told him it was time for me to visit. I woke up one day and asked God to supply this opportunity and it was recorded with love and great intentions. One thing I didn't intend to happen was the loss of my job, but these things happen for a reason.

Great friends told me that shouldn't matter. God watched and seen you need to make the right moves but you didn't and He would. Some friends put in other words. I stuck with the choice of going and had the support of my family. 

Making the choice for death or life



Author Coach Frank Sagasta


# Goals

Having goals are a huge factor and key to a success.

## Vision

### **VISION:** is something you see and want to be remembered for years to come.

### How many have heard the coin quote “what you get from achieving your goals is not as important, as what you become by achieving your goal” I can't be more adamant, going after your goals in business, college or life. It has to be the prime of why you wake up.

### You can't ALWAYS listen to the “naysayers” those people will continue to be around. However, sometimes there are some things people can say that might restart your positive energy, and throw you into the hyperdrive toward success.

### **COMMUNICATION**: There is a vast style of communication many people have forgotten. Acquiring communication can be self-taught through strong self-esteem and courage. You need to embrace the way you speak to others, through your subconscious mind. With the emotion of desire and backed by faith.

### **CHARACTERIZATION**: Abraham Lincoln was quoted “Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it, and the tree is the real thing” what's truly important to you,  Reputation or Character?? Remember character is honest, respect, trust, integrity, hard-working. Each has their own attribute to each define character. You have to one or more and let those be your focus each day, that's how you start to grind toward success. I refer to it as (redefining the YOU in life today).

### **ATTITUDE:** I personally believe the disease or disability in life, is having a bad attitude. You have to wake up with the right attitude that life is going to be great and great things are going to come my way. Even when life gets you down, you pick yourself up and change your nature or position. A coin quote is “As a man thinketh so is he” this meaning your actions are a huge reflection of what's on your mind. Therefore change your mindset and watch can happen. I challenge you to redirect your mindset and see the possibilities.

### **Look in reality** **you have to see the forecast. Because ignorance, confidence, and laziness are coming to those that are not read for these** **obstacles. In fact, they cause many people to miss out on being great or seizing great opportunities in life.** **Redefine the YOU in life today…!**

By Coach Frank Sagasta

The Undeniable LEADERS

  THE UNDENIABLE LEADERS COACH FRANK SAGASTA I read a story several years ago about an eagle and a chicken. They happen to be very good frie...