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The Pages of Adventure

  THE PAGES OF ADVENTURE   by Coach Frank Sagasta  The way education is viewed in America has shifted over time, and there are several reasons or factors why some parents, guardians, and students seem to lack respect or value for it today.  For better terms, maybe those individuals didn't see the adventure, or perhaps they got lost on the journey?  I have come to believe with a strong conviction that learning is more than just acquiring knowledge.  It's a transformative journey that shapes our minds, bodies, and ultimately our lives.  It builds character.  It builds integrity.  It builds confidence and opens doors to endless possibilities.  For students and parents alike, embracing the learning process can be the most powerful tool for personal growth and future opportunities for achievements or successes.      Master of Yoga B.K.S. Iyengar once said: “Ignorance has no beginning, but it has an end. There is a beginnin...

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